

单词 osx
释义 osxCOCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺BNC²³⁶²¹³⁺¹
abbr.Kosciusko; Mississippi 美国;密西西比州;科修斯科机场代码
At2003's OSX Con the winners from the innovators contest were up on stage to talk and answer questions from the crowd.
2003年的 OS X大会上,上次的获奖者上台回答观众提问。 yeeyan

A simple process allows you to use six striking fonts on computers running Windows Vista or OSX Apple Macs operating system.
一个简单的过程允许您使用运行 Windows Vista或 OSX苹果 Mac机操作系统的电脑六醒目的字体。 brandcis

According to figures from Net Applications, Windows currently runs around 90% of computers worldwide, with Apple's OSX trailing in second with8%.
据网络应用公司的数据显示,世界范围内视窗操作系统的市场占有率为90%, Apple' s OSX以8%的占有率屈居第二。 yeeyan

Enables OSX Dashboard widgets with transparent backgrounds.
开启 OSX仪表板具有透明背景。 ceeger

In the bud stage, the epithelial cells expressed OSX protein.
蕾状期, OSX分布于牙蕾上皮细胞; cnki

Objective: To explore the function and significance of OSX during tooth development by the immunohistochemistry method.
目的:通过免疫组织化学方法观察人牙齿发育中 OSX的表达规律,探索其功能及意义。 chemyq

Some users will surely complain that OSX and Linux already have perfectly good system- wide notifications systems.
有用户肯定会抱怨 OSX和 Linux已经有非常完美的系统内通知系统了。 yeeyan

This is a significant reworking of the underlying build too, similar to the evolution of Xcode replacing Project Builder in the early stages of OSX development.
这也是对底层构建的一次重要更新,类似于 OS X开发早期 Xcode取代 Project Builder时的演进。 infoq

This was my opinion, until I saw Apple's new Finder in the company's recently announced Leopard release of OSX.
这全是我的见解,直到我最新的发现在 Apple公司最近宣布 OSX的 Leopard发布。 cnblogs

While we have our choice of desktop environments today Windows, OSX, KDE, GNOME, etc., the core experience between them doesn't really vary too much.
而今天我们对桌面环境例如, Windows, osx, kde, gnome等等有我们的选择,但是它们对内核的改变不大。 yeeyan

OSX, with its early- stage business and dependence on a related company for contracts, is also not necessarily the best indicator of investor appetite.
由于OSX的业务还处于早期阶段,依靠一家关联企业获得合同,它也不一定是衡量投资者偏好的最佳指标。 iciba




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