

单词 outfits
释义 out·fit·s 英'aʊtfɪt美'aʊtfɪt COCA¹³⁷⁷²BNC¹⁴⁸⁰⁶Economist³⁴¹³

all the equipment or articles needed for a particular purpose


set of clothes worn together


group of people working together; organization

any cohesive unit such as a military companya set of clothing with accessories;

his getup was exceedingly elegant

gear consisting of a set of articles or tools for a specified purpose
provide with something usually for a specific purpose;

The expedition was equipped with proper clothing, food, and other necessities

用作名词 n.
形容词+~camping outfit露营装备cooking outfit全套炊具名词+~bride's outfit新娘的全套服装construction outfit一群建筑工人dentist's outfit牙医用的全套器械ski outfit滑雪用具sports outfits运动服装
outfit-s复数⇒n.配备²⁹;用具¹⁴;机构vt.供应vi.得到装备n.全套装备;全套工具;全套用品;全套服装;协同工作的一组人;全班人马;团体;身体|精神等方面的素质;部队等的单位;机构⁴¹;公司;企业;装备;装置;装备费用;旅费;旅行用品;航海用具;商业用具;吸毒者用的注射器及其他器具v.供给;供应;航海装配好船只获得装备近义词 equipment
用作名词n.His father bought a ski outfit for him on his birthday.他父亲在他生日那天给他买了一套滑雪用具。
She bought a tennis outfit.她买了一套网球服。
Jenney bought a new outfit for her daughter's wedding.珍妮为女儿买了一套婚礼新装。
He works in a small publishing outfit.他在一家小型出版社工作。
用作名词She was prancing along in her newoutfit.她穿著全套新衣服神气活现地走著。
Such anoutfitwould be a useful addition to my wardrobe.在我的服装中添置这一套会有用的。
The company will provide the sportsoutfitsfor all the players.这家公司将为所有运动员提供全套运动服装。
His father bought a skioutfitfor him on his birthday.他父亲在他生日那天给他买了一套滑雪用具。
I'd like a job with youroutfit.我想到您的单位原著份活干。
It had been prepared by some ex-CIA agents in a private intelligenceoutfit.这是由在一家私人情报机构工作的特工提供的。用作及物动词The mountain climbers wereoutfittedwith the latest equipment.登山者用最新的设备装备起来。
I wasoutfittedwith new shoes.我添置了一双新鞋。用作不及物动词We willoutfittwo days before sailing.我们将在出航前两天整装。as in.wardrobe
同义词 apparel,attire,closet,dresser,trunkbuffet,bureau,chest,chiffonier,clothing,commode,costumes,cupboard,drapes,duds,ensembles,garments,locker,rags,suits,threads,togs,trousseau,vestments,weedsdry goods,toggery
wardrobenoun clothes or furniture for storing clothes
apparel,attire,buffet,bureau,chest,chiffonier,closet,clothing,commode,costumes,cupboard,drapes,dresser,dry goods,duds,ensembles,garments,locker,rags,suits,threads,toggery,togs,trousseau,trunk,vestments,weeds And I am each of these all at once, unless I am in the shower. Then I am not outfits, because that would be uncomfortable.
我是以上的所有除非我正在洗澡,那时我不可能穿着衣服,因为那样会很不舒服。 yeeyan

It's never been cooler to customise, so update outfits rather than buying new.
没有什么比定做更酷了,因此升级你的装备而不是买新的。 zixun123

All of these sites encourage members to take photos of themselves in new outfits and post them on the site.
这些站点都鼓励用户们穿上自己最时尚的搭配,然后将照片上传到网 站上。 blog.sina.com.cn

Andrea Petkovic: Before the tournament, I have selected all of the outfits I am going to wear from the first round to the finals— even if I lose early.
佩特科维奇:在巡回赛之前,我会挑选所有我将要穿着的装备,从第一轮到决赛,即使我很早就被淘汰。 yeeyan

Another of the early web outfits.
另外一个早期创立的网站。 yeeyan

First, the service these outfits sell is a fraud, an abuse of the admissions process.
首先,这些人出售这种服务是一种欺骗行为,是录取过程中的舞弊。 edu.sina.com.cn

He tends to think of newspapers as akin to pay- television outfits.
他倾向于认为报纸和付费电视业务是相通的。 ecocn

Is the day of the costume for villains over or should they wear their outfits with pride?
是说坏蛋的制服之日已经终结还是说他们只是作为荣耀穿着紧身衣呢? yeeyan

Pay- TV outfits are pushing on- demand films and television shows, either bundled with subscriptions orà la carte.
付费电视机构也通过使之与订阅或点播捆绑推动点播电影和电视秀的发展。 ecocn

So I always have enough outfits from the first match to the final, and of course you have to account for rain as well.
所以从第一轮到决赛,我总是有足够的装备。当然,你也必须考虑雨天的情况。 yeeyan

Some fear that if the government succeeds in taking Grameen over it could turn its sights on other successful outfits, like BRAC.
有些人担心,如果政府成功接管乡村银行,那么它可能会把银行转变成其它成功机构的标志,如 BRAC。 ecocn.org

Some governmental and commercial outfits, in Europe and especially Asia, have begun to run the new protocol.
欧洲,尤其是亚洲的部分政府和商业机构,已经开始运行新的协议。 yeeyan

That makes it almost impossible for them to compete with American, European or even Indian or Brazilian outfits.
这也就使他们几乎不可能与美国、欧洲亦或是印度和巴西的公司竞争。 yeeyan

The Global Tamil Forum, one of several new outfits, says it is planning elections for a “ transnational government” in April.
几个全新的组织中的一个—全球泰米尔论坛,说它正在筹备四月份的“跨国政府”选举。 ecocn.org

The maid outfits or any other sexy costume is another one of those presents that’s really more for you than it is for her.
女仆套装或其他任何性感的服装都是实际上是给你看多于真正送给她的礼物。 yeeyan

The security guard greeted everyone that walked by. He made small talks with many of the passers-by, complimenting their outfits, and wishing them well.
这个保安向路过的每个人问好,还会和很多人小聊几句,称赞一下他们的行头,或是希望他们一天顺利。 joyen

Then I am not outfits, because that would be uncomfortable.
洗澡时我不是服装,因为那样子的话会很不舒服。 yeeyan

Within America, a handful of outfits— such as the Mayo Clinic— independently evolved into integrated systems, but the rest of the industry remains a fragmented mess.
在美国,只有极少数的组织如梅奥诊所独立地演化成一个完整的系统,其余的业界组织仍停留在阶段性。 ecocn




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