

单词 orientate
释义 or·i·en·tate 英ˈɔːriːenˌteɪt, -ən-, ˈəʊr-美ˈɔriɛnˌtet, -ən-, ˈor-AHDôrʹē-ĕn-tāt', -ən-, ōrʹ- ●○○○○高ICOCA⁸²⁰⁴¹BNC⁵⁰¹³⁷iWeb²²⁶³⁹
determine one's position with reference to another point;

We had to orient ourselves in the forest

orient东方,东方的,确定方向-ate…的拉丁语动词过去分词后缀,在此用作动词后缀→确定方向,使…朝向⇒调节,使适应。蒋争熟词记忆orient东方;向东-ate动词后缀;使…⇒使向东;定方位非常记忆orient确定方向+ate吃⇒确定方向后他们大吃了一顿近义词 turn翻转face表面adapt改编angle角度place地方orient东方adjust调整position位置familiarize使熟悉accommodate供给住宿learn about了解, 知道
用作动词Try toorientateyour students towards the science subjects.把学生的兴趣尽力引导到理科方面。
The mountaineers found it difficult toorientatethemselves in the fog.登山的人在浓雾中难以确定自己的方位。
The course wasorientatedtowards foreign students.该课程是专为外国学生开的。as in.orient
同义词 adapt,adjust,align,conformacclimatize,determine,direct,locate,turnget one's bearings
反义词 disarrange,disorder,unfit,missdisorientas in.relate
同义词 affect,apply,ascribe,assign,associate,compare,concern,connect,link,pertain,referally,appertain,bracket,combine,conjoin,consociate,coordinate,couple,credit,impute,interconnect,interdepend,interrelate,join,orient,touch,unite,yokebear upon,be joined with,be relevant to,correspond to,have reference to,have to do with,identify with,tie in with
反义词 disconnect,divide,separate,disjoinconceal,dissociate,hide
orientverb familiarize
acclimatize,adapt,adjust,align,conform,determine,direct,get one's bearings,locate,turn
relateverb correlate, pertain
affect,ally,appertain,apply,ascribe,assign,associate,be joined with,be relevant to,bear upon,bracket,combine,compare,concern,conjoin,connect,consociate,coordinate,correspond to,couple,credit,have reference to,have to do with,identify with,impute,interconnect,interdepend,interrelate,join,link,orient,orientate,pertain,refer,tie in with,touch,unite,yoke The concept of SC provides a set of thought method and can make retail trade orientate definitely and optimize supply process of product.
供应链的概念提供了一套思考方法,可以使零售业明确定位和优化产品的供应过程。 cnki

The crucial question that must be taken seriously in this subject is how to orientate part-time teachers properly and bring their enthusiasm and creativeness into full play.
在机制上合理定位兼职实验教师并调动他们的积极性、创造性,这将是侦查学实验教学中必须引以重视的重点问题。 cnki

“ They want to orientate their careers with China and the east, ” says Prof Cremer, but he is concerned that their expectations are difficult to meet.
“他们想把自己的职业生涯定位在中国乃至东方,”郭理默教授说,但他担心,这类学生的期望很难实现。 iciba

Forwardly push the usage of Lean Production mode, orientate multi- species short run production.
积极推进精益生产方式的利用,适应多品种小批量生产。 cnki

He cares deeply about the quality of education students receive, and wants to re- orientate universities' emphasis from research to teaching.
他十分关注学生接受的教育质量,并希望将大学的重点从研究转向教学。 yeeyan

How do we orientate the function of internal accounting control?
内部会计控制的功能如何定位? cnki

It is extremely important to orientate the development of leading industry.
主导产业发展的关键是定位要准确。 iciba

It takes new students a while to orientate themselves to college life.
新同学要花一定的时间来熟悉校园生活。 dxwy.sru.jx.cn

Jointly considering market structure and firm size, the paper brings out a model to orientate the capability for technology innovation under different market structure and firms size.
综合考虑市场结构与企业规模,给出不同市场和企业规模下判定企业技术创新能力的一个模型。 cnki

Magnetoelectricity separation collection technique is adopted, because it is very difficult to seal, orientate and level the magnetic inductor which used to measure seabed magnetic field.
由于在海底密封、调整磁探头很困难,在技术论证中采用了磁电分离采集技术。 cnki

No-3G limits the device's mapping capabilities and its ability to spatially orientate for using augmented reality applications.
没有3G限制了设备的地图能力和空间定位能力来使用增强现实应用程序。 yeeyan

Our compatriots must think things over carefully in the light of the major principles, for only then will they be able to orientate their own ideas and actions properly.
国人应从大道理上好生想一想,才好把自己的想法和做法安顿在恰当的位置。 iciba

Scholars within the circle of Chinese grammarians orientate the theory of three planes differently and understand the relations of the planes differently.
汉语语法学界对三个平面的理论有种种不同的定位,对三个平面的关系有种种不同的理解。 cnki

Simulation results indicated that the detection& identification system can distinguish tank target effectively and orientate it, so as to realize hitting at a tank's top armour accurately.
仿真结果表明,所设计的探测识别系统能有效判别坦克目标,并能对目标进行定位,实现对坦克顶装甲的精确打击。 cnki

So the English teachers should adapt orientate their role orientation to the quality and creative education in the Network- aided English classroom and make full use of network in his classroom.
因此,英语教师要树立起与网络时代相适应的,体现创新教育精神的英语教育理念,充分利用现代科学技术的教学手段,确立网络辅助英语教学的新教育观念。 cnki

The article briefs how the Japanese general trading companies seize the opportunity to orientate properly in the economic trade deals and play a significant role.
概括介绍日本的商社,善于把握时代的机遇,在日本的经济贸易活动中准确定位,发挥重要的作用。 www.commerce.sh.cn

The reason for this was that he decided to orientate the map in the direction of the Pole Star since Polaris was the immovable guiding light in which the voyagers of that era placed their trust.
他之所以要这样做就是因为他决定以北极星的方向来确定地图的方位。因为北极星是一盏不动的导航灯,那个时代的航海家们主要依靠北极星来导航。 hjenglish

The reason for this was that he decided to orientate the map in the direction of the Vole Star since Polaris was the immovable guiding light in which the voyagers of that era placed their trust.
其原因是他决定以北极星的方向来确定地图的方向,因为北极星是固定不动的航灯,那时的航海者依赖它进行航行。 ebigear

Therefore, we should orientate the higher vocational talents training models exactly by improving awareness and changing concepts.
因此,要提高认识,转变观念,给高等职业人才培养模式准确定位。 cnki

Try to orientate your students towards the science subjects.
试着把学生的兴趣引到理科方面来。 kekenet

Wuhan Evening make a way to adversely subdivide the market so as to re- orientate its marketing position, to focus forward the family readers and last define its paper-buyers.
文章指出,《武汉晚报》通过逆向细分读者市场,进行重新定位,锁定家庭读者,为发行和广告营销确定了目标受众。 iciba




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