

单词 originated in
释义 originated in短语¹²²³⁷
How unfair the system is has been revealed by a crisis that originated in the US yet is doing more damage to the periphery.
当前危机起源于美国,对周边国家的损害却更大,这表明了国际金融系统是如此不公平。 ebigear

The Feast of Seven Fishes originated in southern Italy and is practiced today by many Italian American families.
七种鱼的盛宴起源于意大利南部,并且现在在许多意大利裔的美国家庭还在实行。 putclub.com

The fossil evidence shows that Neanderthals were restricted to Europe and Asia, whereas Homo sapiens originated in Africa.
化石证据表明,尼安德特人只存在于欧洲和亚洲,而人类则起源于非洲。 yeeyan

The practice of appointing interim bosses actually originated in Europe some years ago as a way of coping with the continent’s rigid employment laws.
实际上,委任临时老板是几年前发源于欧洲,当时是为了应对欧洲大陆刚性就业法。 ecocn

The toad family originated in the tropics of South America before colonizing the rest of the globe.
在对外殖民扩张开始以前,蟾蜍家族起源于南美洲的热带。 yeeyan

Although tennis has been played for centuries, the modern game originated in England in late 19th.
尽管网球已打了好几个世纪,但现代比赛却起源于19世纪末的英格兰。 ebigear

Believed to have originated in Taiwan, cat cafes are establishments where cats are let loose indoors for customers to interact with.
猫咪咖啡馆据说源于台湾,在这里,猫咪可以在室内自由行动,供顾客与之接触互动。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Gravy is considered an essential accompaniment by many. It may have originated in Yorkshire, but is popular across the whole country.
一般肉汤被认为是一道不可或缺的配菜,它起源于约克郡,随后在整个英国盛行。 ebigear

Historically, most important vaccines have originated in Europe and the United States.
以往,大多数重要的疫苗都源于欧洲和美国。 yeeyan

Many serious infections in human history have originated in animals.
必须记住,人类历史上很多严重的传染病均起源于动物。 who

The only apple that is native to North America is the crabapple. Most apple varieties originated in Asia.

They were thus contemporary with modern Homo sapiens, who originated in Africa about 200, 000 years ago.
他们与近代的智人同类,现代智人在200,000年前起源于非洲。 ecocn

This concept originated in Heraclitus, who was much admired by Nietzsche.
这个概念源自赫拉克利特,他备受尼采的推崇。 yeeyan

Though the financial crisis was global, it originated in America’s uniquely fragmented financial system, overseen by a patchwork of federal and state regulators.
尽管金融危机是全球性的,它起源于美国独特的分散金融体系,这种体制由联邦和州的监管者共同监管。 ecocn

Vivax is related to monkey parasites and probably originated in South-East Asia.
间日疟原虫可能是与起源于东南亚的猴子身上的疟原虫有关。 ecocn

Yoga originated in the East.
瑜伽起源于东方国家. cri

In the case of the Time Magazine story the film in question was called The Wicked Lady and originated in Britain.
就《时代》杂志上的报道而言,讨论中的电影叫《地狱圣女》,源于英国。 yeeyan




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