

单词 ordinance
释义 or·di·nance 英ˈɔːdnəns美ˈɔrdnənsAHDôrʹdn-əns ★☆☆☆☆高四GMST宝八COCA¹⁰⁸⁰⁵BNC²⁹⁰⁶¹iWeb⁷⁵¹³Economist²⁶⁷⁷⁸⁺

an authoritative rulea statute enacted by a city governmentthe act of ordaining; the act of conferring or receiving holy orders;

the rabbi's family was present for his ordination

来自拉丁语ordinare,安排,布置,指定,词源同order.引申词义命令,法令,条例等。anti-profiteering ordinance取缔暴利法令…zoning ordinance分区规则,分区法规…ordinance regulating carriage of goods by sea货物海运法令…municipal ordinance城市法令pollution prevention ordinance污染防治条例…ordinance datum法定基准面,法定基准…ordinance load规定载荷building ordinance建筑法Green River Ordinance格林河法令禁止挨家…ordinance bench mark法定水准标点,法定水…sewer ordinance污水管理条例…smoke ordinance烟管理条例
方振宇词汇奥秘ordin(顺序+ance名词后缀→用来维持顺序、秩序的法令→条例,法令,指示,训令GRE红宝书ord命令+inance, 注意不要和ordnance 大炮相混
ordin顺序+ance名词后缀→用来维持顺序、秩序的法令⇒条例,法令,指示,训令GRE难词记忆ordinance→ordin=to set in order 安置妥当+ance→法规钱博士ordin命令,安排+anceS.名→命令⇒条例,法令词根记忆ord命令+ inance ⇒法令词根记忆ardin+ance=命令状态=法令近义词 law法律rule规则writ令状fiat命令order顺序edict法令decree法令dictum格言dictate听写statute法令sanction批准regulation管理injunction指令ordination任命legislation法律institution制定prescription处方announcement通告

用作名词Everyone should obey the governmentordinance.每个人都必须遵守这条政府法令。
The French Foreign Legion was founded by a Royal Ordinance.法国外籍兵团是按照皇家法令建立的。
The Town Planning Amendment Ordinance has come.城市规划修订条例已经生效。
Theordinanceapplies equally to local and imported workers.该条例适用于本地及外来工人。noun.law, rule
同义词 authorization,canon,code,command,decree,dictum,direction,edict,enactment,fiat,mandate,order,precept,prescript,regulation,ruling,statute,ukasereg
反义词 disorganization,lawlessness,veto
actnoun legislative document
assizenoun regulation
canonnoun rule, edict
ceremoniesnoun ritual;celebratory observation
ceremonials,conformities,decorum,formal courtesies,formalisms,formalities,forms,niceties,politeness,pomp,preciseness,prescriptions,proprieties,protocols,strictness,usages
ceremonynoun ritual;celebratory observation
commandnoun directive, instruction
act,adjuration,ban,behest,bidding,call,canon,caveat,charge,citation,commandment,decree,demand,devoir,dictate,dictation,dictum,direction,duty,edict,enactment,exaction,fiat,imperative,imposition,injunction,interdiction,law,mandate,notification,obligation,order,ordinance,precept,prescript,proclamation,prohibition,proscription,regulation,request,requirement,requisition,responsibility,rule,subpoena,summons,ultimatum,warrant,will,word,writ The French Hygiene Council issued the first publicsgroupsagainst spitting in1886, followed by New York City with a strong ordinance in 1896.
于是,1886年,法国卫生部发布了第一个禁止随地吐痰的法令,随后,1896年,纽约市也发布了更加严格的法令。 edu.sina.com.cn

The meeting examined and approved in principle the “ Highway Protection Ordinance draft ” and“ Hazardous Chemicals Control Ordinance Revised Draft”.
会议审议并原则通过《公路保护条例草案》和《危险化学品安全管理条例修订草案》。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

The Orange County ordinance, too, may well be unconstitutional.
橘子郡的这项法令,很有可能也是违宪的。 yeeyan

The Tokyo municipal government plans to vote on March30th to amend an ordinance against child pornography to include“non-existent minors”.
东京都政府计划在3月30日举行投票以修订一项反对儿童色情出版物的条例,将“未成年虚拟人物”也纳入到该法令涉及范围中去。 ecocn

Zhou Hanhua, a scholar who has helped the government draw up the proposed law, believes the ordinance could be enacted next year.
周汉华是帮助政府草拟该法案的一位学者,他认为这条法令明年就可以颁布。 ecocn

