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OSACOCA⁴⁶²⁴²BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺² 基本例句 n.美国光学协会¹⁰⁰异体字O.S.A. A procedure known as uvulopalatopharyngoplasty UPPP may help some patients improve or even eliminate their obstructive sleep apnea OSA, according to a new study. 根据一个新的研究结果,被称为悬雍垂-腭-咽成形术 UPPP的手术可能帮助一些患者改善甚至消除他们的阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停 OSA症状。 dxy As LVEF is a predictor of survival, they pointed out, the new data suggest that there is indeed potential for improved outcomes with CPAP in patients with concomitant HF and OSA. 他们指出, LVEF是生存率的预测因子,因此新研究数据表明对患有OSA的心衰患者进行 CPAP治疗具有改善预后的潜力。 dxy It is proved that OSA has many advantages such as explicit structure, easy to understand and modify, better maintainability and portability and big reusable granularity. 实践证明,正交软件体系结构具有结构清晰、易于理解、易修改、可维护性强、可移植性强、重用粒度大等优点。 cnki Motor- vehicle crashes are another risk in people with OSA. 机动车相撞是阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症患者的另一个危险。 yeeyan Patients with nocturnal onset of MI have a high likelihood of having OSA. 夜间发作心肌梗死的患者并发有 OSA的可能性很高。 dxy The treatment of choice for OSA is CPAP therapy, which provides a steady stream of air through a mask that is worn during sleep. CPAP是阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停症的可选治疗方案之一,该疗法通过在睡眠时佩戴的一个面罩来提供稳定的气流。 yeeyan According to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine, OSA is a common sleep- related breathing disorder that affects at least two to four percent of the adult population. 据美国睡眠医学学会称,阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停症是一种常见的睡眠相关呼吸障碍,至少影响到2%-4%的成年人。 yeeyan Antidepressants may, however, add to OSA symptom burden. 然而,抗抑郁剂也许增加了阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症的负担。 yeeyan Condition based maintenance CBM is a new generation of monitoring and maintenance technology. A Standard CBM system framework OSA- CBM is described in the article. 基于状态的设备维护 CBM是新一代的设备监控与维护技术,介绍了一个标准化的 CBM系统框架 OSA- CBM。 cnki Depression- related fatigue is hard to distinguish from excessive daytime sleepiness, the most common presenting symptom of OSA, he noted. 抑郁想关的疲劳症状与日间过多的瞌睡很难分辨出来,而这是阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症最普通的症状。 yeeyan Excessive snoring is one of the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea or OSA, which affects millions of Americans. 过度打鼾是阻塞性呼吸暂停的一个症状,而这影响着数百万的美国人。 dxy He, too, was diagnosed later with severe OSA. 在后来他也被诊断患有严重的阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症。 yeeyan In 1966 Hubbard created his own“ intelligence” organization, called the “ Guardian Office” GO now called OSA. 1966年,哈伯德创建了自己的情报机关,叫做“守护者办公室”简称 GO,现在叫 OSA。 yeeyan It uses OSA communication on a single LPAR. 它在一个 LPAR上使用 OSA通信。 ibm Patients having nocturnal onset of MI should be evaluated for OSA, and future research should address the effects of OSA therapy for prevention of nocturnal cardiac events. 夜间心肌梗死发作的患者应该进行 OSA的评估,下一步的研究应该致力于探索通过治疗 OSA来预防夜间心血管事件发生的效果。 dxy Results: For patients with and without OSA, we compared the frequency of MI during different intervals of the day based on the onset time of chest pain. 结果:在这些合并和不合并 OSA的患者中,我们以胸痛的发作时间为标准对比了白天的不同时间段心肌梗死的发作率。 dxy Silicon is present in beer in the soluble form of orthosilicic acid OSA, up to half of which can be absorbed by the body making beer a major contributor to silicon intake in the Western diet. 在啤酒中以可溶原硅酸 OSA的形式存在着硅,其中有一半可被身体吸收,在西方人的饮食中喝啤酒是摄入硅成分的主要方式。 yeeyan Some antidepressants complicate recognition of OSA by exacerbating sleepiness, Krystal said. Krystal说:通过使瞌睡加剧,一些抗抑郁剂使阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症患者的认知能力恶化。 yeeyan The study showed that he had obstructive sleep apnea OSA, a disorder in which breathing stops repeatedly in sleep for 10 seconds or longer, lowering oxygen supply to the brain. 研究表明他患有阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症,一种人在睡眠中反复地停止呼吸长达10秒或更长时间的症状,降低脑部的氧气供给量。 yeeyan The findings may explain why OSA sufferers have a higher risk for cardiovascular diseaseCVD than the general population. 这个发现或许可以解释为什么 OSA患者发生心血管疾病的危险性比普通人群更高。 dxy They speculate that CPAP may impact fatigue in patients with OSA by reducing inflammation, noting that increases in inflammatory markers in OSA patients have been related to elevated fatigue. 他们推测, CPAP可能是通过减少炎症发生来影响阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停患者的疲劳度,因为他们记录到阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停患者的炎性标志物的增加与疲劳度的升高具有相关性。 yeeyan This configuration uses OSA communication on a single LPAR. 这个配置在一个 LPAR上使用 OSA通信。 ibm Use the OSA network adapter. 使用 OSA网络适配器。 ibm OSA has been implicated in performance errors by plane and ship pilots and drivers of trains, trucks, and automobiles. 飞行员和船员、火车司机、货车司机和汽车驾驶员的操作过失都会涉及到阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症。 yeeyan OSA is associated with oxygen desaturation to a varying degree and affects up to 15% of middle- aged adults. 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停常常伴随着不同程度的血氧饱和度下降,有15%的中年人存在这种症状。 essaystar OSA occurs when the muscles relax during sleep, causing soft tissue in the back of the throat to collapse and block the upper airway. 睡眠时,人体肌肉松弛,阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停症即会发生,导致喉咙后部软组织塌陷并堵塞上呼吸道。 yeeyan OSA boosts risks of heart disease, stroke, and premature death. 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合症增加了患心脏病、中风和早逝的几率。 yeeyan OSA is a sleep-related breathing disorder that causes one's body to stop breathing during sleep. 阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停 OSA是一种引起睡眠时呼吸停止的睡眠呼吸障碍。 readfree OSA occurs when the tissue in the back of the throat collapses and blocks the airway, preventing air from getting into the lungs. OSA发生时咽喉部后方组织塌陷并阻塞气道,阻止空气进入肺部。 readfree |