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词汇 Organic C
释义 Organic C
Kirschbuam M U. The temperature dependence of soil organic matter decomposition , and the effect of global warming on soil organic C storage ; .周运超;潘根兴;李恋卿;等.;太湖地区3种水稻土不同温度培养中有机碳库变化及其对升温的响应;
Hunag M,Xiao H A,Tong C L et al.Responses of the microbial biomass P to the changes of organic C and P in paddy soils;.Sci.Agric.Sin.,2004,37:1400-1406.;黄敏;肖和艾;童成立;等.;稻田土壤微生物磷变化对土壤有机碳和磷素的响应;
Abstract: The dynamics of soil organic C, N and aggregate stability in sub-alpine grassland soil along a chronosequence of cultivation were investigated.摘要 :研究了高山草地土壤有机碳、氮含量以及土壤团聚体稳定性随开垦年限而变化的动力学过程。
The relationship between soil microbial biomass and soil organic C and respiration in three different agroforestry models, namely rubber tree + Amomum villosum, rubber tree + Coffea arabica and pure rubber plantation was investigated.探讨了橡胶与砂仁、橡胶与咖啡间种和纯橡胶林3种栽培模式下的土壤微生物生物量及其与土壤有机碳和土壤微生物呼吸强度的关系。




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