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otasCOCA²²⁴⁸⁴⁶ 基本例句 Organización del Atlántico Septentrional Spanish-North Atlantic Treaty Organization-NATO 西班牙语北大西洋公约组织原型ota的复数 In our market segmentation, the OTAs have carved out a healthy slice of the pie. 从酒店市场细分看,在线旅行社们从这块大饼中为自己拿到了可口的一份。 yeeyan The airlines, by default, do not pay any commissions to the OTAs or the traditional travel agencies for that matter. 航空公司在默认的情况下,不用给在线旅行社和传统旅行社任何的佣金。 yeeyan The end result is millions upon millions of dollars being funneled away from individual hotels and into the pockets of the smarter, faster and better marketed OTAs. 最终结果就是,数以百万美元的资金不断从单体酒店中流出,从而进到了更精明、更快捷、市场推广更到位的在线旅行社的口袋中。 yeeyan The hotel brands must now each take the necessary steps to make their sites even more sticky, interesting and dynamic as the major OTAs have become. 现在,酒店不得不采取必需的措施,让其网站像在线旅行社的那样更具黏性、更吸引人、更加动态化。 yeeyan The Online Travel Agencies OTAs gained market and channel share during the recession. 在线旅行社在经济危机中占领了市场与渠道的优势。 yeeyan The OTAs are generating hefty commissions from the cruise lines. 在线旅行社能从邮轮业务中获得高额的佣金。 yeeyan Which doesn’t mean that all four OTAs would remain independent companies. Consolidation still is a possibility. 然而,这一切并不代表四家在线旅行社都可以继续独立运作,行业整合的可能性依然存在。 yeeyan A new multifunction active- C filter is presented. The circuit is composed of four OTAs and two capacitors. 本文提出了一个新的多功能有源 C滤波器,该电路由四个 OTA和两个电容器构成。 cnki After eliminating booking fees, the OTAs have done superbly in driving volume and transactions. 取消了预订费以后,在线旅行社带动预订量和成交量的表现很不错。 yeeyan Also by giving a level playing field, the hotel increases convertibility not only on spheres and geographies which are its strengths but also where the OTAs have a strong presence. 而且在公平竞争的环境中,酒店不仅要在自己拥有实力的经营范围和地理位置方面、而且要通过实力强大的 OTA提高客户转化率。 yeeyan American wants to take control of its own merchandising through AA Direct Connect rather than have it handled by third parties, including OTAs and GDSs. 美国航空希望通过直连模式来控制销售业务,而不交给在线旅行社和 GDS等第三方处理。 yeeyan Clearly, hotels is where the action is with OTAs, and explains the pressure hotels increasingly receive, when renewing their contracts with Expedia&Co. 很明显,酒店跟在线旅行社关系更密切。 因此当与 Expedia续签新合同时,酒店会承受越来越大的压力。 yeeyan Competition among OTAs is fierce, and they need access to your inventory at competitive rates to compete. 在线旅行社之间的竞争相当激烈,而它们希望能以一个有竞争力的价格获得酒店库存,从而保持竞争优势。 yeeyan Determine your actual contribution to total occupancy from the OTAs, along with how much this contribution costs your hotel. 计算出在线旅行社对总入住率的实际贡献率,同时计算出这一贡献所花费的酒店成本是多少。 yeeyan Due to the “No Booking Fee” for airline tickets policy adopted recently by all OTAs, hospitality remained the only serious source of revenue for Expedia and the OTAs. 由于最近各大在线旅行社都取消了机票预订手续费,因此酒店业是Expedia等其他在线旅行社的主要收入来源。 yeeyan Even with these numbers, many hotels may still think that getting25 percent of their business through the OTAs is a valid business plan. 即使有了这些数字,很多酒店依然认为把25%的业务交给在线旅行社是可行的商业计划。 yeeyan Experiments with the discrete circuit of the designed filter using bipolar OTAs have been made, and the experiment results are given. 用双极型 OTA及数字组件构成分离电路进行部分实验,提供了实验结果。 cnki Figures showed34 percent of Indians book airline tickets using Online Travel Agents, 17 percent book hotels and holidays using OTAs and14 percent book train tickets using these sites. 数据显示,34%的印度人通过OTA预订机票,通过 OTA预订酒店和度假的比例为17%,而利用这些网站预订火车票的比例为14%。 yeeyan Hoteliers will tell you that dealing with online travel agencies OTAs is a necessary cost of doing business. 酒店业者会告诉你,与在线旅行社打交道是做生意的必要成本。 yeeyan Loyalty program members who book via OTAs must understand that they’ve forfeited their perks to the OTA in the form of a hefty commission. 酒店应该告诉那些通过在线旅行社预订的忠诚计划会员,他们这样做等于拿自己的权益向在线旅行社支付额外的佣金。 yeeyan Nielsen Consumer Research Director Vatsala Pant said the popularity of OTAs with Indians were not surprising given the growing penetration of the Internet in India. 尼尔森客户研究总监 Vatsala Pant指出,由于互联网在印度的渗透率越来越高,OTA在印度人当中的受欢迎程度是不足为奇的。 yeeyan Not that OTAs need defending, but the reality is, we as hoteliers share the blame. 我并不是为在线旅行社进行辩护,但很显然酒店管理者也需要承担责任。 yeeyan Rate parity became a major topic of discussion when OTAs switched from GDS powered rates to merchant model, extranet powered rates. 当 OTA从 GDS支持的价格转向商品模式、外部网支持的价格时,价格一体化成为一个主要的议题。 yeeyan So this segment still generates revenues for the OTAs, but unfortunately car rentals account for only7% of U.S. domestic OTAs booking volume. 因此这也是在线旅行社的一种收入来源,但不幸的是租车业务只占在线旅行社美国国内预订量的7%. yeeyan Some methods to attract this customer include ensuring that OTAs have the best photos and description about your hotel and that you offer parity rates extending promotions to these shoppers. 吸引这类客户的一些方法包括确保 OTA提供你的酒店的最佳图片和描述,以及向这类消费者实施扩大促销的价格一体化策略。 yeeyan Traditionally, the OTAs have charged similar booking fees for car rental reservations since many car rental companies do not pay any commissions to the OTAs. 按照传统,在线旅行社会对租车业务收取一定的预订费用尽管很多租车公司不向在线旅行社支付任何佣金。 yeeyan Unfortunately, this segment accounts for only2% of the OTAs gross U.S. domestic bookings. 但不幸的是,邮轮预订只占在线旅行社美国国内总预定量的2%。 yeeyan Yet, this segment contributed to less than 16% of the OTAs total gross booking volume in2008. 但在2008年,这一部分只占在线旅行社总预定量的16%以下。 yeeyan OTAs get first-time consumers in the door for new brands. 在线旅行社可以获得新品牌的初次消费者。 yeeyan OTAs say that they offer services to hotels that are very much tailored to market demand factors. 问: OTA声称他们为酒店提供的服务是高度针对市场需求因素而定制的。 yeeyan |