

单词 outlasted
释义 out·last·ed 英ˌaʊt'lɑːst美ˌaʊt'læst COCA⁵⁸⁹³⁴BNC⁸⁶⁶⁶⁰⁺Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²
live longer than;

She outlived her husband by many years

近义词 endure容忍survive幸免于难outlive比…活得长carry on继续进行

用作动词He willoutlastme.他将比我长寿。
This clock hasoutlastedseveral owners.这座时钟的寿命比它的几个主人的寿命都长。
The political system willoutlastmost of us.我们大多数人将看不到这一政治制度的消亡。 I outlasted several downsizings but the last one hit me.
公司的前几次裁员我都没有被考虑,但是这最后一次没逃掉。 blog.sina.com.cn

Mr. Geithner is one of President Barack Obama's closest advisers and has outlasted the rest of his top economic team.
盖特纳是奥巴马最亲密的顾问之一,在职时间超过其核心经济团队中的其他人。 chinaacc

The Hajj. A holy pilgrimage into the heart of Islam. Its purpose and call has outlasted empires, and wars.
麦加朝圣,深入伊斯兰教徒心中的一次神圣之旅。它的悠远影响胜过了帝国统治和战争。 blog.sina.com.cn

China's Ma Lin has outlasted teammate Wang Hao to win the men's singles gold in Olympic table tennis.
中国选手马琳战胜队友王皓,夺得奥运会乒乓球男单的金牌。 rr365

He sees French as a tradition that has outlasted its peak usefulness.
在他看来,法语是一种早已过了其实用性全盛期的传统。 ecocn

I outlasted several downsizings but the last one included me. Sign of the times I guess.
虽然我坚持到了最后还是逃不过被裁的命运。我想这是时代特征吧。 mg518

I used to frequently get sinus infections after a cold. A number of years back, I had bronchitis and a sinus infection that outlasted two courses of antibiotics.
在感冒后,我过去常会鼻窦感染,几年前,我得了支气管炎和鼻窦炎,得靠两种抗生素。 hao7759

The crown has outlasted the head.
王冠比头颅经久。 blog.sina.com.cn

The four empires rose and fell, and over the past2,000 years the kingdom of Christ has spread worldwide and outlasted every ruler and political system.
四大帝国兴起又衰败,而基督的国度在过往的二千年间延伸到全世界,比任何统治者或政治体系都要持久。 blog.sina.com.cn

The Japanese humbled their bitter rivals China3-0 while10- man North Korea outlasted neighbours South Korea1-0 to secure three precious points.
日本队以3-0挫败了老对手中国队,而10人应战的朝鲜队死里逃生,1-0战胜韩国队拿到宝贵的3分。 yeeyan

The survey showed that on average women own five pairs of jeans, with 10 per cent of women claiming their jeans have outlasted their longest relationship.
调查显示,女性平均拥有五条牛仔裤,10%的受访女性称她们牛仔裤的“寿命”长于维持时间最长的感情关系。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

This was a tomb meant to last forever and, by constructing it from stone, it has indeed outlasted the mud- brick commonly used in inferior pyramids.
这是永远是最后一座坟墓,并通过构建从石头,它确实经久伪劣金字塔常用的泥砖。 sxshengtesen

When Murray outlasted Nadal in the second-set tie-break, though, the momentum was firmly with him.
然而当穆雷在第二盘比分胶着的时候比纳达尔更能坚持,比赛的势头也就紧紧得倒向了他这边。 yeeyan




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