

单词 organic manure
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After applying organic manure, the dependence of soybean yield on soil declined significantly.
施用农肥后明显降低了大豆产量对土壤的依赖程度。 cnki

Applying organic manure would weaken NO-3 accumulation.
施用有机肥 NO-3累积现象减弱。 cnki

Applying organic manure especially rapeseed cake fertilizer has close relation with the composing of tobacco fragrance quality and fragrance quantity.
施用有机肥特别是菜籽饼肥与烟叶香气质和香气量的形成关系非常密切。 dictall

The application of organic manure had significant effect on increasing soil total N content.
氮磷钾化肥与有机肥料结合施用,显著提高了土壤全氮含量。 cnki

The quantity of nitrifiers disposed by organic manure was a little fewer than that by urea treatment, but there were obviously more denitrifiers.
施用有机肥酵素菌肥处理的硝化细菌数量低于施用尿素处理,但反硝化细菌数量则明显高于尿素处理。 cnki

Therefore, clarifying organic manure resources in this province and investigating the main problems during the process of using organic manure is of practical significance.
弄清楚我省有机肥资源情况,探讨有机肥利用过程存在的主要问题是具有重要实际意义的。 cnki

At educate use the organic manure usually is for the sake of yield increases fruit and vegetable with quantity and quality. People often neglect it effect on storability.
在栽培中人们施用有机肥往往是为了提高果蔬的产量和质量而忽视了它对果蔬采后耐贮性的影响。 cnki

Breeding industry offers enough organic manure to plant Schisandra and brings good economic and social benefit.
养殖业可以为五味子种植提供足量的有机肥,产生很好的经济效益和社会效益。 www.ljmbc.gov.cn

High animal power input is the characteristics of this area in energy input into farmland. Lower organic manure input is still a problem in energy input in this area.
畜力能投入高是该地区农田投能的特点,有机肥能投入低是该地区农田投能中存在的问题。 cnki

In three kinds of organic manure, oil cake, chicken excrement, pig dung, chicken excrement and pig dung could apparently improve the plant height of celery, oil cake had little impact.
油枯、鸡粪、猪粪三种有机肥中,猪粪和鸡粪能明显改善芹菜的外观形态,而油枯无明显影响。 cnki

Phosphorous and potassium could increase organic matter content to some extent, but it must be based on application of organic manure.
配施磷、钾肥可以在一定程度上增加土壤有机质含量,但必须是以连年施用有机肥为基础。 cnki

The results showed that cotton and wheat plants were sensitive to fertilization. Applying organic manure was most effective on increasing cotton yield.
结果表明,麦棉作物对施肥的反应敏感,棉花施用有机肥增产最显著。 cnki

The yield response of crop to phosphate fertilizer and organic manure and the loss risk of phosphorus in soil were studied using a long-term experiment.
采用磷肥和有机肥田间定位试验的作物产量效应和土壤积累磷的环境风险相结合的方法。 cnki

Organic manure also increased the acide phosphatase activity of roots, the respiration rate of root tips and Vmax.
有机肥显著地增加了根系酸性磷酸酶的活性和根尖的呼吸作用。 cnki

Organic manure application favours the formation of Fe- humus complexes in purple paddy soils under water-dry rotation.
在水旱轮作下,施用有机肥有利于紫色水稻土铁—腐殖质复合的形成。 cnki




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