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otaku 英'əʊtækuː美'əʊtækuː COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺⁴BNC⁴²⁴⁵⁵ 基本例句 n. 御宅族; 宅男⁵⁰动漫电玩迷; 游戏狂热爱好者 A far cry from the bespectacled and sweaty stereotypical otaku, Kuroneko believes that extreme indulgence in a hobby does not lift the obligation to maintain a high standard of personal conduct. 与戴眼镜的老套的宅有很大不同,黑猫认为对于爱好极度狂热并不是一个真正高级宅,而相反的有着高素质的个人作风则是。 tsdm Be good, Be alone, Be otaku at Friday night! 这个星期五的晚上,乖乖的,回家,宅着。 blog.sina.com.cn Hardly anything more than an otaku girl so bored that she loves massing with others' marriage. 相信我,其实是关于一个宅女实在太无聊所以热衷于在别人的恋爱中捣糨糊的故事。 blog.sina.com.cn Is there any difference in the local and Japanese otaku? 本地的御宅族和日本的有什么不同? riuva It’s impossible to say exactly what portion of otaku are 2- D lovers, because the distinction between the two can be blurry. 要想明确界定2D爱好者属于御宅族的哪一派是不可能的,因为两者分解并不清晰。 yeeyan It follows the life of Kubo, a regular college student who gets drawn into the world of otaku. 这部片跟随著主角久保一个沈溺于御宅族世界的普通大学生的生活。 www2.myoops.org These shops attract many otaku, and forms unique culture of Akihabara. 吸引了大量的御宅族,形成了独特的秋叶原文化。 akbex What is the definition of Otaku? 你认为御宅族的定义是什么? riuva “ Otaku” are mainly young people who are inclined to stay at home and surf over the internet and confined themselves in the room. “宅一族”,主要是不出门爱网络的年轻人,每天宅在自己的屋子里。 itpub A few years ago, Honda, a college dropout who worked a succession of jobs at video-game companies, began to use the Internet to urge otaku to stand with pride against good-looking men and women. 本田透中途从大学退学,在好几家电玩公司工作过,几年前,他开始通过网络呼吁御宅族们要在帅哥靓女面前挺起胸膛。 yeeyan As a sub-culture group, Otaku has been misunderstood and discriminated since a long time. 长期以来,作为一种亚文化群体,御宅一直饱受着误解与歧视。 www.591-lw.com China is always so hot in the summer season; once again descend into a palace otaku. 中国的夏天永远是那么炎热,再一次沦落成深宫宅男。 studclub.cn Hiroki Azuma, a professor at Waseda University, is the author of“ Otaku: Japan’s Database Animals.” Hiroki Azuma,早稻田大学教授,是《宅男:日本的数据库动物》的作者。 yeeyan I was so obsessed that at that time you would have defined me as a female otaku. 我是如此沉迷,你甚至可以将那时的我定义成‘宅女’。 ryedu If someone in the West is called an otaku, then that person is admired by his peers for being so devoted to the hobby. 如果在西方有人被称为御宅族,那这个人是因为对于嗜好鞠躬尽瘁而受到同好者的景仰。 iciba Japanese have signed an on-line petition proposed by a manga otaku on October22 to present to the government to establish a law permitting marriages between humans and cartoon characters. 日本一宅男因醉心于漫画,在网上发起了一项名为“请法律允许与漫画人物结婚”的联名行动。 从10月22日发起至今,已有3009人参与联名。 www.chinadaily.com.cn Like most otaku, the majority of2-D lovers go to work, pay rent, hang out with friends some are even married. 和许多御宅族一样,大多数2D爱好者去上班,付房租,和朋友出去玩有些甚至已经成家。 yeeyan People say there are some otaku who don’t want to get married, but that’s not true. 人们说,有的御宅族不想结婚,其实不是这样的。 yeeyan Recently there has been a huge increase in anime targeted at Type B otaku. 近来,在御宅族在 B型动画大幅增加,有针对性。 jiongdm So what's left for this comfortable, perfectionist society of narrowed ambition is otaku escape, the games I found myself playing to fool exhaustion as Chinese dumplings adorned the treadmill. 所以这个舒适的、完美主义者的、不再雄心壮志的国家只剩下了御宅族式逃避主义。就像我现在玩着幻想游戏以忘记疲惫。 blog.sina.com.cn There are lots of regrets for these six months, but also these long OTAKU period is a great experience of my life. i will treasure it. 回首这六个月,有很多地方都留有遗憾,但是这段宅男生活是我人生中难得的一段记忆,我会好好珍藏这段记忆的。 blog.sina.com.cn These2-D lovers, as they are called, are a subset of otaku culture— the obsessive fandom that has surrounded anime, manga and video games in Japan in the last decade. 这些自称2D二维,平面爱好者的群体正是御宅族文化的一部分——日本动漫迷、游戏迷在过去十年里兴起。 yeeyan Unlike most otaku, though, they have real romantic feelings for their toys. 然而和许多御宅族不同的是,他们对自己的玩物怀有真实的罗曼蒂克式情感。 yeeyan Otaku is a Japanese word meaning obsessive fan of anything. 御宅族是一个日本词汇,它指的是沉迷于某样事物的人。 ryedu |