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ostracods 基本例句 介形类 Fossilostracodsand charophytes are present in some beds.研究结果表明,红岗段主要为一套富含有机质的黑灰色钙质泥页岩,纹层理发育良好或不显著,夹碳酸盐岩和石膏薄层。 Hu, C.-H. Plioceneostracodsfrom Shoushan, Kaohsiung, southern Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 22, 103-125.胡忠恒台湾南部高雄寿山上新世介形虫化石。台湾石油地质,第22号,第103-125页。 The 14-million-year-old calledostracodswere found recently in an ancient lake bed in the Dry Valleys region in the continent's interior.科学家最近在南极大陆内的干谷一带的古老的湖泊沉积矿内发现了被称为介形亚纲动物的化石,有140,000,000年的历史了。 Hu, C.-H. Newostracodfaunas from the Maanshan Mudstone of HengchunPeninsula, southern Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 18, 81-109.胡忠恒台湾南部恒春半岛马鞍山泥岩所产介形虫。台湾石油地质,第18号,第81-109页。 Fifteenostracodspecies were recorded from the Taihu Lake during the period from September 2004 to August 2005. Among them, Physocypria kraepelini, Fabaeformiscandona cf.2004年9月至2005年8月间对太湖介形虫分布状况进行了季节性的调查;共获得介形虫15种;其中克氏瘤丽星介Physocypria kraepelini;豆形豆形玻璃介Fabaeformiscandona cf. |