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Ore sources 基本例句 矿质来源 The company is possessed a large mine abounding with 200,000 tons of mirabilite ore,rich inore sourcesand high in quality.公司拥有一座年提升钙芒硝矿20万吨的大型矿山,矿区资源丰富,矿石品味极高。 By analysis and comparation of ore type of phosphate ore near Wangji. the main and supplementalore sourcesare recommended for Wangji Yellow Phosphorus Factory.根据王集附近磷矿石的矿石类型分析比较,推荐了王集黄磷厂用矿的主供货渠道和补充矿源。 It occurs in the Ordovician horizon.This paper focuses on metallogeny related magmatism,rifting structures and geochemistry.It also describesore sources, minerals, element zoning…本文侧重阐明与成矿密切相关的岩浆活动、断裂构造及其地球化学特征,论述了矿质来源、矿物、元素分带、成矿热液演化中银的性状,进而辨析矿床的成因。 |