

单词 orthopaedic
释义 orthopaedic 英,ɔːθəʊ'piːdɪk美,ɔrθə'pidɪk ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁶⁰⁴⁸BNC¹⁷⁶⁸⁸iWeb¹⁵⁶³³

of or relating to orthopedics;

orthopedic shoes

orthopaedics矫形术orthopaedic hospital矫形医院child orthopaedic operating table儿童骨科手术台…
方振宇词汇奥秘ortho正的,直的+paed+ic表形容词,…的→使面容看起来更加正的→整形手术的ortho正的,直的+paedic表形容词,…的→使面容看起来更加正的⇒整形手术的近义词 orthopedic整形外科的

用作形容词Performing high qualityorthopaedicsurgery is a goal we all aspire to.做高质量的整形外科手术是我们追求的目标。
What is the formula for excellence inorthopaedicclinical practice?成为优秀的临床骨科医生有定则吗? A continued source of controversy in orthopaedic trauma is whether increased time to surgical debridement increases the infection rate in patients with open fractures.
是否外科清创术时间的增加也增加了开放性骨折患者的感染率是创伤骨科持续争论的焦点。 blog.sina.com.cn

And in France a nurse is known to have passed on the virus to one patient and an orthopaedic surgeon infected another.
在法国,一位护士和一名整形外科医生各自都传染了一名病人。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Conclusions All patients who survive meningococcal septicemia should be followed by an orthopaedic surgeon who is experienced in pediatric limb deformities and amputations.
结论:有脑膜炎球菌败血症的患者,都应该由在儿科肢体缺陷和截肢方面经验丰富的矫形外科医师来处理。 opoadoc.net

Dr Barrasso, an orthopaedic surgeon by training, calls this the“ second- opinion” strategy.
一位职业整形外科医师巴拉索称此为“第二意见”策略。 ecocn

Stories of patients waiting up to two years for a hip replacement or ten months to see an orthopaedic surgeon have stirred public anxiety.
为了一个臀部手术,患者要等上两年;做一个整形手术要等上十个月,类似事件已引起了公众的忧虑。 ecocn

This glycocalyx layer, which is formed on the surface of the orthopaedic devices, creates a complex environment for the bacteria.
因为这种在骨科机械表面形成的多糖-蛋白质复合物生物被膜层,为细菌创造了一个复杂的环境。 oaopdoc

A study presented this year at the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons found that such static stretching before a run neither prevents nor causes injury.
美国骨科医学会今年展现的一项研究发现,这种跑步之前的静态伸展既不会防止亦不会导致受伤。 wztxt

Background Early diagnosis of postoperative orthopaedic infections is important in order to rapidly initiate adequate antimicrobial therapy.
背景骨科术后早期感染的诊断是很重要的,以便能够迅速开展适当的抗生素治疗。 oaopdoc

Before Beckham's departure, orthopaedic surgeon Sakari Orava said medical teams would review a rehabilitation program for Beckham.
在小贝启程之前,骨科医生萨卡利·乌拉瓦曾表示,医疗团队将会为贝克汉姆重新审查他的康复计划。 cri

Bioabsorbable internal fixation devices have become a focus of many researchers in the past30 years because of their incomparable advantages to metal materials in orthopaedic operations.
由于生物可吸收内固定器材在骨科手术中具有金属材料所无法比拟的优势,故是近30年国内外学者研究的热门。 cnki

By chance, the father of one of Mr Welles's college friends was a prominent orthopaedic surgeon.
碰巧,维利斯先生一个大学同学的父亲是有名的整形外科医生。 ecocn

Cardiac injury is an important complication after orthopaedic surgery.
心脏损伤是骨科手术后的重要并发症。 oaopdoc

If resistant strains raise it to even 5%, let alone10%, a lot of orthopaedic surgery, cataract replacements and other discretionary but life- enhancing procedures would simply stop.
如果抗药品种细菌将这一数字提升至5%,更不用说10%,许多整容,白内障置换和其他旨在提高生活质量的手术都会停止。 ecocn

Inside, conventioneers are unloading displays of surgical instruments, orthopaedic furniture and clear plastic canisters designed to store human fat.
在这里,参会者正在拆卸展出的手术器械、骨科器械和用来储存人体脂肪的透明塑料容器。 yeeyan

Objective: Platelet- rich concentrate PRC is an autologous growth factor preparation that is in routine use for orthopaedic and maxillofacial surgery.
目的:血小板富集浓缩 PRC是矫形外科和颌面外科领域用来准备自体移植生长因子的常用方法。 mdchome

Objective: Platelet- rich concentratePRC is in routine use for orthopaedic and maxillofacial surgery and is frequently combined with bone graft materials to fill bony defects and enhance healing.
目的:血小板丰富凝聚体对于骨科和筋膜手术是常规使用的,经常同骨移植一起联合使用填补骨缺损和增强愈合。 mdchome

Several improvements in orthopaedic practice are responsible for the low reported mortality rate in this study.
本研究也提示一些骨科技术的进步对于低死亡率同样起关键作用。 mdchome

That is necessary, as any orthopaedic surgeon knows, because if a gap of more than a few millimetres is left between fragments the bone will never heal.
整形外科医生都知道,这一点是必须的,因为骨头碎片粘合时如果出现几毫米的缝隙,伤口将不会愈合。 ecocn

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons has advice on its website about what to do if a fingertip is not just cut but cut off.
美国骨科医师学会在其网站上就指头被切断如何处理提出了建议。 ebigear

The field i ended up in is orthopaedic surgery where my engineering background is a tremendous asset.

These accomplishments have led to recognition as a leader in successful randomised orthopaedic trials and have helped us to obtain funding for our ongoing and future research.
这些成就已使该组织成为骨科随机试验的一个成功的领导者,有助于我们为正在进行的和将来的研究获得资金。 oaopdoc

They need good intensive and ambulance care, good transportation, and staff specialized in treating orthopaedic and bone injuries.
国家还需要有良好的重症监护和救护服务、通畅的运输以及擅长骨科损伤治疗的工作人员。 who

Treatment of Orthopaedic Injuries in Pediatric Patients With Additional Trauma.
伴有其他损伤的儿童患者骨科损害的治疗。 kuenglish

We investigated the value of the serum procalcitonin level in febrile patients after orthopaedic surgery.
我们检测了骨科手术后的发热患者血清降钙素原水平值。 oaopdoc




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