

单词 osprey
释义 os·prey 英ˈɒspriː, -preɪ美ˈɑspri, -preAHDŏsʹprē, -prā 高TCOCA³¹¹¹⁹BNC³⁹⁷⁵⁸iWeb¹⁶⁰⁶²
large harmless hawk found worldwide that feeds on fish and builds a bulky nest often occupied for years来自古法语ospres,来自拉丁语ossifraga,来自拉丁语os,骨头,词源同osseous,ossify,-frag,碎,破开,词源同break,fragment.因这种鹰从高空将骨头扔在地上破开以吸取骨头中的骨髓而得名。近义词 fish hawk鹗fish eagle鱼鹰sea eagle鸟白尾鹫

用作名词Osprey is a kind of large hawk that preys on fish.鹗是一种食鱼的大鹰。
Bald eagles snatch fish from the water surface, robospreyof fish, and eat carrion.白头海雕常掠过水面捕鱼,并抢夺鹗抓到的鱼,也吃腐肉。 And a third picture by Peter Cairns, called‘ Osprey at work’, shows the bird creating a splash as it catches a fish in Pirkanmaa, Finland.
第三张照片由彼得·凯恩斯所拍摄,称其为“工作的鱼鹰”,它曾为一时的轰动,因为它捕获了一只鱼。 yeeyan

The soldiers at the beginning of the film are seen in a Bell Boeing CV-22 Osprey tilt-rotor aircraft.
影片开始时士兵们都坐在一架贝尔波音 V-22“鱼鹰”倾转旋翼机上。 moviepub

A duck flies off in alarm as an osprey swoops in to catch its lunch.
鱼鹰猛扑到池塘抓鱼作午餐的时候惊起了一只鸭子。 yeeyan

A family of Osprey in their nest outside the NASA Kennedy Space Center Vehicle Assembly Building in Cape Canaveral, Florida on Thursday, May13,2010.

At dawn bin Laden was loaded into the belly of a flip-wing V-22 Osprey accompanied by a JSOC liaison officer and a security detail of military police.
黎明时分,本拉登的尸体被装进一家 V-22鱼鹰偏转翼直升机,陪同的是一位 JSOC联络官员和宪兵的安保分队。 yeeyan

BAE Systems will develop an interim all-quadrant defensive weapon system for the CV-22 Osprey aircraft.
BAE系统公司将为 CV-22“鱼鹰”飞机开发一种临时的四象限防御武器系统。 www.etiri.com.cn

Bald eagles snatch fish at the water surface, rob osprey of fish, and eat carrion.
白头海雕常掠过水面捕鱼,并抢夺鹗抓到的鱼,也吃腐肉。 kekenet

F-117s and the CV-22 Osprey are featured prominently in the movie as both static background and taxiing aircraft.
若干 F-117战机以及 CV-22“鱼鹰式”倾斜旋翼机在电影中重磅出场,有当做固定背景的也有滑行的场景。 yeeyan

I know of3 aircraft that can hover and two of those are stationed in the area I work and live, those being the Osprey and Joint Strike Fighter.
我知道3型飞机,可悬停在这两个领域我工作和生活,那些被派驻鱼鹰和联合攻击战斗机。 ufojia.com

Some officials worried that the Pakistanis stung by the humiliation of the unilateral raid in Abbottabad might restrict the Osprey’s access.
一些官员担心因为 Abbottabad单方突袭带来的耻辱会使巴基斯坦限制这架鱼鹰的通过。 yeeyan

The first osprey chicks to be born in Northumberland for at least200 years are fighting fit and getting ready for take- off.
这只至少200年来第一只出生在诺森伯兰的小鱼鹰强健而且可以飞翔了。 yeeyan

These are lands where you can glimpse an eagle, an osprey, a wildcat, a fine antlered stag or even whales and dolphins.
在这些地方你可以看见鹰,鹗,野猫,健美的牡鹿,甚至还可以看见鲸鱼和海豚。 blog.sina.com.cn

This is the moment an osprey swooped down and snatched a trout straight out of the water.
这是鱼鹰冲下来抓住鲑鱼出水的一霎。 yeeyan

Osprey Nest is the expression of a return to fundamentals, the exploration and subsequent interpretation of what an architect has learned.
住宅是返璞归真的一种表现,是对建筑师所学到的智慧的一种开发和终极理解。 julemei




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