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词汇 oust
释义 oust 英aʊst美aʊstAHDoust ★★☆☆☆高四GIMST宝八COCA¹⁴⁰⁷²BNC²⁵⁹⁷⁷iWeb¹⁶⁵¹⁵Economist⁹⁸⁸⁵

vt. 剥夺;罢免;革职

force sb out of a job or position of power, especially in order to take their place

remove from a position or office;

The chairman was ousted after he misappropriated funds

remove and replace;

The word processor has ousted the typewriter

oust, dismiss, eject, evict, expel

这组词都可表示“把某人赶出”“把某物去掉”。它们之间的区别是:eject含义最广,常可与其他词换用,强调用力从里面抛出某物或赶走某人; expel指有意地、永久地正式开除某人或彻底排出某物; oust指非法剥夺某人的权利/力或用暴力把某人赶走; evict指依法从不付房租的房客那里收回租屋并把房客赶出; dismiss指依法驳回申诉或请求,也指解除某人的职务、企图或消除顾虑、仇恨、忌妒等。

来自古法语oster,驱逐,赶走,来自拉丁语obstare,站在对面,阻止,阻碍,来自ob-,相对,对着的,-st,站,站立,词源同stand.引申词义剥夺,罢免。词义演变比较obviate.联想记忆out出去中加上s ⇒死也要让他出去GRE难词记忆oust→out v.赶出→outs→驱逐GRE红宝书源于: out出去!
音:使 out
近义词 eject喷射expel驱逐exile放逐evict驱逐remove消除depose废黜banish驱逐cast out逐出boot out逐出kick out开除throw out扔出drive out逐出overthrow推翻cashier出纳员get rid of摆脱dispossess剥夺deport驱逐出境drum out鸣鼓驱逐force out挤出去
S+ ~+n./pron.The rebels finally managed to oust the government from power.反叛者最后总算夺取了政权。
The politician was ousted from office by a vote from members of his own party.那个政客被他自己党内的成员投票表决赶下台。
He was ousted as chairman.他的主席职务被革除了。Poustern.驱逐撵走剥夺



用作动词The umpireoustedthe arguing player from the game.裁判员将那位不服判决的运动员罚下场。
Fox wasoustedfrom office but he had nothing to say for himself.福克斯被赶下台,但是他没有什么可特别为自己辨护的。
The rebels finally managed tooustthe government from power.反叛者最后总算夺取了政权。
I 'm sorry to say nothing couldousta computer.很遗憾,什么也不可能取代计算机。verb.expel, get rid of
同义词 depose,dethrone,dislodge,drive out,eject,evict,fire,force out,let go,lose,remove,sack,topple,unseatbanish,bereave,bounce,chase,deprive,discharge,disinherit,displace,dispossess,divest,ostracize,relegate,rob,transportboot out,bundle off,cast out,expulse,give the 1-2-3,kick out,lay off,pack off,pink slip,send packing,show the door,throw out,turn out
反义词 hire,place,take in,allow,give,hold,keep,offer,welcomeretain
banishverb expel from place or situation
ban,cast out,deport,discard,discharge,dislodge,dismiss,dispel,drive away,eject,eliminate,eradicate,evict,exclude,excommunicate,exile,expatriate,expulse,extradict,get rid of,isolate,ostracize,outlaw,proscribe,relegate,remove,rusticate,sequester,shake off,shut out,transport
banishesverb expel from place or situation
bans,casts out,deports,discards,discharges,dislodges,dismisses,dispels,drives away,ejects,eliminates,eradicates,evicts,excludes,excommunicates,exiles,expatriates,expulses,extradicts,get rids of,isolates,ostracizes,ousts,outlaws,proscribes,relegates,removes,rusticates,sequesters,shakes off,shuts out,transports
bereaveverb deprive
blackballverb expel from group
bounceverb evict
ax,boot out,can,discharge,dismiss,eighty-six,eject,fire,give one notice,give the heave-ho,heave,kick out,oust,sack,terminate,throw
cut outverb excise, remove
carve,cease,delete,displace,eliminate,exclude,exsect,extirpate,extract,give up,oust,pull out,refrain from,sever,stop,supersede,supplant,usurp He subsequently launched a popular reformasi reform movement aiming to oust Mahathir, but was ultimately unsuccessful.
安华随后发起了受人欢迎的改革运动试图取代马哈蒂尔,但最后还是没有成功。 yeeyan

His once ardent supporters were supposed to be joining forces to oust him, perhaps even before the end of his first term in office.
或许在他的第一个任期结束之前,那些曾经热情拥护他的人已经都投入了努力推翻他的势力中。 ecocn

I 'm sorry to say nothing could oust a computer.

