

单词 assessment
释义 as·sess·ment 英əˈsesmənt美əˈsɛsməntAHDə-sĕsʹmənt ★★★☆☆高四六GIST宝八COCA¹⁶⁷⁸BNC¹²⁵⁷iWeb¹⁴⁹⁵Economist⁵¹⁸³

the classification of someone or something with respect to its worthan amount determined as payable;

the assessment for repairs outraged the club's membership

the market value set on assetsthe act of judging or assessing a person or situation or event;

they criticized my judgment of the contestants

词根词缀: as-临近 + -sess-坐 + -ment名词词尾loss assessment估计损失risk assessment危险率估计;风险评估…safety assessment安全性鉴定书…technology assessment技术评价,技术再评…assessment roll税收稽片清stock assessment资源评价feasibility assessment可行性的估计…reliability assessment可靠性鉴定technological assessment经 技术评价…toxicity assessment毒性评价damage assessment毁坏情况估计…medical assessment医学评价special assessment特别捐税qualitative assessment质量评定personality assessment人格评鉴duty assessment关税估定performance assessment性能评价environmental assessment环境评价,环境估价…quantitative assessment定量评价security assessment可靠性估计
词根记忆assessv.估价+ -ment表结果 ⇒估价,评估近义词 tax税duty义务impost税debt债务bill帐单review复习tariff关税charge责任judgment裁判taxation课税critique批评toll伤亡人数appraisal估计valuation评价criticism批评judgement判断evaluation估价estimation判断calculation计算examination考查measurement测量,测量法…

用作名词Hisassessmentof the situation was spot-on.他对形势判断得很正确。
Yourassessmentis substantially correct.你的估计基本正确。
It was a shrewdassessmentand probably pretty close to the truth.这个评估很有道理,可能相当正确。
Continuousassessmentis made of all students' work.对全体学生的功课作出连贯性的评定。noun.evaluation
同义词 appraisal,estimate,judgmentcomputation,determination,estimation,rating,reckoning,valuationvalue judgmentnoun.assignment of fee, amount
同义词 appraisal,estimatecharge,demand,duty,fee,levy,rate,rating,tariff,tax,taxation,toll,valuation
appraisalnoun judgment, estimation
appraisementnoun estimate
appreciationnoun recognition of worth
admiration,aesthetic sense,affection,appraisal,assessment,attraction,awareness,cognizance,commendation,comprehension,enjoyment,esteem,estimation,grasp,high regard,knowledge,liking,love,perception,realization,recognition,regard,relish,respect,responsivenesss,sensibility,sensitiveness,sensitivity,sympathy,understanding,valuation
assaynoun analysis
criticismnoun interpretation, analysis
criticismsnoun interpretation, analysis
Bronx cheers,animadversions,aspersions,bad presses,blasts,brickbats,call downs,carpings,cavilings,cavils,censures,critical remarks,cuts,denunciations,disparagements,faultfinding,flak,hits,knocks,nit-picking,objections,opprobrium,panning,pans,put downs,quibbles,rap on knuckles,reproofs,roasts,slams,slap on wrists,slaps,static,strictures,swipes,vitriol,zappers A personal assessment is judging oneself and knowing everything you should know about yourself.
个人评价是评判自己,了解你应该知道的自己的一切。 yeeyan

But we face serious problems that demand very frank discussion and assessment.
但是,我们面临严重的问题,需要很坦率的讨论和评估。 who

“ It dies on its output, ” said David I. Smith, a director of technology assessment at Mayo Clinic.
“它在它的输出死,”戴维说一,史密斯是在梅奥诊所进行评估的技术总监。 yeeyan

A review of security requirements and implementation is an important part of this stage of the assessment.
在这一步中的评估中,安全需求和实现的回顾也是很重要的一部分。 ibm

But is this assessment true?
但是,这些评价是真的吗? yeeyan

But how do you really know what exists unless you do an in- depth assessment?
但是,除非您进行深入评估,否则如何真正了解存在什么内容呢? ibm

But in order to do so, the military junta must allow our disaster assessment teams into the country.
但是为了能够这样做,缅甸军政府必须允许我们的灾难评估小组进入缅甸。 ebigear

Do an assessment at the end of each iteration and at project end to capture lessons learned, and leverage that knowledge to improve the process.
在每个迭代的末尾,以及项目末尾进行评估,从而获得所学到的经验,并且利用那些知识改进过程。 ibm

Every couple goes through a stage of assessment as you figure out if you want to be together: Do you want to live together?
每对伴侣都会经历一个评估阶段,以决定是否想和身边人在一起的时候:你确认想一起生活吗? yeeyan

Fortunately for the rest of us, he was profoundly wrong in his assessment.
幸运的是,对于我们其余的人来说,他的评价大错特错。 yeeyan

I will show some examples of this kind of assessment work below.
下面我将展示一些这种评估工作的例子。 ibm

If the vulnerabilities of each asset change before the due time for another assessment, repeat the first two steps.
如果任何资产的漏洞在另一次预计评估时间之前发生变化,则重复前两个步骤。 ibm

In answering both questions, one solution is to conduct risk assessment at the beginning of the life cycle.
为了解决上述两个问题,一种方案是在生命周期的初期进行风险评估。 ibm

It will improve our confidence in the assessment of potential damage, not just for the space shuttle but for any other future spacecraft.
这会提高我们对潜在危险评估的信心,不仅仅是对于太空梭更是为了别的未来的太空飞船。 yeeyan

Its scope does not include an assessment of risk for coffee and other hot beverages.
这个说明的范围并不包括对咖啡和其他热的饮料的风险评价。 yeeyan

Now that you have completed your goals and objectives, it is time to do a resource assessment.
现在你制定了发展的目标和宗旨,是时候评估一下你的现有资源了。 hjenglish

On an individual patient basis, initial treatment decisions should be based on clinical assessment and knowledge about the presence of the virus in the community.
以病人个案为基础,最初的治疗决定应当根据临床评估以及社区内是否存在这一病毒的掌握情况做出。 who

Seeing this link assists you in risk assessment and even in a level of effort analysis.
看到这个链接将帮助进行风险评估,甚至帮助进行工作级别的分析。 ibm

This maturity assessment should be done on Enterprise and IT governance as well as assessing the state of service orientation.
这种成熟度评估应该在企业和 IT治理的基础上进行,评估面向服务的状态。 ibm

This assessment is only a framework.
此评估仅仅是一个框架。 ibm

Thus, routine assessment and screening for anxiety and depression in all patients diagnosed with COPD should be considered.
因此,我们最好考虑诊断为 COPD的患者都应该做常规的焦虑和抑郁评估和筛查。 yeeyan

What I think is definitely right here is the assessment of the public mood, the sense of anxiety, and its connection to political radicalism.
我现在明显能想到的就是公众情绪的评估,公众的焦虑感,和这种焦虑与政治激进主义之间的关系。 yeeyan

Assessment can be performed at any time of the development lifecycle.
在开发生命周期的任何时候都可以进行评估。 ibm




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