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词汇 ounce
释义 ounce 英aʊns美aʊnsAHDouns ★★☆☆☆高四六研IT牛4八COCA¹¹⁸⁴²BNC¹³³⁴⁵iWeb³³⁹⁷Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹


unit of weight, one sixteenth of a pound, equal to 28.35 grams


very small quantity of sth; any

a unit of apothecary weight equal to 480 grains or one twelfth of a pounda unit of weight equal to one sixteenth of a pound or 16 drams or 28.349 gramslarge feline of upland central Asia having long thick whitish fur来自古法语once/unce,源自拉丁语uncia,本意是“十二分之一”,和单词inch英寸,一英尺的十二分之一同源。ounce原本指的是一磅的十二分之一,但在现代常用的常衡制计量体系中,ounce盎司是一磅的十六分之一。fluid ounce液盎司(一种液量单位…troy ounce金衡制盎司ounce metal高铜黄铜avoirdupois ounce医 寻常英两…prevention阻止
非常记忆oun欧娜+ce厕⇒欧娜躲在厕所吃了4盎司糖发音记忆“盎司”近义词 jot少量grain谷物scrap碎片speck斑点iota极微小modicum少量particle颗粒oz.盎斯=ouncesnow leopard雪豹small amount小批量Panthera uncia雪豹troy ounce金衡制盎司
用作名词n.Six ounces of cheese, please.请称六盎司的乳酪。
He has used up the last ounce of oil.他已用完最后一滴油。



用作名词Anounceof action is worth a ton of theory.一盎司的行动就能值一吨的理论。
So, one is your alcohol, oneouncevodka.所以,一是酒,一盎司伏特加。 of a pound/28.35 grams
同义词 troyof weight avoirdupois,uncia
atomnoun smallest part of something
crumbnoun tiny bit, morsel
crumbsnoun tiny bit, morsel
diddlynoun nothing
dropnoun single globule of liquid;small amount of anything
grainnoun seed, piece
atom,bit,cereal,corn,crumb,drop,fragment,granule,grist,iota,jot,kernel,mite,modicum,molecule,morsel,mote,ounce,particle,pellet,scintilla,scrap,scruple,smidgen,spark,speck,tittle,trace,whit As a result, nearly every ounce of gold ever mined is still with us, which means gold's real price is hard to alter thanks to a great deal of gold stock in existence relative to new discoveries.
因此,历史上开采的几乎每一盎司黄金都未曾缺失,也就是说,黄金的真实价格很难改变,这要感激相对于新开采的金矿来说,现有黄金的储量极为庞大。 yeeyan

How to eat enough of it: One cup of plain yogurt and a banana, one ounce of sunflower seeds, and three ounces of roast beef will fill your B12 and B6 quotas.
能得到充足的维生素的方法:一杯酸奶和一个香蕉,一盎司瓜子,三盎司烤牛肉能满足你需要的维生素 B6和 B12。 yeeyan

The rich flavor means you need only about1 ounce for a dish for four.
丰富的口味意味着四盘菜中每盘只需要吃1盎司。 yeeyan

The upside: One ounce has just110 calories.
好处:一盎司面包只有110卡路里热量。 yeeyan

A standard8- ounce cup of drip coffee has85 milligrams of caffeine, while a standard dose of pain reliever with caffeine usually has120 milligrams.
一个标准的8盎司的杯的咖啡含有85毫克的咖啡因,而标准剂量含咖啡因的止痛药通常含有120毫克。 yeeyan

After rummaging in a drawer, he pulls out a troy- ounce bar, a sliver of a thing worth more than$900 at current prices.
在抽屉里翻了一阵后,他找出一个金衡制盎司金条,薄薄一片现今价值却超过900美元。 ecocn

As refined gold now sells for more than$650 an ounce, this leaves some margin for processing and mining risk.
作为精制黄金现在卖到650多美金一盎司,这样就为处理和开采风险留有一些空间。 ecocn

Before a World Cup even the aches and pains of a long season all go away, because it’s such a wonderful tournament to experience and play in that every ounce of tiredness goes away.
在世界杯之前,一整个赛季以来的伤病疼痛都不见了,因为要体验并参加这样一次盛事,任何一盎司的疲劳感都消失不见了。 yeeyan

Before their discovery, the miners kept themselves alive by rationing supplies— about a tablespoon of tuna and ounce or two of milk per day.
在被发现之前,矿工们通过定量供应储备来维持他们的生命——每天约一餐匙的吞拿鱼和一到两盎司的牛奶。 yeeyan

But that was enough to buy the gold in Fort Knox three times over, if America upheld its commitment to sell the metal at$35 an ounce.
但是,如果美国履行他的承诺以35美元一盎司的价格出售黄金的话,那些钱足以购买三倍的福特•诺克斯堡的黄金。 ecocn

But if the baby still weighs less than half an ounce, where are all those pounds coming from?
但是如果婴儿还不足半盎司重,那些英磅的体重是从哪里来的呢? yeeyan

Female bodies, inspired almost certainly“ by a biological need to maintain energy stores for reproduction, ” Braun says, fight hard to hold on to every ounce of fat.
女性的身体,布朗认为,几乎可以肯定“受到为生育保持能量储存的生理需要”的激励,从而努力保持身体内每一盎司脂肪不被消耗。 yeeyan

For example, in a NASA moon shot, money is abundant but lightness is scarce; every ounce of weight requires tons of material below.
但实际并非如此,以 NASA登月为例,资金不是问题,稀缺的是轻便;每一盎司的载重量都需要地面上成吨的材料支援。 yeeyan

I knew every ounce would weigh on me like a little anchor, so I was determined not to include a single item that was unnecessary or superfluous.
我意识到每盎司的重量都会成为一个小小的船锚压迫着我,所以我决定不带任何一样不必要的或多余的东西。 yeeyan

Just as some individuals can eat whatever they want and never gain an ounce, others who eat the very same food have a very different result.
正如一些人可以吃他们想吃的任何东西,并且从来不增加一盎司,而其他吃同样食物的人就会得到非常不同的结果。 ibm

One ounce of almonds contains nearly half the recommended daily amount.
一盎司杏仁大约包含每日需求量的一半。 yeeyan

Shave one ounce of dark chocolate over a cup of nonfat yogurt.
在一杯脱脂酸奶里刮入一盎司的黑巧克力。 yeeyan

She recommends moderate consumption of “ real” chocolate— the kind with a high percentage of cocoa butter. A serving of chocolate is one ounce, slightly less than a chocolate bar.
她建议要吃巧克力要适量,而且要吃“真巧克力”,就是那种高可可脂含量的巧克力,每次只吃一盎司,也就是比一块巧克力棒稍少。 yeeyan

Strawberries are not only naturally sweet and delicious but also an excellent source of vitamin C. Ounce for ounce, strawberries provide more vitamin C than fresh oranges.
草莓不仅甜美可口,还含有丰富的维生素 C。 一盎司草莓的维生素 C含量比一盎司鲜橙的维生素 C含量多。 yeeyan

What’s more, a1- ounce serving of the seeds provides11 grams of protein— but not the kind of incomplete protein found in most plant sources.
更为重要的是,一份1盎司的种籽提供了11克蛋白质——但却不是能够在大多数植物来源中找到的那种不完全蛋白质。 yeeyan

When I finished, the10- ounce device had a shelf- full of books and magazines— as well as a manuscript of an article in progress — waiting for me.
当我读完这本书时,这个10盎司的东西里已经有能放满整个书架的书籍和杂志,还有一篇写了一半的文章在待我去阅读了。 yeeyan




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