

单词 Orinoco
释义 O·ri·no·co 英ˌɔːrəˈnəʊkəʊ, ˌəʊr-美ˌɔrəˈnoko, ˌor-AHDôr'ə-nōʹkō, ōr'- 高Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³

a South American river 1,500 miles long; flows into the South Atlantic近义词 Orinoco River奥里诺科河

用作名词The government's main hope of boosting output lies in theOrinocoheavy-oil belt.政府将产量增加的主要希望来自奥里诺科河的重油带。
Anacondas live in swamps, marshes, and slow-moving streams, mainly in the tropical rain forests of the Amazon andOrinocobasins.它们生活在沼泽,湿地和水流缓慢的溪流中,主要分布在亚马逊热带丛林和奥里诺科河盆地。 A river rising in southeast Venezuela near the Guyana border and flowing885 km550 mi northward to join the Orinoco River.
发源于委内瑞拉东南部,盖亚纳边境附近的一条河流,向北流出885公里550英里与奥里诺科河汇合。 poptool

A city of eastern Venezuela on the Orinoco River. It was founded in 1961 as a planned community. Population, 212,000.
委内瑞拉东部城市,位于奥里诺科河畔,1961年建成为规划社区。人口212,000。 odict.net

The energy improvements in Orinoco and Punta Marshall were made beginning in the summer of2009, in a partnership between the Nicaraguan government and the nonprofit group, blue Energy.
从2009年夏天开始,尼加拉瓜政府与非营利组织蓝色能源合作开展奥里诺科河和马歇尔角的能源改善项目。 com

Warao boys play in the Orinoco River close to the camp where they live.
图中瓦劳孩子们在他们住的帐篷边上的奥里诺科河中嬉戏。 yeeyan

A country that has claimed the world’s biggest oil reserves and is home to its fourth-mightiest river, the Orinoco, has recently been forced to ration both water and electricity.
委内瑞拉声称自己踊有全球最多的石油储量,并且全球第四大流量的河川──奥利诺科河 Orinoco,但最近却被迫节约水电供应。 ecocn

A river rising in northern Colombia and flowing about805 km500 mi eastward to the Orinoco River in central Venezuela.
发源于哥伦比亚北部的一条河流,流程约805公里500英里,向东注入委内瑞拉中部的奥里诺科河。 poptool

A burner is designed in order to burn the Orinoco emulsified oil in the civil boiler.
对一民用锅炉设计了与之相适应的奥里乳化油燃烧器。 cnki

Anacondas live in swamps, marshes, and slow-moving streams, mainly in the tropical rain forests of the Amazon and Orinoco basins.
绿森蚺生活在沼泽、湿地和流速缓慢的河流中,主要是亚马逊与奥里诺科河盆地的热带雨林地区。 blog.sina.com.cn

Ancient Egypt that the wine is sheltered by the God of the dead Sith Orinoco invention, is that the wine is from the Greek Dionysus came into the world.
古埃及认为酒是由死者的庇护神奥里西斯发明的,希腊人则认为酒是由酒神狄奥尼索斯带到人间来的。 soudoc

During his second trip in1617, he sent his son, Watt Raleigh, with an expedition up the Orinoco River.
在1617年的第二次征途中,他派他的儿子瓦特·雷利随着一支探险队向奥利诺科河的上游进发。 yeeyan

Most of these are likely to be in oil: CNPC, a Chinese company, is operating several smallish oilfields and is investing in the Orinoco tar sands.
而其中主要的项目可能集中于石油业:中石油这家中国公司正在运营几座小型油田,并投资于奥利诺科河的沥青砂项目。 ecocn

Russia’s national oil consortium was also assigned a patch of the Orinoco heavy oil belt.
查韦斯还承诺向俄罗斯国家石油财团提供一条奥里诺科河的重油带。 ecocn

South America: Amazon and Orinoco River basins.
南美洲:亚马逊河与奥里诺科河河流域。 www.977886.com

South America: Upper Orinoco and Negro River basins.
南美洲:奥里诺科河上游与尼格罗河流域。 www.977886.com

Thanks to him, the Chinese alligator and the Orinoco crocodile were just beginning to recover; but the Siamese crocodile and the “ amazing” slim- nosed gharial of India were still right on the edge.
幸亏有了他,中国扬子鳄和奥里诺科河鳄鱼才得以开始复苏;不过,暹罗鳄和“惊奇”小鼻印度鳄至今还在濒危边缘艰难复苏。 ecocn

Thanks to him, the Chinese alligator and the Orinoco crocodile were just beginning to recover;
幸亏有了他,中国扬子鳄和奥里诺科河鳄鱼才得以开始复苏; topsage

The government’s main hope of boosting output lies in the Orinoco heavy-oil belt.
政府将产量增加的主要希望来自奥里诺科河的重油带。 ecocn

Those toiling under the vultures mutter to one another in Warao, an indigenous language spoken in the nearby delta where the Orinoco, one of the world's mightiest rivers, meets the Atlantic.
那些苦工们在秃鹰底下用瓦劳语低语交谈,这种方言通常分布在世界上最磅礴的河流之一奥里诺科河和大西洋交汇处的三角洲区。 yeeyan




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