

单词 originality
释义 o·rig·i·nal·i·ty 英əˌrɪdʒəˈnælɪtiː美əˌrɪdʒəˈnælɪtiAHDə-rĭj'ə-nălʹĭ-tē 高四GT宝八COCA¹⁸⁵⁸⁵BNC¹⁴²¹⁹iWeb¹³¹⁹⁰Economist⁴¹³⁰³⁺²

the ability to think and act independentlythe quality of being new and original not derived from something else来自original,原创的,-ity,名词后缀。 origin-al…的-ity名词⇒n.独创性⁶⁴;创造力²¹;新颖¹⁵n.奇特;创见;创意;新奇;独特构思;创造性;原始;创举;独出心裁;怪人;珍品;原物;本物;独创;独创风格;别具一格;独立见解GRE难词记忆originality→original a.独创的, 新颖的+ity→独创性词根记忆origin起源+ ality ⇒创造性GRE红宝书origin起源+ality →首创性来自originaladj. 新颖的,独创的近义词 style文体freshness新鲜noveltyC新奇innovation创新imagination想象uniqueness唯一性creativity创造力ingenuity心灵手巧inventiveness发明创造能力…反义词 unoriginality非独创

用作名词The clay figure is a work of greatoriginality.这尊泥人是颇具独创性的作品。
Einstein was distinguished for hisoriginality.爱因斯坦以其独创性称著。
He gives free play to hisoriginality.他尽情发挥自己的创造力。
Creativity andoriginalityare more important than technical skill.创造力和独创性比专门技术更为重要。
Her designs have greatoriginality.她的设计十分新颖。
The design for the building shows a great deal oforiginality.这座建筑物的设计非常新颖。noun.creativeness
同义词 boldness,brilliance,cleverness,daring,freshness,imagination,individuality,ingenuity,innovation,inventiveness,resourcefulness,spiritcreativity,imaginativeness,ingeniousness,innovativeness,invention,modernity,newness,nonconformity,novelty,unconventionality,unorthodoxycreative spirit,new idea
反义词 being,realityorthodoxy
characteristicnoun typical feature, trait
characteristicsnoun typical feature, trait
creativitynoun artistry
fantasiesnoun imagination, dream
Atlantis,air castles,apparitions,appearances,bubbles,chimeras,conceivings,creativity,daydreams,delusions,envisioningsexternalizingsfabrications,fairylands,fancies,fancies,fantasiums,figments,flight of imaginations,flights,fool's paradises,hallucinations,head trips,illusions,imaginativenesses,imaginings,inventions,mind trips,mirages,nightmaresobjectifiesoriginality,rainbows,reveries,trips,utopias,vagaries,visions
fantasynoun imagination, dream
Atlantis,air castle,apparition,appearance,bubble,chimera,conceiving,creativity,daydream,delusion,envisioningexternalizingfabrication,fairyland,fancy,fancying,fantasia,figment,flight,flight of imagination,fool's paradise,hallucination,head trip,illusion,imaginativeness,imagining,invention,mind trip,mirage,nightmareobjectifyingoriginality,rainbow,reverie,trip,utopia,vagary,vision
freshnessnoun newness
bloom,brightness,callowness,cleanness,clearness,dew,dewiness,glow,greenness,inexperience,innovativeness,inventiveness,novelty,originality,rawness,shine,sparkle,vigor,viridity,youth The studio became widely revered for its creative culture and for its insistence on originality.
工作室因为创造性的文化和对原创性的坚持而被广泛尊崇。 yeeyan

The thought behind the concept is to encourage originality and give flexibility to the photographer, so that he can capture natural stills from different angles at the same time.
这种观念后的想法能够激发创造力,给摄影师更多灵活性,能够在同一时间从不同角度收纳景象。 yeeyan

