

单词 OTC market
释义 OTC market

a stock exchange where securities transactions are made via telephone and computer rather than on the floor of an exchange近义词 over-the-counter market直接交易市场…
TheOTC marketis regulated by the NASD.直接交易市场由美国全国券商协会管理。
We discuss the info we get from the enterprises which goOTC market.在这里,我们讨论从中国市场上得到的即将进入OTC市场的企业信息。
South: How to see the impact of property right bourse andOTC market?南都:怎么看产权交易所和OTC市场的关系?
Recently, bond trading mainly deals in theOTC market, only a few bond trading prosecutes on the main market.目前债券交易主要在店头市场进行,集中市场的债券交易仅占少数。
Facing the 21st century, the trend of globalOTC marketis changing with a tendency to continuously go up.进入21世纪的全球非处方药市场风向正在转变,不断呈上升趋势;
Over 500 stock brokerage firms are listed market makers on the NASDAQ to trade common stock issues in theOTC market.有500多家证券经纪公司被纳斯达克列为在直接交易市场上买卖普通股票的做市商。




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