

单词 assimilated
释义 as·sim·i·late·d 英ə'sɪməleɪt美ə'sɪməleɪt 高COCA²⁹⁷⁰⁷BNC²²¹³²iWeb⁴¹⁵⁴³Economist¹⁶⁹⁸²
vt. & vi. 吸收,消化

take in and appropriate as nourishment

vt. & vi. 同化

take into the mind and thoroughly comprehend

take up mentally;

he absorbed the knowledge or beliefs of his tribe

become similar to one's environment;

Immigrants often want to assimilate quickly

make similar;

This country assimilates immigrants very quickly

take gas, light or heat into a solutionbecome similar in sound;

The nasal assimilates to the following consonant

assimilate, absorb, digest



2.在语气上, assimilate>digest>absorb。

assimilate, embody, identify, incorporate

这组词都可表示“结合”。它们之间的区别是:identify指把事实上相同或认为是相同的事物等同起来; incorporate指把相同或不相同的事物结合或融合成一个均匀一致的整体; embody指把各部分依次归并成一个有组织、有系统的结构; assimilate指使两件或两件以上的相似物融合成整体,或使一件事物同化另一件事物。

用作动词 v.
~+副词assimilate actively积极吸收assimilate easily很容易被吸收assimilate fully完全被同化assimilate readily易同化assimilate unhesitatingly毫不犹豫地吸收assimilate whole-heartedly全心地吸收~+介词assimilate…into使…适应assimilate oneself to new surroundings使自己适应新环境assimilate…with与…同化
assimilate into v.+prep.

使逐渐混合于某一更大的群体( make sb or sth gradually become part of a larger group)

assimilate sb into sthAmerica has assimilated millions of immigrants into its way of life.美国使数百万移民适应了其生活方式。
They tried to assimilate themselves into the new community.他们试图使自己与新社区的居民融为一体。assimilate into sthSome foreigners assimilate easily into our way of life.有些外国人很容易被我们的生活方式同化。
People of different nationalities often take some time to be assimilated into a country.不同民族的人常常要经过一段时间才能为一个国家的人民所同化。
assimilate to v.+prep.

〈正〉使与某物相同,相似 make (sth like sth else)

assimilate sth to sthThey assimilated their customs and behavior to the new environment.他们改变了他们的风俗和行为以适应新环境。
Many people who are disillusioned in reality assimilate life to a dream.许多对现实失望的人把人生比作一场梦。
Consonants are frequently assimilated to neighbouring consonants.辅音往往被其邻近的辅音同化。
By living a long time with the Indians, he was assimilated to them in his thinking and actions.由于长期和印第安人共同生活,他在思想和行动上都被他们同化了。
assimilate with v.+prep.

逐渐接受另一民族的语言、习惯、生活方式而被同化 gradually take to oneself the language, customs, and way of life of (another people)

近义词 up向上imbibe饮adapt改编learn学会blot 污点absorb吸收digest摘要adjust调整soak使浸透ingest咽下take in接受espouse支持embrace拥抱soak up吸收blot up吸干blend in融入integrate整合conform使一致understand懂得incorporate合并domesticate驯养go native入乡随俗反义词 dissimilate不同
S+~+ASome kinds of food assimilate easily.有些种类的食物容易被吸收。
S+ ~+n./pron.You have to assimilate the facts, not just remember them.你要完全了解这些事实,不仅仅是记得这些事实。
A good student assimilates knowledge quickly.好学生吸收知识快。




用作动词The USA hasassimilatedpeople from many different countries.美国已经同化了许多来自不同国家的人。
Europeans and Jews do not readilyassimilate.欧洲人和犹太人不易同化。
Immigrants often want toassimilatequickly.移民经常想迅速同化。
Some foods areassimilatedmore easily than others.有些食物比另一些食物容易吸收。
It is difficult toassimilatea lot of information.难于在较短时间内摄取许多信息。as in.incorporated
同义词 integratedfused,joinedas in.mixed
同义词 blended,different,diverse,variedalloyed,amalgamated,assorted,brewed,compound,conglomerate,crossbred,crossed,disordered,diversified,embodied,fused,hybridized,incorporated,infused,interbred,jointkneadedmarried,merged,mingled,motley,tiedtransfusedunited,wovencomposite,heterogeneous,hybrid,interdenominational,miscellaneous,mongrel,multifarious
incorporatedadjective included
mixedadjective assorted, combined
alloyed,amalgamated,assimilated,assorted,blended,brewed,composite,compound,conglomerate,crossbred,crossed,different,disordered,diverse,diversified,embodied,fused,heterogeneous,hybrid,hybridized,incorporated,infused,interbred,interdenominational,jointkneadedmarried,merged,mingled,miscellaneous,mongrel,motley,multifarious,tiedtransfusedunited,varied,woven European music began to be assimilated in earnest during the Revolution of1911, mainly through Japan.
1911年辛亥革命期间,中国主要通过日本开始认真吸收西洋音乐。 chinafanyi.com