This energy works best when you're expressing your originality& are willing to overcome“ peer pressure” and follow through with what you know to be real& true in your mind, heart& soul.
你只有表现出你的创意以及克服“来自同辈的压力”、按照自己所知的内心的真实、正确的想法才能把工作做好。 hjenglish

This is when your imagination& originality can really shine through the brightest.
这时你的想象力和创造力处于最佳状态。 hjenglish

To its credit, Max and Mary doesn't play it as safe as Hollywood animated fare, but for all its originality, it produces its own ambivalence.
然而,值得称道的是,《玛丽和马克思》没有像好莱坞动画那样刻意讨好观众,而是通过独创性建立起自己的风格。 yeeyan

Although he maintained a claim to some originality in his thought, Cicero’s dialogues are principally a ‘ pick and mix’ of the three leading Greek philosophical schools.
尽管西塞罗一直强调他的某些思想的独创性,但他的对话录主要还是希腊三大哲学派别的精选和混合。 yeeyan

But What About Originality?
但是关于创意呢 ? blog.sina.com.cn

Creativity is the same thing as originality.
创造力和独创性是同一件事。 yeeyan

In the arts, this is called“ originality” and is venerated.
在艺术上这被称作“创意”且被人尊崇。 ecocn

In a now widely circulated statement released by her publisher, she writes, “ There’s no such thing as originality anyway, just authenticity, ” an awfully smug assertion for someone in her position.
在一篇由其出版人发表的广为流传的声明中,她写道,“总之没有什么东西可以称为原创,有的只是真实性”这可真是站着说话不腰疼。 yeeyan

Innovation is not simply about increasing R&D investment, but also about transforming the learning environment to foster creativity, originality and critical thinking in education.
创新并不仅仅意味着增加研发投资,还意味着要在教育中改变学习环境、鼓励创造力、原创性和批判性思维方式。 blog.sina.com.cn

It turns out that in most instances the subject matter has been dealt with by Dirac in depth, with clarity and originality.
结果是,大部分情况下,这个课题已经被狄拉克做过深刻而又优美且具有原创性的工作了。 yeeyan

It's here that I wonder about the originality of the finding.
就是在这点上我怀疑这项研究的原创性。 yeeyan

Now they need to be role models, leading the way from an economy that rewards piracy to an economy that rewards originality.
现在他们需要做出表率,将中国经济从盗版获利的路上拉回到原创获利上来。 yeeyan

Perhaps most striking of all its qualities is its potent originality.
这幅作品最另人惊异的特质恐怕是其强大的原创性。 yeeyan

So maybe the last trend we will see is a trend toward a Trendless World— full of surprise and originality.
所以,也许我们可以见证的最后一个潮流,就是没有潮流的世界——充满惊奇与原创的世界。 yeeyan

That is an extraordinary claim for the poem's originality.

That must tempt them to say yes to ideas of dubious originality.
这必将诱惑他们对那些值得怀疑的原创专利说“是”。 yeeyan

This philosophy is not startling for its originality nor for its maturity.
这个道理让人惊奇之处不在于创意也不在于成熟。 yeeyan

This unique font will give your headlines originality and dynamism.
这种独特的字体可以是你的标题充满创意,活力。 yeeyan

Whether there is something called originality or not, the two scholars who began their concluding chapter by reproducing two of my pages are professionally culpable.
不管是否存在原创一说,那两个学者把我的两段话直接用在他们的最后一章中的行为都是专业犯罪。 yeeyan

While a few studies have shown a correlation between creativity, originality, and introversion, perhaps more striking is the greater enjoyment introverts seem to reap from creative endeavors.
尽管一些研究已经表明了创造性、原创性与内向存在联系,不过也许更让人吃惊的是,从创造性的努力中内向者似乎能够获得更多的乐趣。 yeeyan

Originality and imagination are needed in jobs in the creative fields of advertising, the media or graphics and the multimedia.
原创性和想象力是广告、媒体、图形设计和多媒体等创意性行业是必要素质。 hjenglish




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