Besides, because this is a municipal rather than a federal ordinance, it is bound to be leaky.
除此之外,因为只是一项市级禁令而不是联邦法令,漏洞很难避免。 ecocn

Homeless and civil rights advocates said the ordinance is another attempt by city officials to target the homeless.
流浪者和公民权利倡导者说,该法令是市政府针对流浪者管理的又一尝试。 cri

Hong Kong lacks any non- discriminatory ordinance, and many locals still regard homosexuality with unease.
香港缺少任何非歧视性的法令,并且许多的香港人仍然对同性恋感到不适。 yeeyan

In 1991 Germany made history when it passed an ordinance shifting responsibility for the entire life cycle of packaging to producers.
1991年,德国出台了一项改变历史的法令,即包装的整个使用周期由生产商负责。 ecocn

In May the suburb of Farmers Branch approved an ordinance that would require landlords to verify the legal status of prospective tenants.
根据 Farmers Branch城郊五月份通过了一项的法令,房主需要对潜在的出租人的身份加以检查。 ecocn

In Los Angeles, a water conservation ordinance, introduced last summer, restricts watering gardens to just two days a week Mondays and Thursdays and then only during the hours between4pm and 9am.
洛杉矶去年夏天提出了一个水保护条例,限制只能一周两次周一和周四,在下午4点到次日上午9点这个时间段浇灌花园。 yeeyan

It was not until2003, when the General Aviation Flight Control Ordinance was issued, that Chinese individuals and private companies were even allowed to own private aircraft.
在2003年通用航空飞行管理条例颁布之前,中国的个人和私有公司甚至不被允许拥有飞行器。 yeeyan

Last week, the eastern province of Jiangsu passed an ordinance forbidding adult children from forcing their parents to give them money or goods, according to The Yangzi Evening News.
上周,据扬子晚报报道,位于中国东部的江苏省颁布了一项条例,规定子女不得逼迫父母为自己提供财务支持。 yeeyan

On March8th yet another court ruled against the PdL, saying that a government ordinance could not change regional law.
3月8号,另外一家法庭否决了自由人民联盟,称政府的法令并不能改变地区法律。 ecocn

Only6 of China’s283 cities have a local mental health ordinance.
在中国的283个城市中,只有6个制定了本地精神健康条例. yeeyan

Other Malaysian laws on the way out include the Banishment Act of1959, which allows non- citizens to be expelled, and the Emergency Ordinance, introduced in1969 after race riots.
其它将要被废除的法律法规还有1959年放逐他州法令,该法令规定可以驱逐非北国居民;还有紧急状态法令,该法令是在种族暴乱之后的1969年通过的。 ecocn

Some cities have tried to stem the influx of formula food stands, like Springdale, Utah, which passed an ordinance banning chains from setting up within city limits, but others have embraced them.
有些城市曾试图遏止快餐食品的涌入,例如犹他州的斯普林戴尔就通过了一条法令,禁止在市区范围内新建连锁食品店,但其他人却热烈欢迎这些食品店。 yeeyan

Some have been detained under an emergency ordinance law that allows them to be held for60 days without charge.
有些人是根据一项紧急条例被拘押的。 这项条例允许当局可以在不指控这些人的情况下把他们扣押60天。 tingvoa

That day Fremont voted“yes” to a new ordinance that aims to rid the town of illegal immigrants.
那天弗里蒙特投票通过了一项新法令,旨在将非法移民从小镇中驱逐出去。 ecocn

The government has reacted by introducing an “ ordinance” forcing MFIs to change their practices— cutting interest rates, changing from weekly to monthly repayments, etc.
同时政府也作出了应激反应,颁布法令迫使小额信贷机构作出让步,诸如削减他们的贷款利息,从之前的每周还款更改为按月还款等等。 ecocn

This month a woman in a Detroit suburb faced the prospect of93 days in jail for growing vegetables in her front yard, in apparent violation of a local ordinance.
这个月,一名底特律城郊的妇女在监狱里度过了93天,原因是她在自家的门前小院里种植了蔬菜,而这样的做法明显违反了当地的一条诡异的法令。 yeeyan

When the demonstrators were asked to leave and refused, they were arrested under the local“trespass after warning” ordinance.
当示威者被要求离开而拒绝时,他们会根据当地的“被警告而故犯”法令被捕。 yeeyan

You may say some were overdue: in 1996 discrimination on grounds of sex, disability and family status became explicitly illegal; in 2009 the ordinance was expanded to include race.
你可以说,其中有些已过有效期了:1996年,基于性别、残疾和家庭地位的歧视被法律明文禁止;2009年,该条例补充了种族歧视条款。 yeeyan




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