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词汇 assess
释义 assess əˈses 
vt. 估价,估计

decide or fix the value of sth; evaluate

vt. 评定,核定

decide or fix the amount of sth

evaluate or estimate the nature, quality, ability, extent, or significance of;

I will have the family jewels appraised by a professional

access all the factors when taking a risk

charge a person or a property with a payment, such as a tax or a fineset or determine the amount of a payment such as a fineestimate the value of property for taxation;

Our house hasn't been assessed in years

assess, appraise, assay, estimate, evaluate , rate, value

这组词都有“估价”的意思。其区别在于:estimate指个人的主观估价; appraise指以专家身份作出最终精确的估价; assay原指化验某物以确定其性质、分量或价值,引申指在衡量某事物之前作出鉴定性分析; assess指对财产进行估价作为征收税款或罚款的依据,引申指在使用某人或某物之前对其作出精确评价,以作最后决定的依据; evaluate是数学用语,指“求…的值”,引申指用比较熟悉的表示法评估某事物的价值; rate则专指评定价值等级的高低; value强调精确地估价。






用作动词 v.
~+名词assess a fine处以罚款assess a situation估计形势assess a tax of 100 dollars upon sb向某人征收100美元的税款assess a tax on sb's property对某人的财产课税assess damages after an incident事故后确定损失赔偿金额assess the importance of估计…的重要性assess the merit of a thesis对论文的价值做出评价assess the value估价副词+~equitably assess公正地评价unjustly assess不公正地评价wrongly assess估算有误~+介词assess at把…估价为
assess at v.+prep.

估计…价值为judge the value of sth as

assess sth at sthThey assessed the value of the house at 60,000 pounds.他们估价这房子值六万英镑。
Damages were assessed by the court at $10,000.法院估定损失为一万美元。
The value of this property was assessed at one million dollars.这财产的价值被估算为100万美元。
The estate was assessed at three thousand pounds.地产被估价为3000英镑。
Damage to the building was assessed at £40,000.这栋建筑物的损失估定为四万英镑。
Her needs were assessed at $1800 a week.她一个星期的花费估计为1800美元。钱博士as=ad,趋近,在旁边+sess坐→坐在法官旁边⇒评定,估算,确定税款或罚金
非常记忆assess s代表美妙体形的美女 对“四大美女”4S进行估价 aAsia eEurope 两个亚洲美女与两个欧洲美女非常记忆ass驴子〖熟词〗+e衣服〖编码〗+ss两个美女〖编码〗⇒驴在评估衣服穿在两个美女中的哪个身上更好看as=ad,趋近,在旁边+sess坐→坐在法官旁边⇒评定,估算,确定税款或罚金。非常记忆ass驴子e饿ess饿驴 评估一头驴子和一头饥饿的驴子哪个更能干GRE红宝书possession 财产,占有物;asset 资产,对财产,资产进行assess联想记忆ass驴子+ess→给驴子ass估价assess联想记忆ass+ess→评论ass和ess的区别→评论近义词 estimateevaluate
S+~+ n./pron.Can you assess my chances of winning?你能估计出我有几分获胜的机会吗?
He's so lazy that it's difficult to assess his ability.他懒惰得很难对他的能力做出评估。
It's difficult to assess the effects of these changes.这些改变的效果难以评价。
It's too early to assess the effects of the new legislation.现在评价新法规的效果为时尚早。
You will need time to settle in and assess your surroundings.在新居安顿下来并评估环境是需要时间的。
They meet monthly to discuss policy and assess the current political situation.他们每月开会一次,讨论政策,并评估当前的政治情势。
We tried to assess his suitability for the job.我们想评估一下他是否适合这项工作。
Our agent will assess the value of your property.我们的经纪人会核定你的财产价值。
In the programme this week, we assess the new National Savings Certificate.在本周的节目中,我们要评估新的国民储蓄证券。
The farmers are assessing the damage to their crops after the storm.农场主们正在估算这场暴风雨对庄稼所造成的损失。
They have assessed the amount of compensation to be paid.他们已经核定赔偿额。
The club assessed each member $100 to rebuild the clubhouse.俱乐部向每位会员征收100美元以改建俱乐部会所。
How will my work be assessed?怎么评估我的工作?
My income has been assessed wrongly.我的收入被估错了。
Each member of the club will be assessed 10 dollars to pay for the trip.俱乐部每一位成员将分摊10美元旅费。S+~+wh-clauseThe committee assesses whether a building is worth preserving.由这个委员会评定一栋建筑物是否值得保存。
Ellen tried to assess how she felt.艾伦试图猜测她是怎么想的。
We are trying to assess how well the system works.我们正设法评估这个系统运行是否顺畅。
S+~+ n./pron. +as adj.I'd assess your chances as extremely low.我估计你成功的机会微乎其微。Passessio加入添附增加Preassessment重新估价Pover-assessment估价太高Passessee财产已经被估定者Passessorn.辅佐人顾问估税员Preassessvt.再评价再摊派再课税Passessmentn.评估估定评定的款额Punassessed不可估价的不可征税的Pnonassessable无其他费用或责任的Passessablea.可估价的可征税的可估计的



