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词汇 ouattara
释义 ouattara
It may not help that Mr Ouattara, a former Ivorian prime minister and deputy director of the IMF, has been a close friend of the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, for the past20 years.
瓦塔拉曾是科特迪瓦总理和国际货币基金组织副主任,并且在过去的20年里,他一直是法国总统萨科奇的密友,否则法国可能不会提供此番援助。 ecocn

Mr. Obasanjo has met with both incumbent president Laurent Gbagbo and former prime minister Alassane Ouattara, who Ivory Coast's electoral commission certified as the winner of November's vote.

The new government says Mr Gbabgbo and his friends spent$1.7 billion to pay for arms used against Mr Ouattara, while making off with what was left in the central bank’s coffers.
新政府称,巴博和他的盟友花费了17亿美元来购买武器装备与瓦塔拉进行对抗,然后带着中央银行里的最后一点钱逃跑了。 ecocn

The French embassy in Ivory Coast and Ouattara representatives in New York say it was Ouattara's men who detained the incumbent president.Mr.
法国驻科特迪瓦大使和瓦塔拉在纽约的代表都表示,是瓦塔拉的武装拘捕了这位现任总统。 voa365

The whole army has now rallied to Mr Ouattara, its generals having surrendered almost a week before Mr Gbagbo himself finally threw in the towel.
全部军队都围绕在瓦塔拉先生周围,他们的将领在近一个星期之前投降了,最终巴博先生自己也放弃了。 ecocn

Abidjan is the scene of a bitter fight between Mr Gbagbo's forces and militia loyal to Alassane Ouattara, the man internationally recognized as president of Ivory Coast.
阿比让到处是巴博军队和忠于瓦塔拉的义勇军之间进行激烈战斗的景象。 瓦塔拉是国际社会认可的科特迪瓦总统。 tingvoa

Fighters loyal to Mr. Ouattara moved into Abidjan on Thursday after a quick offensive through Ivory Coast.
效忠瓦塔拉的部队在一次穿越科特迪瓦全境的快速攻击后,进入到阿比让。 hxen

Forces loyal to the internationally recognised President of Ivory Coast, Alassane Ouattara, are surrounding the main city Abidjan, where Laurent Gbagbo is refusing to give up power.
忠于国际社会公认的科特迪瓦总统瓦塔拉的力量包围了主要城市阿比让,而巴博则拒绝出让权力。 tingvoa

Forces loyal to the internationally recognised President of Ivory Coast, Alassane Ouattara, have been attacking areas of the main city Abidjan.
忠于国际社会认可的科特迪瓦总统瓦塔拉 Alassane Ouattara的力量正在袭击主要城市阿比让的部分地区。 voanews

General Philippe Mangou called for the cease-fire on Tuesday, as forces loyal to internationally- recognized president Alassane Ouattara attacked Mr. Gbagbo's last few strongholds.
曼戈将军星期二呼吁停火。忠于国际承认的瓦塔拉总统的军队袭击了巴博的最后几个为数不多的据点。 hxen

In the city of Abidjan, the pro- Gbagbo youths chanted threats to supporters of Mr Gbagbo’s rival Allasane Ouattara, who’s internationally recognized as having won the election.
在阿比让,支持巴博的年轻人高声叫喊着威胁巴博的对手瓦塔拉的支持者。国际社会普遍认可瓦塔拉赢得了11月份的选举。 voanews

Ivorian- born, Mr Ouattara was a child when he moved with his parents to Burkina Faso to complete his schooling.
瓦塔拉总统生于科特迪瓦,孩童时代便随双亲移居布基纳法索以完成学业。 ecocn

Many of the rebel commanders now backing Mr Ouattara are warlords who grew rich from smuggling and racketeering.
许多现在支持瓦塔拉先生的反对派指挥官都是一些依靠走私和敲诈勒索富起来的军阀。 ecocn

Mr Ouattara, a former deputy director of the IMF, is not yet entrenched.
曾任国际货币基金组织副处长的瓦塔拉先生,还未树立起威信。 ecocn