Labour’s feeble and failed attempt to oust its leader
工党驱逐其领袖的尝试虚弱无力,最终失败 ecocn

The remark touched on concerns by Arab leaders that allowing the United States to oust Iraqi President Saddam Hussein could threaten their own undemocratic regimes.

Although there is no proven evidence that anyone involved sought to oust him, he has called the event an attempted coup.
尽管没有证据证明有人想要赶他下台,拉斐尔本人也把这次暴乱看作是一场夺位政变。 ecocn

But his Moderates look well placed to oust the Social Democrats in2014 from their90- year- long status as Sweden's biggest party.
但是他的温和党排名靠前,很有希望在2014年取代瑞典掌权90年之久的最大党派-社会民主党。 ecocn

But if the founder’s grandson, who is being groomed for the top job, fails to measure up, he will be harder for the company’s shareholders to oust than his peers at GE, Sony and Nokia.
但是如果始创人那正在为最高职位而进行培训的孙子达不到那个标准的话,比起那些在通用电气、索尼和诺基亚的平辈,他将更难被公司的股东推翻。 ecocn

But just two years later, he ordered tanks to storm the Russian White House to oust barricaded deputies who dug in after Yeltsin dissolved parliament, accusing it of blocking reforms.

But Mullah Omar's Taliban has adopted the rhetoric of a national liberation struggle, to oust foreign forces and restore Islamic rule.
但为了驱逐外国军队,恢复伊斯兰教统治,莫拉·奥马尔的塔利班组织却使用国家解放运动的华丽说辞。 yeeyan

China will soon oust France as Germany's most lucrative export market.
中国很快就会取代法国,成为德国最有利可图的出口市场。 cass

Earlier this year, after opposition leaders had been arrested and beaten up, he called for street protests and, later, for foreign intervention to oust Mr Mugabe.
今年早些时候,在反对党领袖们被捕并挫败之后,大主教号召了一次街头示威抗议活动,并在后来招来外国力量的干涉来驱逐穆加贝总统。 ecocn

Few of Morocco’s protesters, who include secular leftists and Islamists, want to oust King Muhammad VI, who is generally liked.
很少数的摩洛哥抗议者,包括世俗的左派分子和伊斯兰信徒,想要驱逐广受爱戴的国王穆罕默德六世。 ecocn

If elections were held today, the polls suggest the SPD and the surging Greens would oust it from government see chart.
如果那次选举是在今天举行,数据显示社民党和日渐兴起的绿党将取代它的位置见图表。 ecocn

In a closely held company, the manager is hard to oust because he owns most of the firm.
在一个封闭型控股公司,经理人很难被罢免,因为他拥有大部分公司股权。 ecocn

Israel could oust the settlers— and will have to in certain areas. But the more settlers they let in, the harder it will be politically for any Israeli leader to cut a deal.
以色列可以逐出这些定居者,但又会在其他地区建立.随着更多的定居者进入这一地区,任何一个以色列领导人在政治上达成这一协议就显得愈加艰难了。 yeeyan

Of the42% who approve of the job Obama's doing in Libya, most say the US should be working to oust Gaddafi.

On the threshold of balloting, it isn't clear if the DPJ can oust the city's ruling coalition, which now holds70 Assembly seats.
在选举开始时,民主党能否驱逐东京拥有70个议会席位的执政联盟还不得而知。 yeeyan

Partly because of the old Blair- Brown rancour, and partly because of Mr Brown’s own failings, his premiership has been blighted by repeated attempts within his own party to oust him.
部分是因为从前布莱尔和布朗之间的积怨,部分是因为布朗自己的弱点,他自己的党内再三地尝试罢黜他,首相之位已经被毁掉了。 ecocn

Prices jumped as Egypt’s citizens took to the streets to oust President Hosni Mubarak.
当埃及人民走上街头扬言要驱逐总统胡斯尼·穆巴拉克,油价便开始了上涨。 ecocn

Some of Mr Zardari’s opponents look at Egypt and Tunisia and see fellow Muslims taking to the streets to oust American- backed leaders. They ponder getting rid of their own unpopular president.
有部分扎尔达里的反对者看到在埃及和突尼斯,穆斯林同胞们走上大街抗议,要求驱逐美国支持的总统,他们也在考虑怎样让他们不受欢迎的总统下台。 ecocn

Though he cited“ personal reasons”, he happens to face perfectly public difficulties as well, not least rebels within his government who aim to oust him.
尽管他声称是“个人原因,但是他碰巧同样要去面对十分显然的公共危机,尤其是他政府里那些致力于罢黜他的反叛者。 ecocn

Uri Ariel, a Knesset member, says if the police do not oust the families he will do so himself on July4th.
以色列国会议员尤利•埃雷尔说如果警察不对这些家庭进行驱逐,他将在7月4日亲自动手。 ecocn

While an alliance may be powerful for the moment, new leadership will often oust existing coalitions and surround themselves with a new team.




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