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OSAHS 基本例句 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停低通气综合征¹⁰⁰ Objective To analasis the long-term effect of the reserving soft palate and part uvula UPPP inOSAHSPatients.目的分析保留软腭和部分悬雍垂的悬雍垂腭咽成形术的远期疗效。 Removal of ligation thread combined adenoidectomy was an effective treatment forOSAHSafter VRLP.环扎线取出术联合腺样体切除术,是治疗VRLP后OSAHS的有效方法。 Conclusion:Removing tonsilla palatina and adenoids by surgery is a very important method to cure childrenOSAHS.结论:手术切除扁桃体和腺样体刮除是治疗儿童OSAHS的重要手段。 OSAHScan be misdiagnosed as primary hypertension, arrhythmia, asthma,acalcerosis and some other diseases.OSAHS易被误诊为原发性高血压、神经官能症、儿童弱智、缺钙、心律失常、哮喘等。 In conclusion, VIP may be involved in regulating the sleep in patients withOSAHS.提示 :VIP可能参与OSAHS患者睡眠的调节 Adenotonsillectomy or adenoidectomy is effective in treatment of children adenoidal hypertrophy withOSAHS.儿童OSAHS手术治疗有助于改善儿童的短时记忆。 |