The laws of the defeated country were assimilated to those of the stronger country.
战败国的法律被强国的法律所同化。 chinafanyi.com

The opinion of the weaker person is easily assimilated to that of the stronger.
弱者的意见很容易被强者的意见所同化。 chinafanyi.com

“ Unfortunately with slang words by the time it has become assimilated it probably isn't cool anymore.” Bicknell said.
比克内尔说:“不幸的是,那些已被书面语吸收的俚语可能就不再那么'酷'了。” kekenet

America has assimilated millions of immigrants into its way of life.

And since Duby could easily treat untyped or dynamic- typed expressions as requiring dynamic invocation, there's no reason Surinx shouldn't just be assimilated as a feature of Duby.
既然 Duby可以方便地将不明类型或动态类型的表达式看做是需要动态调用的,那么没理由不把Surinx吸收为 Duby的特性之一。 infoq

Attitudes toward Western doctors have begun to loosen as young, assimilated Hmong- Americans assume more powerful roles in the family.
由于被同化了的年轻苗裔美国人在家庭中地位的增长,苗人对西医的态度也有了松动。 yeeyan

Food is assimilated and converted into organic tissue.
食物被吸收转化成有机体组织。 chinafanyi.com

Historically, China has assimilated aggression, rolling with punches, overcoming hardness with softness.
历史上,中国往往同化侵略者,化解进攻,以柔克刚。 yeeyan

Immigrants rapidly assimilated into the American way of life.
移民们很快为美国的生活方式所同化。 chinafanyi.com

In his pre teens he had a brief, intense religious experience, going so far as to chide his assimilated family for eating pork.
在十一二岁的时候,他有过一段短暂而强烈的宗教体验,甚至指责他信教的家人吃猪肉。 yeeyan

It's as if Sal's first experience of Dean is already, in that scene, assimilated into the image of Dean: the disembodied, aesthetic image of Dean.
这好像是 Sal第一次在那情景下,感到迪恩已经被同化成迪恩的形象:,空洞的,美的迪恩的形象。163

People of different nationalities often take some time to be assimilated into a country.
不同国籍的人常要过一段时间才会为某个国家所同化。 chinafanyi.com

So she does not let these things sit in the text to be assimilated to a theological structure, but she brings them out.

The north Caucasus, on the other hand, was colonised by Russia only in the second half of the19th century, and was never fully assimilated.
与之形成对照的是,北高加索在19世纪后半叶才被俄罗斯吞入口中,而且从来没有被完全消化。 ecocn

Their father, Sol, was a Jew, the son of a rabbi, but sufficiently assimilated that he made his living importing both cheese and ham.
他们的父亲扫罗是一个犹太拉比的儿子。但他已经充分世俗化,以进口奶酪和火腿为生。 yeeyan

These meteorites, comets, or other unknowns may have contained vital components with which budding life on Earth either assimilated or used as a catalyst to create itself.
在这些陨石、彗星,或其他不明物体中可能包含一些重要成分,它们或被吸收,或作为催化剂,自我复制并让地球萌发生机。 yeeyan

Unfortunately for China, in about 1200 Mongol invaders began to move in, and— although some assimilated— they had priorities other than education.
中国的不幸自1200年蒙古侵略者入侵开始,尽管许多蒙古人被同化了,跟汉族没有什么区别了,但是他们并不重视发展教育。 yeeyan

We assimilated many new experience on our European trip.
我们从欧洲之行中吸收 了许多新的经验。《21世纪大英汉词典》

With each generation they had become, or at least so they thought, increasingly assimilated into the German culture that they loved.
他们每一代人或者至少他们是这么认为,在不断的被他们所热爱的德国文化所同化。 yeeyan

Yet he is the prisoner of his culture, unable to adapt to the ways of France or to understand his“ assimilated” offspring.
现在,他成为自己文化的囚徒,无法适应法国的文化,也不能理解他被“同化”的后代。 ecocn

Yet he is the prisoner of his culture, unable to adapt to the ways of France or to understand his“ assimilated” offspring.
然而他却囿于阿拉伯文化,无法适应法国的方式或了解他“被同化的”后代。 ecocn




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