

单词 assets
释义 as·set·s 英'æset美'æset COCA³⁴¹⁶BNC¹⁹⁶⁸Economist⁵²⁸

a valuable quality, skill, or person


the property of a person, company, etc.especially that has value and that may be sold to pay a debt

a useful or valuable quality1530左右进入英语,直接源自古法语的assez,意为足够
用作名词 n.
动词+~assess assets估价财产freeze assets冻结财产inherit assets继承财产realize assets把财产变为现金形容词+~chief asset主要优点cultural assets文化资产current assets流动资产hidden assets账外资产intangible assets无形资产liquid assets流动资产priceless assets无价资产tangible assets有形资产total assets总资产
as像…一样-setS,⇒n.资产⁹⁵;优点;有用的东西¹n.财产;财物;资本;财富;有价值的物品;贵重物品;宝贵的人材;宝贵的人;有价值的人;有用的人;有利条件;有用的资源;有益的品质;星球大战战备防御计划中全部武器的总称;才能;资金;本钱;老本abbr.Association of Supervisory Staffs Executives and Technicians英国主管人员|行政官员及技术人员联合会故事记忆宅址设在 Inlet水湾减肥常吃 Tablet药片拥有很多 Assets财产却从不带 Wallet钱包唇膏涂成 Violet紫色的身上穿着 Velvet天鹅绒喜欢参加 Banquet宴会音高可比 Trumpet喇叭名利好似 Magnet磁铁受人关注是 Target目标近义词 propertypossession反义词 liability责任
用作名词n.He is a great asset to our company.他是我们公司的宝贵人才。
The festival is regarded as an asset for shopkeepers.节日被看作是商店老板发财的好机会。
Her only asset was a gentle nature.她唯一的可贵之处是温文尔雅的性情。
The bank has assets of more than £1 billion.该银行有十亿多英镑的资产。




Good health is a great asset.好身体就是最大的财富。
用作名词It was too early to conclude if there was anassetprice bubble.在现阶段下结论,认为出现资产价格泡沫属言之尚早。
Private consumption improved andassetprices rose sharply.私人消费有所改善,资产价格更大幅攀升。
The tennis player's speed is his greatasset.那个网球运动员动作迅速,这是他的一大优势。
A sense of humour is a greatassetfor a person.幽默感是一个人的宝贵资产。
The firm has an importantassetin the person of the director of research.公司有一巨大财富,就是研究部主任这个人。noun.property
同义词 belongings,capital,credit,equity,estate,goods,money,resources,riches,valuables,wealth,worth
反义词 debtliabilities
belongingsnoun personal possessions
accouterments,appurtenances,chattels,effects,gear,goods,paraphernalia,personal property,property,stuff,things
cachenoun hidden supply
accumulation,assets,drop,drop joint,drop off,fund,hideout,hiding place,hoard,kitty,nest egg,repository,reserve,shade,stake,stash,stockpile,store,storehouse,supplies,treasure,treasury,wealth
capital goodsnoun materials used in the production of goods
assets,available funds,available means,available resources,black-ink items,capitalizations,capitals,cash flows,financial resources,liquid assets,pluses,producer goods,stock in trades
circumstancesnoun state of affairs in one's life
assets,capitals,chances,classes,commands,degrees,dowries,financial statuses,footings,incomes,lifestyles,lots,means,net worths,outlooks,positions,precedence,prestige,properties,prospects,prosperity,ranks,ratings,resources,situations,spheres,standings,states,stations,statuses,substances,times,way of lifes,worldly goods
estatenoun person's possessions, property, wealth
assets,belongings,bequest,capital,chattels,devise,earthly possessions,effects,endowment,fortune,goods,heritage,inheritance,legacy,patrimony,substance
financesnoun person or corporation's money, property
affairs,assets,balance sheet,budget,capital,cash,condition,funds,net,net worth,resources,revenue,wealth,wherewithal,worth The liquidity premium should rise and our return on assets will probably go up.
流动性溢价将上升,很可能会带动我们的资产收益率上升。 ecocn

They invest almost 60% of these assets in government securities.
在这新增的资产中,政府证券占据近60%。 ecocn

All these assets are part of the“ architectural blueprint” for your company.
所有这些资产都是您公司“体系结构蓝图”的一部分。 ibm

But the government gets some assets too.
但是,政府也得到了一些资产。 ecocn

But those are all growth assets.
但这些都是成长型资产。 fortunechina

Do you guarantee the bad assets or do you buy them?
你究竟是去担保不良资产还是去买下他们? yeeyan

How do you both view the sharing of these assets?
你们如何看待这些财产的分配? cri

However, as with any type of reusable assets, adoption is possible only if a context and method are given on when, why, and how to use the patterns.
不过,和任意可重用资产一样,只有在给出了说明何时、为何以及如何使用模式的上下文和方法时,才可以加以采用。 ibm

Most of us have some sort of vague idea about what happens to our assets when we die.
我们大多数人都有一些关于当我们死后我们的财产会怎样的模糊的想法。 yeeyan

My father's business is failing; he's mortgaged all his assets so as to save it.

Proliferation and use of open source assets.
开放源码资产的使用和扩散。 ibm

The first step in this modernization project is to determine what assets they currently have and how their application functions.
在此现代化项目中的第一个步骤是确定目前拥有什么资产,以及应用程序如何工作。 ibm

The only way to avoid these schemes is to regularly liquidate all assets and allow all investors to decide what to do with their cash returns.
唯一避免这些“庞氏骗局”的方法是,定期清偿所有的资产,并允许所有投资人来决定如何处理他们的现金回报。 yeeyan

These assets are either links to SAs or parts from which SAs are constructed.
这些资产或者是指向 SA的链接,或者是用于构造 SA的部件。 ibm

Which of these assets are unique to the business?
这些资产中哪些对于企业而言是独一无二的? yeeyan

You can use other personal assets as collateral as well.
你也可以用其他私人资产作为贷款抵押。 hjenglish

Your network of friends and acquaintances is one of the best assets you could have.
由你的朋友和熟人构成的社会关系网络是你能拥有的最棒资产。 yeeyan




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