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词汇 Oryza
释义 ory·za AHDōˈrīzə Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

riceOryzameyeriana Baill.野生于海南,少见。
Additional key words:Oryzasativa,oxidative stress.额外的要害词:不施肥处理、氧化应激。
Historical Review on the Genomic Denomination of the GenusOryzaL.植物染色体组命名的历史回顾。
Effect of Different Hormones on Mesocotyl Length inOryzasativa L.外源激素对水稻中胚轴伸长的影响。
Genetic Study on Callus Growth Ability inOryzasativa L.水稻愈伤组织增殖力的遗传研究。
Genetic Analysis of an Albino Mutation by T-DNA Insertion inOryzasativa L.T-DNA插入产生的水稻白化苗突变的遗传分析。 It is also demonstrated from this study that both RAPD and SSR analyses are powerful methods for detecting polymorphisms among the different AA genome Oryza accessions.
本研究也证明了 RAPD和 SSR两种分子标记在检测不同的 AA组型水稻品种间多态性方面是很有效的方法。 cnki

Rice Oryza sativa seedlings are particularly sensitive to chilling in early spring in temperate and subtropical zones and in high- elevation areas.
温带和亚热带地区以及高海拔地区种植的水稻苗期在早春季节对冷害尤其敏感。 ricedata

The genetic diversity of Jiangyong wild rice Oryza rufipogon populations in ex-situ and in- situ conservation was studied by using SSR assay. The48 SSR markers showed polymorphic bands.
用48对 SSR引物对湖南江永普通野生稻异位保存和原位保存居群进行了遗传多样性分析。 cnki

The poisonous effect of cadmium on Oryza sativa and the mechanism of enduring the cadmium stress in Oryza sativa were summarized. Corresponding defense mechanism adopted was summarized.
概述了镉对水稻的毒害作用及其对镉的耐性机制,阐述了水稻在镉胁迫下所采取的保护防御机制。 chemyq

The rice Oryza sativa chloroplast multicistron site integration expression vector will be transformed for expression into the tobacco chloroplast.
目的尝试水稻质体多顺反子定点整合表达载体转化到烟草质体中表达。 cnki

By using the calli of rice Oryza sativa L. as materials, the effects of abscisic acid ABA on saccharide metabolism and related enzyme activities were studied.
以水稻愈伤组织为材料,研究了外源脱落酸 ABA对糖类代谢及相关酶活性的影响。 cnki

Due to the genomic DNA of Arabidopsis and Oryza sativa have been sequenced, high throughput methods are playing more and more important role in plant proteomics research.
模式植物拟南芥和水稻的基因组测序,使得大规模、高通量的研究方法在基因组和蛋白质组研究中日趋重要。 cnki

In order to study the leaf- specific expressed genes in Oryza sativa L. , the subtracted library of rice leaf was established by suppression subtractive hybridization SSH.
为了研究水稻叶组织特异基因及其表达,利用抑制消减杂交法 SSH建立了水稻叶对根的差减文库。 cnki

In order to study the rice differentiating callus- specific expressed genes in Oryza sativa L. , some important genes were screened by SSH suppression subtractive hybridization.
为了研究水稻基因组织特异性表达,本实验从愈伤组织对分化的愈伤组织抑制消减杂交 SSH文库中分离和鉴定了一些重要基因。 cnki

In simulating crop growth, ORYZA rice- growth model was selected and some parameters were modified by field experiment.
对于作物生长的模拟,选用了 ORYZA水稻生长模型,并结合田间实验修改了其中一些参数。 cnki

Lissorhoptrus oryzophilus Kuschel is an international quarantine object, which has been the most important destructive insect on Oryza sativa L. in Northern China and extend rapidly.
稻水象甲是国际检疫对象,已经是我国北方水稻产区最重要害虫之一,并且呈迅速蔓延之势。 cnki

Phylogenetic analysis showed that W89 was 66% identical to Oryza sativa dehydration-responsive protein BAD67956. It was supposed that W89 was a novel dehydration- responsive protein encoding gene.
同源性分析发现 W89与一个水稻干旱诱导蛋白 BAD67956的同源性为66%,推测 W89可能是一个新的小麦干旱诱导的基因。 cnki

Rice Oryza saliva is one of the most important grain crops in the world, about40% Of the World's population take it as their staple food.
水稻是世界上最重要的粮食作物之一,世界上约40%人口的主要食粮依赖于水稻。 cnki

Super rice Oryza sativa L. was proposed as a new breeding objective in1996, after breeding for dwarfs and the others, using hybrid heterosis.
超级稻是我国在矮化育种和杂交稻应用之后于1996年提出的新育种目标。 cnki

The progresses in the evaluation of the genetic diversity of Chinese Oryza rufipogon and the research of its mating system were summarized.
介绍了中国普通野生稻的分布和原地保护现状,综述了中国普通野生稻的遗传多样性评价和交配系统研究进展。 dictall

The research team developed a tool to compare genes in different species of Oryza, of which domesticated rice is a species.
研究小组开发出一种在不同品系水稻属之间进行基因比较的工具,家养水稻是其中的一种。 dxy

The effect of different concentrations of vanadium on seed germination, seedling growth and parts of biochemical indexes of two kinds of Oryza sativa L including To9 and J63 were studied.
通过室内培养的方法,研究了不同浓度钒处理对金优63、T优259两个不同品种水稻种子萌发、幼苗生长及部分生理生化指标的影响。 cnki

The shapes, diameters, areas of plane and the rate of microstructure panicles on leaves- back with the method of image disposal in7 species of Oryza were analyses.

There is strong heterosis between Oryza sativa L. indicaand Oryza sativa L. japonica. But the sterility of the hybrids between them is a major barrier for the utilization of the heterosis.
水稻籼粳亚种间具有较强的杂种优势,但杂种育性问题一直是制约籼粳交杂种优势利用研究的主要障碍。 fabiao

These traits are not only species- specific but also depend on genetic relations, so that they can be used in Oryza classification.
这些性状不仅具有种的特异性,而且与亲缘关系远近有关,可以作为稻属分类的依据。 cnki

This paper deals with a detailed observation on the process of double fertilization in four varieties of Oryza sativa L.
本文对四个水稻品种的双受精过程作了细胞形态学的观察。 cnki

This study analyzed GL1- homologous genes in Oryza sativa and characterized the key members of this family involved in wax synthesis and stress resistance.
本研究中我们分离了水稻GL1同源基因并研究了该家族中的关键成员在蜡质合成和胁迫耐受中的作用。 ricedata

This study is on genetic parity and population structure of Oryza rufipogon near the tropic of cancer in china, and gene mapping of multi- ovary in rice.

To know the phenotypic variation of Oryza rufipogon populations in Gaozhou, and lay a good foundation for reasonable protection of the rare resource and use it effectively.
了解高州普通野生稻群体及其居群间的表型变异情况,为这一宝贵资源的合理保护和有效利用奠定良好基础。 dictall




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