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词汇 Orpheus
释义 Or·phe·us 英ˈɔːfiːəs, -ˌfjuːs美ˈɔrfiəs, -ˌfjusAHDôrʹfē-əs, -fy›s' 高COCA³⁴⁹³⁵BNC²²⁰¹³
Greek mythology a great musician; when his wife Eurydice died he went to Hades to get her back but failed在希腊神话中,古希腊色雷斯地方有个著名的诗人与歌手叫俄耳甫斯 Orpheus。他的父亲是太阳神兼音乐之神阿波罗,母亲是司管文艺的缪斯女神卡利俄帕。这样的身世使他生来便具有非凡的艺术才能。在他还很小的时 候,阿波罗便把自己用的宝琴送给他。这把琴制作精巧,经俄耳浦斯一弹更是魅力神奇,传说俄耳浦斯的琴声能使神、人闻而陶醉,就连凶神恶煞、洪水猛兽也会在 瞬间变得温和柔顺、俯首帖耳。
俄耳甫斯凭着他的音乐天才,在盗取金羊毛的阿尔戈斯号英雄队伍里建立了卓越的功绩。 伊阿宋正是靠了俄耳浦斯的琴声才制服了守护羊毛的巨龙。在归途中,英雄们被海妖塞壬的歌声所魅惑,意志沉沦之际,俄耳浦斯的琴声惊醒了大家,逃离了妖岛。
俄耳甫斯的悲惨爱情故事是希腊神话中最感人的篇章之一。据说俄耳甫斯有一位情投意合 的妻子叫做欧律狄克。有一天她被毒蛇所咬,很快就一命呜呼了。为了再见到妻子,俄耳甫斯前往冥府,用琴声打动了冥河的艄公,驯服了守卫冥府大门的三头犬。 最后他来到冥王和冥后的面前,苦苦哀求把妻子还给他。冥王夫妇被他的深情打动,允许他带回妻子,但必须满足一个条件:在走出冥府之前不能回头看他妻子一 眼,否则他的妻子再也不能返回人间。
俄耳甫斯欢天喜地地谢过冥王夫妇,领着妻子往人间走。由于脚伤未愈,欧律狄克每走一 步都要发出一声痛苦的呻吟。俄耳甫斯牢记冥王的要求,强忍着不回头。就快抵达人间之际,欧律狄克再也忍受不了俄耳甫斯的冷淡,大声抱怨起来。爱妻心切的俄 耳甫斯忘记了冥王的警告,回头安慰爱妻。就在刹那间,死神再次将欧律狄克带回了冥府,只留下捶胸顿足的俄耳甫斯。
Orpheus:'ɔ:fiəs; -fjusn.杰出的音乐家,俄耳甫斯
orphic:'ɔ:fik adj.神秘的,俄耳甫斯的
Orphism:'ɔ:fizəm n.俄耳甫斯主义,俄耳甫斯教
用作名词And moody Pluto winks whileOrpheusplays.俄尔甫斯一奏琴,愠怒的普路同就闭眼。 For that reason, Orpheus does not play the big Mahler, Bruckner or Tchaikovsky symphonies.
正式处于这个原因,奥菲斯从不演奏马勒、布鲁克纳或是柴可夫斯基等人的大型交响曲。 ecocn

Inspired by the Greek myth of Orpheus, Williams intertwines two themes: to save the world and to escape it.
威廉姆斯的《琴仙下凡》基于有关俄菲斯的希腊神话,贯穿了两条并行的主题:即艺术家救助他人与逃避尘世的欲望。 iciba

The members of Orpheus know the power of communication, and it is the lifeblood of the organization.
Orpheus团队的成员很清楚沟通的力量,这也是该组织的生命线。 infoq

The rocks, the woods, and the trees danced in response to Orpheus' music.

