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词汇 Orwell
释义 Or·well 英ˈɔːˌwel, -wəl美ˈɔrˌwɛl, -wəlAHDôrʹwĕl', -wəl 高Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺
奥韦尔①姓氏 ②George,本名 Eric Blair,1903-1950,英国小说家及散文家

imaginative British writer concerned with social justice 1903-1950george orwelln. 乔治·奥威尔(…
近义词 George Orwell乔治·奥威尔,…

Eric Blair wrote under the pseudonym of GeorgeOrwell.埃里克布来尔以乔治奥韦尔为笔名写作。 For example, explains Orwell, say a man in a hooded sweatshirt suddenly smashes a window.
奥威尔解释,比如有个人戴头罩穿运动衫突然打碎一扇窗户。 yeeyan

It all plays into the Zimbabweans' belief they live in a version of George Orwell's Animal Farm, where some animals are more equal than others.
在津巴布韦人们的心里,他们相信,他们生活在乔治·奥威尔的“动物庄园”里,因为,在那里,有些动物比其它动物更加平等。 yeeyan

Speaking to the Observer last week, Richard Blair says he believes, from family legend, that Astor was taken aback by the enthusiasm of Orwell's response.
上周接受“观察者”访问的时候,理查德·布莱尔表示他相信,当时阿斯特根本没想到奥威尔会对那地方产生极大的热情。 yeeyan

The evil of poverty, wrote Orwell, is not so much that it makes a man suffer as that it rots him physically and spiritually.
贫穷的恶魔,奥威尔写道,在它从身体上和精神上腐蚀人时,并不会带给人它造成的全部痛苦。 yeeyan

The secrecy that's attached to poverty is one of the first things that struck Orwell.
与贫困联系在一起的秘密是第一批震惊奥威尔的事实之一。 yeeyan

There are hardly any recognisable shots of Barcelona in Loach's homage to Orwell and the Spanish civil war, but the city played a central role even though, curiously, it rarely talks about it.
在洛奇对奥威尔和西班牙内战致敬的镜头里,巴塞罗那很难辨认,即便这个城市扮演着主要角色,但是很奇怪的是,电影很少谈到它。 yeeyan

What will you see in the Orwell diaries?
从奥威尔的日记里,我们能看到什么? yeeyan

WHEN George Orwell wrote in 1941 that England was“ the most class-ridden country under the sun”, he was only partly right.
1941年,乔治“奥威尔写到英国是”地球上最注重阶级身份的国家时,他只说对了一部分。 ecocn

“Gandhi’s teachings cannot be squared with the belief that Man is the measure of all things, ” Orwell warned, correctly.
“甘地的教诲不能简简单单地用人类是万物之尺度的信条来比较,”奥威尔得体地警告道。 yeeyan

As if to prove a point, the student's first show was an adaptation of George Orwell's Animal Farm.
似乎是为了证明这一点,学生们的第一个表演改编自乔治奥威尔的“动物庄园”。 yeeyan

But Orwell also lacked the benefit of seeing subsequent technological developments and the cost reductions they entailed for ordinary private individuals.
但是奥威尔也缺乏先见,他没看到未来技术的发展以及由此带来的成本降低对于个人意味着什么。 yeeyan

Futurism favors the bold: Look more than30 years ahead, as George Orwell did in1984 or Arthur C. Clarke in2001, and critics will forgive your inaccuracies.
未来主义青睐勇敢者:看30多年里前,像乔治奥威尔在1984年或阿瑟 C.克拉克在2001年所做的那样,评论家会原谅你的预测不准确。 yeeyan

He likes Orwell but prefers Jack London.
他喜欢奥威尔,但更喜欢杰克•伦敦。 yeeyan

He might add to his reading list books on the Spanish Civil War, even George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia, in which he may discover that intellectuals fought with their lives against appeasement.
他需要读读西班牙内战相关的书籍,甚至是乔治·奥威尔的《向加泰罗尼亚致敬》,实际上许多知识分子为反对绥靖政策献出了生命。 yeeyan

In any case, Orwell didn’t live to see the long-range social impact of his work.
无论如何,奥威尔都未能活着看到他的作品对社会的长期影响。 yeeyan

In late October1947, oppressed with“wretched health”, Orwell recognised that his novel was still“a most dreadful mess and about two-thirds of it will have to be retyped entirely”.
1947年十月下旬,烦于“糟透的病况”,奥威尔承认他的小说依然陷于“最艰难的困境以及还有三分之二的内容需要完全重新打过”。 yeeyan

In1984, published in1949, George Orwell portrayed an all- encompassing surveillance state that completely controlled not only the present flow of information but also the historical record.
在1949年出版的《1984》中,乔治·奥威尔描绘了一个监视无处不在的国家,在这个国度里,政府不但控制当下的信息流动,而且它也控制往昔的历史记载。 yeeyan

Initially, Astor offered it to Orwell for a holiday.
起初,阿斯特建议奥威尔到这里度假。 yeeyan

Like every writer, Orwell’s work stems from personal experience, prejudice, and pain.
像每一个作家一样,奥威尔的作品滋生于个人经历,偏见以及痛苦。 yeeyan

They even met, though only when Orwell was already on his deathbed.
他们甚至相互约见,只不过那时奥威尔已经垂危于病床之上。 ecocn

What was it that Orwell said?
奥威尔说这句话是什么意思? yeeyan

Worse was to follow. In March1945, while on assignment for the Observer in Europe, Orwell received the news that his wife, Eileen, had died under anaesthesia during a routine operation.
更糟糕的是,1945年的三月,奥威尔受“观察者”委派到欧洲,噩耗传来,妻子艾琳在一次常规手术中麻醉出错,不幸逝世。 yeeyan

Orwell was describing something that has become one of the world’s neglected scourges: the bad diet of the poor.
奥威尔描述的情况已经成为被世界忽视的祸根之一:穷人的不良饮食。 ecocn

Orwell, a gentle, unworldly sort of man, arrived with just a camp bed, a table, a couple of chairs and a few pots and pans.
奥威尔,属于温和而脱俗的那类人,搬来时只有一张行军床、一张桌子、一些椅子和一些炊事用具。 yeeyan

Orwell praised Waugh publicly for his moral courage.
奥威尔曾公开赞扬沃夫的道德勇气。 ecocn

Orwell used Calor gas to cook and to heat water. Storm lanterns burned paraffin.
奥威尔用液化气烧水和煮食,靠石蜡燃点防风灯,到了晚上就烧煤。 yeeyan




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