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词汇 Otake
释义 Otake
Please give me your jacket and I'll dry it off for you while you're taking to Mr.Otake.请把您的夹克给我,您和大岳先生谈话时,我来替您弄干。
At present, low-cost Hengxian Housing and affordable housing in NewOtakeis in full swing in construction.目前,横县廉租房和经济适用房在大竹新区正热火朝天地建设中。
“Scientific observation is one reason.But we also want the seeds to travel in space on our behalf as few ordinary people can go now,” Manned Space Systems spokeswoman YukoOtakesaid.每年春季樱花绽放之时,日本到处都会举行热闹非凡的花见会,朋友、同事们聚在一起,一边野炊,一边欣赏樱花那转瞬即逝的美。
Along the port-to-three Jianyang direction of the road, over Seven Mile Bridge to the vanguards can continue to move forward Ridge, where a forest fire of the tower, considerableOtakeZhu Hai-lan.沿三港到建阳方向去的公路,过七里桥继续向前可到先锋岭,此处有一森林防火的了望塔,可观大竹岚竹海。
Chongqing airport has opened a direct Sichuan Zigong, Yibin, Neijiang, Guang'an, territorial waters, Nantong, southern Xichong, Langzhong, Luzhou, Hejiang, Florida,Otake;重庆机场已开通了直达四川省的自贡、宜宾、内江、广安、邻水、南充、南部、西充、阆中、泸州、合江、达州、大竹;




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