The wife of Orpheus, whom he failed to rescue from Hades when he looked back at her and so violated the command of Pluto on their journey back to the upper world of the living.
俄耳甫斯的妻子,没能被丈夫救出地狱,因为他们在走出冥界之前他回头看了妻子,违反了冥王的规定; oldrain

The Orpheus Process is designed to remove impediments to participation and thus tap the passion of each member.
Orpheus流程设计的目的,就是要去掉参与上的障碍,让每个成员都充满热情。 infoq

And so when the figure of Orpheus appears in this poem, it's the second half of the Orpheus story that Milton is forced to tell.

Even Orpheus members admit it can be thrilling working with energetic and inspiring maestros.
即使是奥菲斯乐团的成员们也不得不承认,能够同充满活力、激励人心的音乐大师合作表演令人精神抖擞。 ecocn

He sang songs of such beauty that the entire natural world would move and dance in response. This is the story of Orpheus that we have received up to this point in Milton's poetry.

His central theoretical works are“ Literature and the Right to Death” in The Work of Fire and The Gaze of Orpheus, The Space of Literature, The Infinite Conversation, and The Writing of Disaster.
他的核心理论著作有《文学与死亡的权利》载《火的作品》和《俄耳甫斯的凝视》,《文学空间》,《无限的对话》,以及《灾难书写》。 douban

If I could find the right turning point in the narrative, then maybe, like Orpheus, I could bring the one I sought back from the dead.
如果我能早点找到叙述关键的转折点,那就可能,像奥菲士,能够从死神手中寻回她。 kekenet

In Comus, the Lady had identified with Orpheus as she described to Comus what her speech about virginity would do if she were actually to deliver it.

Scrum works in ways that are similar to the Orpheus Process to unleash the passion of each team member and encourage and empower them to create the best software product possible.
与 Orpheus流程类似, Scrum可以释放出每个成员的激情,并且鼓励和允许他们创造出最好的软件产品。 infoq

The nymphs of the valley soon made friends with Orpheus, and when he had grown to be a man, one of them, whose name was Eurydice, became his wife.
山谷中的仙女不久也和奥普斯成为朋友,他长大了之后,她们之中一个叫尤莉提丝的仙女还嫁给了他。 qeto

They drown out Orpheus' music with the hideous roar of their howlings and their screamings and they tear him limb from limb.

What Orpheus does produce are performances that are rarely humdrum, unlike all too many big-name orchestras.
与绝大多数大牌管弦乐团的演奏不同,奥菲斯乐团的表演的确很少给人产生单调乏味之感。 ecocn

Orpheus was the poet who had attempted to bring his wife, Eurydice, back from the underworld, and he did that by charming Pluto with his song.

Orpheus, with a sudden, calm smile, turned around. His fingers rested on the strings.
俄耳甫斯,淡定地一笑,突然一个急转身,他的手指停留在了琴弦上。 yeeyan

Orpheus froze in place, but he didn't turn around.
俄耳甫斯径直就僵在了那里,但他并没有回转身。 yeeyan

Orpheus has begun leading workshops at the Manhattan and Juilliard schools of music, and students are learning at first hand about some of the difficulties that Orpheus has taken years to overcome.
奥菲斯已经在曼哈顿音乐学院和朱莉亚音乐学院开设学习班,学员们可以在第一时间了解到奥菲斯乐团花费多年克服的各种困难。 ecocn

Orpheus has removed a barrier between the audience and the music, the conductor himself.
而奥菲斯乐团已经消除了阻隔听众与音乐之间的障碍,这一障碍就是指挥。 ecocn

Orpheus in a lot of ways seemed like the perfect model of a poet because he had the power to do something with his poetry.

Orpheus intentionally rotates leadership on a piece- by- piece basis, choosing leaders based on their knowledge of, and passion for the particular piece.
Orpheus 乐队有意采用了按照不同部分轮换领导的方式,根据每个人的学识和热情,选出一个人来担任某一部分演奏的领导。 infoq

Orpheus musicians rely on being able to see and hear each other, and limit their ensemble to approximately40 players.
在奥菲斯乐团,音乐家们要依靠相互间视觉上和听觉上的交流和联系,而且乐团将其团人人数限制在40人左右。 ecocn




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