

单词 ornament
释义 or·na·ment 英ˈɔːnəmənt美ˈɔrnəməntAHDôrʹnə-mənt ★☆☆☆☆高四六研IMT46八COCA¹⁰⁸⁹³BNC¹⁷³⁹²iWeb⁷⁸⁸⁹Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²


decoration; adornment


thing designed to add beauty to sth, but usual without practical use

vt. 装饰,点缀,美化

add ornament to sth; decorate sth

something used to beautify
make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.;

Decorate the room for the party

beautify yourself for the special day

be an ornament to;

stars ornamented the Christmas tree

ornament, adorn, decorate, furnish, garnish







用作名词 n.
动词+~wear ornaments戴着饰物形容词+~charming ornament逗人喜爱的装饰品mere ornament纯粹装点门面的人〔物〕名词+~architecture ornaments建筑装饰church ornaments教堂的礼拜用品garden ornament点缀花园的物品ear ornament耳饰介词+~as an ornament作为装饰品for mere ornament仅仅为了装饰be rich in ornament装饰华丽without ornaments不加修饰~+介词ornament for the ear耳饰
ornament with v.+prep.

以通常指漂亮的东西装饰某物(make sth more attractive by adding usually pretty things)

ornament sth with sthShe ornamented her dress with lace.她用花边装饰衣服。钱博士orn装饰+a连接字母+-ment表结果名词后缀,表行为和手段→装饰,装饰物⇒转作动词装饰,修饰
orn装饰+a连接字母+-ment表结果名词后缀,表行为和手段→装饰,装饰物⇒转作动词装饰,修饰。方振宇词汇奥秘orn装饰+a连接字母+-ment表结果名词后缀,表示物→装饰物非常记忆or偶人+na那个+-ment表结果门徒⇒偶人和那个门徒装饰房间词根记忆orn装饰+ament→装饰;装饰物词根记忆orna+-ment表结果=装饰品词根记忆orn装饰+ament→装饰物orn装饰+ament⇒装饰近义词 furnishbeautifydecoraten. adornmentdecorationv. adorn
用作名词n.There's a lot ornaments on the wall.墙上有许多装饰品。
The flowers were put on the table forornament.花放在桌子上做装饰用。
The room was full of pictures and other beautifulornaments.这个房间布满了图画和其他漂亮的装饰品。用作动词v.
S+~+ n./pron.They are ornamenting a Christmas tree.他们在装饰圣诞树。Pornamentalistn.装饰家Pornamentalismn.讲究装饰的倾向Pornamentationn.装饰装饰术装饰品修饰Pornamentaln.装饰物观赏植物a.装饰性的装饰的观赏用的

用作名词The palace was rich inornament.宫廷装饰琳琅满目。
The clock is simply forornament, it doesn't actually work.那时钟纯粹是为了装饰,其实不能走。
There is anornamentmade of shells on the wall.墙上有一个贝壳做成的装饰品。
We bought someornamentsfor the Christmas tree.我们买了一些装饰品来点缀圣诞树。用作及物动词Iornamentedmy room with flowers.我用鲜花装饰房间。
Sheornamenther dress with lace.她以花边装饰她的衣服。
Theyornamentthe hall with oil paintings.他们用油画装点大厅。noun.decoration
同义词 accessory,adornment,art,bauble,embroidery,flower,jewel,knickknack,treasure,trinketbeautification,design,doodad,embellishment,frill,garnish,gewgaw,gimcrack,gingerbread,honor,pride,trimmingfroufrouverb.decorate
同义词 adorn,beautify,bedeck,embellish,embroider,festoon,fix up,spruce uparray,bedizen,brighten,deck,dress,enrich,garnish,gild,grace,polish,prank,prettify,primp,prink,trimdress up,ornamentalize,smarten
adornverb decorate
array,beautify,bedeck,deck,doll up,dress up,embellish,enhance,enrich,fix up,furbish,garnish,grace,gussy up,spruce up,trim
adornmentnoun a decoration
adornsverb decorate
arrays,beautifies,bedecks,decks,dolls up,dresses up,embellishes,enhances,enriches,fixes up,furbishes,garnishes,graces,gussy up,ornaments,spruces up,trims
amphoranoun large jug
amuletnoun charm
fetish,lucky piece,ornament,talisman
banglenoun trinket
bracelet,charm,droop,fritter,knickknack,ornament,roam,tinsel,waste Hard-edged modernist notions, such as' form follows function' or' ornament is crime', are not a good guide to product design.
现代派的粗线条概念认为:比如,“功能为首,形式靠后”以及“装饰美化既是罪过。” ,这些理念都不能引导出好的产品设计。 yeeyan

The inspiration for the design has been taken from South African crafted chicken ornament.
设计灵感源自南非的手工公鸡饰品。 kekenet

The oldest one was looking at her reflection in an ornament on the Christmas tree.
最大的那个孩子看着圣诞树上一个装饰品上自己的倒影。 yeeyan

To get down to it, you have to cut away what is not true, what is inflated, beside the point, excess, ornament.