Mr Ouattara, who recently won a power struggle with his rival Laurent Gbagbo, said law and order would be maintained by the police.
刚刚从竞争对手巴博那艰难的赢得权力的瓦塔拉表示,警方将维持法律和秩序。 hxen

Mr Ouattara’s fans say he is a pragmatic free- marketeer with a cool head and clear ideas.
瓦塔拉的拥戴者们称其是一个务实的自由市场经济倡导者,他有一个冷静的头脑,有着清晰的判断。 ecocn

Mr Ouattara’s spokesman says that as many as three-quarters of them have already deserted. Some outside observers suggest that even more may have done so.
瓦塔拉先生的发言人说巴博部队里多至三分之四的人已经脱逃,一些外界观察家提出这个数字甚至可能更多。 ecocn

Mr Ouattara says he's ordered the closure of land, air and sea borders.
瓦塔拉表示他已下令关闭海陆空边境。 tingvoa

Mr Ouattara still needs to rein in many of the warlords and rebel fighters who, helped by French forces operating under the aegis of the UN, hunted down and arrested Mr Gbagbo in April.
在联合国的庇护下,法国武装力量助瓦塔拉对巴博穷追猛打,并于4月份将其抓获。如今瓦塔拉仍需控制许多军阀和反对势力。 ecocn

Some have been cooped up here with Alassane Ouattara for the past four months and now are waiting to go back to their towns and villages, as soon as it is safe.
在曾经的几个月中,总理阿拉萨纳•瓦塔拉和他的下属们在这个地方共同为政,而如今,部分成员正等待着可以尽快安全地回到各自生活的村镇中去。 ecocn

Supporters of the recalcitrant leader, who remains strong in the south, could also inflict ferocious reprisals on civilians, especially northerners, suspected of favouring Mr Ouattara.
这位顽强领导人在南部的势力仍大的支持者也可能对于疑似支持 Alassane Ouattara的平民尤其是北部人施加凶猛的报复。 ecocn

The AU, ECOWAS, and the United Nations all recognize Mr. Ouattara as the winner of the November presidential election and as Ivory Coast's new president.
非盟、西非国家经济共同体以及联合国都认可瓦塔拉是去年11月总统大选的胜利者和科特迪瓦的新总统。 putclub

The UN’s peacekeeping chief in Côte d’Ivoire, whose mandate is only to protect civilians, wants more troops to defend the Abidjan hotel where Mr Ouattara is holed up.
联合国驻象牙海岸维和部队指挥官,他的任务只在保护平民,想要更多军队保护 Alassane Ouattara在阿比尚藏身的旅馆。 ecocn

The announcement welcomed Alassane Ouattara's victory in a power struggle against his rival Laurent Gbagbo, which lasted more than four months.
该宣布对瓦塔拉在跟对手巴博持续了四个多月的权力争夺中获得胜利表示欢迎。 hxen

Thousands of volunteers who signed up to Mr Ouattara’s cause, many of them barely literate, have yet to be disarmed or reintegrated into society.
成百上千的瓦塔拉反对者,已被解除武装,并重新融入社会,他们其中很多人基本没受过什么教育。 ecocn

TWO months after Alassane Ouattara was at last sworn in as president, following a bitterly disputed election last November, the government is restoring order and Abidjan is slowly coming back to life.
去年11月,科特迪瓦经历了一场惨痛的带有争议的总统选举,两个月之后,阿拉萨内瓦塔拉最终宣誓就职总统,政府正在恢复重建,首都阿比让也慢慢的恢复了生机。 ecocn

Unless foreign investors show more interest, it will take longer than Mr Ouattara hoped for Côte d’Ivoire to join a scheme by the IMF and World Bank to help“ heavily indebted poor countries”.
除非外国投资者表现出更大的兴趣,较巴博所期望的,象牙海岸将花费更多的时间加入由国际货币基金组织和世界银行发起的扶助“重债贫困国家”的计划。 ecocn




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