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词汇 ostracised
释义 ostracisedBNC⁵⁸²³²Economist¹⁵⁰⁰⁵
vt.流放;与…绝交;隔离;孤立;排斥原型ostracise的过去分词 Being in the minority as a day girl may be the crucial factor in why Kate felt ostracised.
当时,走读生是少数,这大概是凯特感到被人排斥的最主要因素。 yeeyan

Chartier will be ostracised at the Kodak Theatre on Sunday night, though should his film win he will be presented with his winner's statuette at a later date.
尽管查蒂尔的影片会在今后为他赢得胜利者的姿态,但他不会出现在周日晚上的柯达大剧院里。 yeeyan

During the initial stages of his career, Einstein was ostracised from the academic domain and was unable to find a university position.
爱因斯坦早年曾被他的学术圈所排斥,找不到大学职位。 yeeyan

Executives have been shamed and smokers ostracised.
吸烟者被认为是可耻的并且被排斥. yeeyan

His most striking contribution to the debate so far has been to show that black students who study hard are accused of“ acting white” and are ostracised by their peers.
学习勤奋的黑人学生被指责为“装白而受到同类的排斥,揭示这点是弗莱尔对歧视争辩最显著的贡献。 ecocn

In Edwardian England, Louis Mazzini is the son of a woman ostracised by her aristocratic family for eloping with an Italian opera singer.
夏尔冯特家族第十代公爵的母亲是英国夏尔冯特公爵七世的女儿,和意大利歌剧演员私奔。 hjenglish

Mr Pappé is a Jewish Israeli historian who writes that his empathy for the Palestinians led to him being so ostracised in his own country that he chose to leave and now teaches in Britain.
培皮是犹太裔以色列历史学家,他的作品表达了对巴勒斯坦人的同情导致他在国内被排斥,所以他选择离开以色列到英国教书。 ecocn

The experts don't know exactly why this is but they suggest that town and city residents are more likely to be ostracised by those around them.
专家们目前还不知道导致这一现象的确切原因,但他们指出,城镇居民更容易受到周围的人的排斥。 cri

The junta has ostracised them, by refusing full Myanmar citizenship, calling them only“ residents of Rakhine state”.
军人政府通过拒绝给予完全的缅甸公民身份来排斥他们,仅称他们是“若开邦的居民”。 ecocn

The latest to be ostracised was James Robertson, who resigned as Jamaica’s energy and mining minister last month, four days after being told that his visa for the United States had been revoked.
最近一位遭驱逐出境的是上个月刚辞去牙买加能源矿业部长的 James Robertson,在被告知自己的美国签证遭撤销的四天之后。 ecocn

“ He didn't always agree with me on politics, to put it mildly, ” says Lord Patten, who was ostracised by the business community.
“温和地讲,他的政见和我并不总是相同,”曾遭到商界排斥的彭定康勋爵表示。 kuenglish

Black and Hispanic kids who do well academically are sometimes accused by their peers of“acting white” and ostracised.
有时,黑人和西班牙裔学生在学习上取得很好的成绩,他们的同伴则会谴责说他们“冒充白人”并排斥他们。 ecocn

But the absence of jeering was a reminder of how far this once- ostracised extremist is now accepted in French politics.
不过,没有遭到嘲弄却提醒了人们这位一度遭到排斥的极端主义者在当今法国政坛被接受的程度。 ecocn

China will befriend ostracised regimes and encourage them to defy international norms.
中国将协助受排斥政权,并鼓励他们无视国际准则。 yeeyan

He and Bride's cousin were basically ostracised and bad- mouthed by cousin's relatives for about five years!
他和新娘的表哥基本上排斥和表姐的亲戚坏口约五年! nhjww

He stayed in Belgium through World War Two and was accused and cleared of collaboration immediately afterwards, although he suffered a period of being ostracised as a result.
第二次世界大战期间,他一直生活在比利时,他被指控犯有通敌罪,之后又立即被宣告无罪,结果他被放逐了一段时间。 xici

He was so worried he would be ostracised and shunned for this by God- fearing Americans that he actually set a publication date of2406 for those sections.
史密斯说,“因为他实在是太担心会被敬畏上帝的美国人排斥和抛弃,这就是他为这部分设定出版日期为2406年的原因。” yeeyan

I didn’t understand why as I grew older I never really got jokes or why I was ostracised for saying the wrong thing.
我无法理解为什么再大一些的时候我也从不开玩笑或是排斥说一些不好的话。 yeeyan

She also found herself ostracised by their parents, who were perhaps unnerved by this young child imprisoned in an adolescent body.
她还发现自己受到别人家长的排斥,这些家长或许会对这个禁锢于青春期身体的孩子感到不安。 yeeyan

So when we play at home against Barcelona in the quarter- final of the Champions League, we are still ostracised because we play a player who declares himself fit.

That could get you ostracised, so why risk it?
这很可能会让你遭到排斥,那么为什么还要冒这个风险呢? ecocn

The last time any Republican legislators went back on their word and voted for a tax rise, in 2008, they were ostracised by their party.
共和党立法人员最后一次履行诺言投票给提高税收还是在2008年,这导致他们受到了自己政党的排斥。 ecocn

The princess was ostracised for marrying a rich bourgeois.
公主因与一位富有的商人结婚而被逐出皇族。 iciba

These young women are ostracised and exploited and they're ashamed of what they do.
这些年轻的妇女被排斥、被剥削,对自己所做的行当引以为耻。 yeeyan




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