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OTDR 基本例句 n.光时延反射计¹⁰⁰ TheOTDRtrace appears in the Main Display window.微量的光时域反射仪出现在主显示窗口。 Denoising analysis ofOTDRdata based on wavelet transform;.引用该论文 王韶波;李康;孔繁敏;吴涛. An optical TDR known as anOTDRis capable of locating these discontinuities.被称为OTDR的光学TDR是有能力对这些不连续作定位。 There may be unreal peaks on backscattering signal curve in themeasurement of optical fiber links byOTDR.用OTDR测试光纤线路时,其背向瑞利散射信号曲线上常出现幻峰。 It is a great troubleshooting tool for locating problems in a wiring closet or in the Deadzone area of anOTDR.它可用于局域网、光数据链路和环路、电话、转接板和其他线路,以及那些以光纤代替铜缆后要求进行安全确认的场合。 This paper has discussed the principle of Optical Time Domain Reflectormeter .摘要阐述了光时域反射仪OTDR的测试原理,分析了光缆线路故障的现象和产生的原因; |