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词汇 Orszag
释义 OrszagCOCA⁶²⁵⁸⁴
Among the first to leave, it seems, will be Peter Orszag, head of the Office of Management and Budget.
白宫行政管理和预算局局长彼得•欧尔萨格似乎将成为第一个辞职的高级官员。 ecocn

And what's truly inspiring about this logic is that Mr Orszag wants rates to rise in order to convince Congress to cut deficits, which is also contractionary.
能够鼓舞奥斯泽格先生支持提高利率的逻辑是,它使国会相信这种做法能够消减赤字,但是这种效果也非常有限。 ecocn

His budget director, Peter Orszag, had fans across the political spectrum, and his in-house oracle, Volcker, was a Democrat who fought inflation alongside Ronald Reagan.
预算局局长彼得•奥萨格 Peter Orszag在政坛上有众多支持者,而内部导师民主党人沃尔克曾于罗纳德•里根 Ronald Reagan共同抗击过通货膨胀。 yeeyan

Peter, Michael and Jonathan Orszag have worked and written papers together and still compare electronic gadgets and their Princeton grade-point averages.
Michael和 Jonathan三兄弟曾一起工作,编写过报纸,直到现在他们仍然会时常在一起比较谁新发明的小玩意更好,和他们以前在普林斯顿大学的平均成绩。 yeeyan

The appointment of Peter Orszag, a noted critic of lax spending, to run the budget office is another good move: it hints that Mr Obama will be a spending hawk as well as a stimulator.
确定彼得奥扎格掌门美国管理及预算办公室是另外一步好棋:此人是著名的批评家,矛头直指随意的支出行为;这个任命暗示出奥巴马不仅将会是个支出方面的鹰派人物,同时也会是支出的刺激器。 ecocn

Mr Orszag, never slow to press a point, wrote on his blog that this“ should reinforce all our efforts to get health reform done this year.”
Orszag先生密切关注着这些,他在博客里写道:“我们要全力以赴,争取在今年完成医疗改革。” ecocn

And the worst hit will be young workers— a point made in 2009 by Peter Orszag, then the White House budget director.
最严重的打击对象是那些年轻工人——这是时任白宫预算管理办公室主任的皮特·奥斯扎格2009年所说的话。 yeeyan

As Peter Orszag, the director of Barack Obama’s Office of Management and Budget, puts it, “that ‘ long term’ keeps getting closer and closer.”
正如行政管理和预算局主任 Peter Orszag说的那样:“长期展望其实正日益迫近。” ecocn

But Mr Orszag believes this approach will help in two ways: it insulates tough decisions from politics, and it encourages ongoing reform rather than one-shot heroics.
然而欧尔萨格仍然相信这一法案将在两方面发挥其功效:它与政治家们的两难抉择绝缘,并且鼓励现行改革的推行而非仅是逞一回英雄。 ecocn

Former Obama Management and Budget chief Peter Orszag is the latest to endorse the down- with- democracy movement.
前奥巴马政府管理及预算办公室主任彼得·奥斯泽格 Peter Orszag是加入这个“民主衰退”运动赞同者行列的最新一员。 yeeyan

I have a great deal of respect for Mr Orszag, but this is a simply remarkable bit of reasoning.
我对奥斯泽格先生非常尊敬,但这仅是众所周知的原因。 ecocn

In regular attendance are Mr Summers, Mr Geithner, Peter Orszagthe budget director and Christina Romer, who chairs the CEA.
通常出席的有萨默尔、盖特纳、皮特奥扎戈预算主管以及任 CEA主席的克里斯提娜卢默尔。 ecocn

In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, Peter Orszag, Mr Obama’s former budget director, disparaged any deficit- reduction action that premises future legislative action on a failsafe mechanism.
皮特·奥斯泽格,奥巴马的前预算主任,在对华尔街日报的采访中,对任何以自动保险方式承诺未来强制执行的财政赤字削减方案,大加贬低。 ecocn

Mr Orszag points to the Dartmouth work to argue that up to30% of America’s health-care spending is sheer waste.
Orszag先生引用了达特茅斯大学的成果来证明多达30%的美国保健服务花销纯属浪费。 ecocn

Mr Orszag is also planning to get married in the autumn.
欧尔萨格先生计划于今年秋天晚婚。 ecocn

Mr Orszag argues that it has two big merits: it insulates tough decisions from politics and it encourages ongoing rather than one-shot reform.
奥萨格先生认为其有两大优点:第一、它能防止一些棘手的决策受到政治的干扰;第二、它能促进改革的持续性,避免虎头蛇尾的一次性改革。 ecocn

Mr Orszag concedes that such a number would be unsustainable.
奥尔扎格承认这一数字将会是不可持续的。 topsage

Mr Orszag is right that, if implemented, this provision will represent an important lever of cost control.
的确,欧尔萨格所言非虚,如果确实是推行的话,那么这一条款将代表了对成本管制的一大重要手段。 ecocn

Mr Orszag laboured to keep health- care reform from adding to the deficit, though he lost the battle on cost control.
奥斯泽格虽未能成功控制支出,但也努力防止医保计划增加赤字。 ecocn

Peter Orszag, director of the White House’s Office of Management and Budget, confirms that the Obama administration is “ open to this idea”, and Mr Cooper also thinks it is promising.
白宫行政管理和预算办公室主任彼得•奥萨格 Peter Orszag证实奥巴马政府“对该提议表示欢迎”。库伯先生也认为它很有前途。 ecocn

Peter Orszag: I would agree with Bill that this is going to take a while. We are in the mode of years rather than quarters.
匹特奥赛格:我同意比尔,的确会花一段时间。我们要用年算而不是分钟。 yeeyan

The second lever of change that Mr Orszag says is underappreciated is an excise tax introduced on the most expensive or“ Cadillac” insurance plans.
奥尔斯扎克所说的未得到正确评价的第二个引起变化的方法就是对最昂贵的或是“凯迪拉克”保险计划征收消费税。 ecocn

The third and strongest argument Mr Orszag makes is for the potential of an independent payment- advisory board on Medicare spending.
奥尔斯扎克先生最为认可的第三个方法是可能就医疗保险的开销设立一个独立的支付咨询委员会。 ecocn

Well, spirited leadership and innovation, we turn to Peter Orszag.
嗯,有冲劲的领导力和创新,我们再转向匹特奥赛格。 yeeyan

Orszag is currently the director of the congressional budget office.
Orszag目前职位为国会预算办公室主任。 kekenet

'The budget deficit has risen substantially over the past year, ' Mr. Orszag said.
奥斯泽格说,预算赤字在过去一年中大幅上升。 enfamily




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