

单词 origins
释义 origins 英'ɒrɪdʒɪnz美'ɒrɪdʒɪnz COCA⁶³⁷⁷BNC⁴⁰¹⁴Economist⁵⁴⁸⁸
名词 origin:
the place where something begins, where it springs into beingproperties attributable to your ancestryan event that is a beginning; a first part or stage of subsequent eventsthe point of intersection of coordinate axes; where the values of the coordinates are all zerothe source of something's existence or from which it derives or is derivedthe descendants of one individual用作名词Theoriginsof the system are in some dispute.关于这种制度的起源,目前尚有争论。
This fact alone might suggest pizza'sorigins.光是这一点也许就暗示了披萨的起源。noun.cause, basis
同义词 ancestor,ancestry,connection,element,influence,motive,provenance,root,sourceagent,antecedent,author,base,causality,causation,creator,derivation,determinant,egg,embryo,fountain,generator,germ,impulse,inception,inducement,inspiration,mainspring,nucleus,occasion,parent,parentage,principle,producer,progenitor,provenience,roots,seed,spring,stock,well,wellspringhorse's mouth
反义词 conclusion,effect,end,ending,resultclose,completion,consequence,death,destiny,finale,goal,outcome,outgrowth,terminationnoun.beginning, inception
同义词 genesis,birthingress,dawning,creation,outset,dawn,introduction,start,initiation,outbreak,inauguration,foundation,entrance,origination,rise,alpha,emergence,launch,entry,commencementblast off,square onenativity,forging,opener,embarkationday one,early stage,git go,starting point
反义词 outgrowth,effect,consequenceexit,stop,finish,end,conclusiontermination,finale,result,outcome,goal,destinyclose,completion,ending,deathnoun.family, heritage
同义词 lineage,ancestry,descent,birthparentage,pedigree,extraction,maternity,blood,stock,beginnings,paternity
反义词 end,conclusion,outgrowth,effect,consequence,termination,finale,death,completion,close,result,outcome,goal,destiny Did Buddhist uses that as well, I heard that in Hindu terms, like the sound of the origins of the universe.

James Phillips, curator of near east and north african exhibits, said little was known about the origins of the model.
近东和北非展厅的管理者詹姆斯•菲利普斯说关于这尊模特的起源人们知之甚少。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The genealogy of antignosticism is complex, but there is where the origins of totalitarianism are to be found.
反灵知主义的谱系是复杂的,但是就是在这里我们能够找到极权主义的起源。 yeeyan

The identification of food ingredients and the origins of foods through traceability studies have also been enhanced by molecular methods.
食品成分鉴别和食品来源的可追溯性研究也已通过分子生物学方法得以改进。 fao

The origins of modern Turkey can be traced back to the arrival of Turks in Anatolia in the11th century under the Seljuks.
现代土耳其人的起源可以追溯到来自于11世纪塞尔柱王朝统治下的安那托利亚的土耳其人。 ebigear

The origins of these cultures are more or less obvious.
这些文化的起源或多或少是显而易见的。 yeeyan

All of these are critical to proper functioning of the tissue, and now we know their origins.
所有这些细胞都是该组织功能能够正常运行的关键因素,而现在我们知道它们的起源。 scifans.com

Because obviously, if we keep extending the origins of technology far back, I think we come back to life at some point.
因为很明显,如果我们追溯科技的起源,我认为从一定的角度上就会追溯到生命。 hjenglish

But, this is not so surprising as many Western firms also owe their historical origins to the ideas of others.
但是考虑到许多西方的公司的历史起源也要归功于他人的创意,这并不足以为奇。 yeeyan

Each“outbreak” of witchcraft accusations has to be studied in order to understand its origins and the forces and interests in society that drive it.
我们必须对每一起的巫术指控进行充分研究,以了解它的社会根源和操控力量以及利益机构所在。 yeeyan

I will say that with this revelation as to the origins of the name, my heart sank.
我得承认当我听到关于这个帮会名称的起源时,我的心情很沉重。 yeeyan

In“The Origins of Order” I describe the emergence of a connected catalyzed set of metabolic reactions to support the autocatalytic set.
在“秩序的起源”一书中,我描述了一个用来支持自催化的代谢反应的连接催化集的出现。 yeeyan

In this intersection of ethnic diversity, class antagonism, and racism lay the origins of the draft riots.
在这次种族差异的交叉中,阶级对抗、种族主义成为这次暴动的起源。 yeeyan

It focuses on the origins of the languages, differences in syntax, learning curves of each language, database connections for each, and other uses for each language.
它将集中讨论语言的起源、语法中的差异、每种语言的学习曲线、每种语言的数据库连接以及每种语言的其他用法。 ibm

It's impossible for sellers to know the origins of every toy so parents must check them out.
玩具摊贩不可能知道每一个玩具的来源,所以父母亲们必须自己去检查。 yeeyan

Much of the trouble can be traced to the difficulty of establishing a modern role for an imperial line so old that its origins are a matter of scholarly debate.
许多麻烦可以追溯至为天皇安置一个现代化角色的困难,因为这支皇族的历史如此古老,以至于其起源一直是学术界争论的问题。 yeeyan

Our research also suggests that the origins of those processes can be located in the basic organization of its economy— not just now, but over the course of its long history.
我们的研究还表明这些进程的起源可能在于其经济的基本结构中——不仅仅是现在的,也是在其漫长历史过程中的。 yeeyan

Since different platforms types have very different origins and purpose, it is close to impossible to evolve one platform type to another.
因为不同的平台类型有非常不同的来源与目的,一个类型的平台是几乎不可能去演变成另一个类型的平台。 yeeyan

Six years ago, I wrote a book about the origins of Silicon Valley.
六年前,我写了一本书,是关于硅谷的起源的。 yeeyan

Then, in eighth or ninth grade, I studied astronomy, cosmology, and the origins of the universe.
后来,在八、九年级的时候,我在学习天文学,宇宙学和宇宙的起源。 yeeyan

There are several possible origins for this superstition.
关于这个迷信有一些可能的起源。 yeeyan

Through work, man has moved from subject to object; in other words, he has become a deficient animal who has betrayed his origins.
通过工作,人已经从主体移向了客体,换句话说,他已经变成了有缺陷的动物,背叛自身起源的动物。 yeeyan

Why would you invent a myth of origins in which your ancestors are slaves?

Without getting into yet one more long historical account of the origins of XML, I want to begin this discussion topic by reiterating that XML was originally really about flexibility.
不需要详细研究 XML起源的长期历史原因,在开始这个讨论话题之前我想再次重申 XML最初确实是关于灵活性的。 ibm




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