“ No ornament of similar quality can be found in any Peruvian museum and it is inconceivable that such an important part of national treasure is out of our country, ” Alva said in a statement.
阿尔巴在一份声明中表示:“目前,秘鲁国内的任何一家博物馆里都无法找到具有类似品质的装饰物,而且实在不能想象如此重要的一件国宝长期流落在海外。” cri

Civil liberties are not just an ornament, or a quaint American tradition.
公民自由不只是装饰,不只是古老的美国传统。 yeeyan

For architects and designers it means that beauty should depend on a few carefully chosen structural elements rather than a profusion of superficial ornament.
对建筑师和设计者来说,这意味着美应该依赖于一些精心选择的结构性的元素,而不是过多的表面装饰. blog.sina.com.cn

From the sheepskin floor mats to the retractable winged hood ornament, the Phantom is a luxury.
从奢华的羊皮地板到美轮美奂的外部装饰,幻影出现的本身就是对豪华最好的诠释。 edu.sina.com.cn

Her office has stumbled upon items, such as a17th- century silver altar ornament, that were sold to be melted down as scrap.
她的办公室里堆满了东西,比如一件17世纪的银制祭坛装饰,被文物贩子熔化为小块后出售。 ecocn

In their study of the Christmas ornaments, Doucette and his colleagues found that just one gingerbread man ornament raised the DCA levels in a house to unsafe levels.
在他们的化学研究中,多赛特和他的合作伙伴发现仅仅一个姜饼人装饰物就可以使室内 DCA浓度升高至危险的水平。 yeeyan

Jo in maroon, with a stiff, gentlemanly linen collar, and a white chrysanthemum or two for her only ornament.
乔一身栗色衣裳,配一件笔挺的男式亚麻布衣领,身上唯一的点缀是两朵白菊花。 kekenet

MY fetters, you made music in my heart. I played with you all day long and made you my ornament.
我的镣铐,你在我的心底谱写乐曲;我终日拨弄你,使你成了我增加光彩的装饰物。 putclub

Once pierced, a belly with a hole will eventually loose that hole, unless some type of ornament remains inside the same hole.
一旦穿刺,带洞的肚皮最终会抹平那个洞,除非某款饰品一直装置在里边。 yeeyan

Other gadgets include Dog Poo Christmas Ornament, Life Vest for Golf Balls and Obama Dress Up Kit.
此外,“狗便便圣诞装饰”、“高尔夫球救生衣”以及“奥巴马换装玩具”也榜上有名。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Such transfers are just the beginning of the museum’s broader effort to dramatically shrink its collection of city architectural ornament.
这些转让对博物馆还只是刚刚开始,它希望通过更广阔的努力大幅度缩减这批城市建筑装饰藏品。 yeeyan

The oldest one was looking at her reflection in an ornament on the Christmas tree.
而最大的那个则端详着自己在圣诞树上的装饰物中的样子。 yeeyan

There is a burgeoning group of young architects newly interested in ornament and decoration, but their version is highly digitized and futuristic.
有一群对装饰和点缀很感兴的年轻建筑师的迅速成长,但是他们是那种数字化和未来派的。 yeeyan

There is an ornament made of shells on the wall.
墙上有一个贝壳做成的装饰品。 ebigear

They said such bells about1cm in diameter were often sewn as an ornament into the clothes of priests and wealthy residents.
他们称,这个直径大约1厘米的金铃铛经常缝在祭司或富人的衣服上作为饰品。 hxen

Today, people often use them for decoration, such as ornament windows, doors, walls and so on.

Unless a patient wants to destroy a navel piercing, that patient keeps the initial ornament in his or her belly for3 to9 months.
除非你想破坏肚脐穿刺,她或他肚皮里当初的装饰品要保持3至9个月。 yeeyan

We can lovingly care for it and ornament it here in our very corporeal way on earth.

When you can't deliver ornament, you have to deliver substance.
如果你不能放弃装饰,你就得放弃本质. cnblogs

With regal ornament; the middle pair
俨然帝王的装饰;中间一对 ecocn

Ornament is not in itself bad, only when it's camouflage on insipid form.
装饰本身并不坏,坏在被用来掩饰平淡的实体. blog.sina.com.cn




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