assess是及物动词,接名词或代词作宾语,有时还可接“as+ adj. ”作补足语的复合宾语; 可用于被动结构。

用作动词He can quicklyassessa person's character.他能很快地评定出某人的品质。
How do youassessyour students?你如何评估学生们?
We willassessthe damages caused by the flood.我们将对洪灾造成的损失进行评估。
She looked at the house andassessedits market value.她看了看房子并估算了其市场价值。verb.evaluate, determine
同义词 appraise,check,determine,estimate,fix,gauge,judge,weighapprise,assay,compute,figure,guess,nick,peg,rate,reckon,set,size,survey,valuate,valuecheck out,dig it,size up,take measure
反义词 aid,assist,help,ignore,neglect,guessverb.assign fee,
同义词 evaluate,fix,impose,levydemand,exact,rate,tax,valueamount charge
反义词 give
appraiseverb judge, estimate
adjudge,apprize,assay,audit,calculate,check,check out,deem,evaluate,examine,eye,figure,figure in,figure out,gauge,guesstimate,have one's number,inspect,look over,peg,price,rate,read,review,set at,size,survey,take account of,valuate,value
appraisesverb judge, estimate
adjudges,assays,assesses,audits,calculates,checks,checks out,deems,evaluates,examines,eyes,figure in,figures,figures out,gauges,guesstimates,has one's number,inspects,looks over,pegs,prices,rates,reads,reviews,sets at,sizes,surveys,takes account of,valuates,values
appraisingverb judge, estimate
adjudging,assaying,assessing,auditing,calculating,checking,checking out,deeming,evaluating,examining,eyeing,figure in,figuring,figuring out,gauging,guesstimating,having one's number,inspecting,looking over,pegging,pricing,rating,reading,reviewing,setting at,sizing,surveying,taking account of,valuating,valuing
assayverb analyze
appraise,apprise,assess,check,check out,estimate,evaluate,examine,eyeball,inspect,investigate,measure,peg,prove,rate,read,see,size,size up,survey,test,try,valuate,value,weigh
balanceverb compare
classverb categorize
account,allot,appraise,assess,assign,assort,brand,classify,codify,consider,designate,divide,evaluate,gauge,grade,group,hold,identify,judge,mark,part,pigeonhole,rank,rate,reckon,regard,score,separate The money markets rely more on trust than transparency because transactions are so quick that there is little time to assess information.
金钱市场更多依靠的是信任而不是透明性因为交易很快以至于几乎没有时间来评估信息。 ecocn

After five years ONS will assess each new school to judge whether to renew its contract.
五年之后, ONS将对每一个新学校进行评估,决定是否与其续签合同。

As a novel food it would have to under go a number of tests to assess safety before it reached the public.
作为一件新奇的食物,它在到达公众面前之前必须经过一系列的安全性评估测试。 yeeyan

How do we assess the value?
我们咋评估这些价值呢? yeeyan

How do you assess that?
那你该怎么评估收益? fortunechina

McCain said he would soon visit Iraq and Afghanistan to assess the military situations there.
麦凯恩说,他会尽快出访伊拉克和阿富汗,评估那里的军事形势。 kekenet

ONE simple way to assess the impact of any organisation is to answer the question: how is the world different because it existed?
评定任何组织影响力的一种简单的方法就是回答一个问题:由于它的存在,世界有什么不同? ecocn

Second, using these characteristics to compute an operating range for both the sensor and windshield in order to assess their compatibility.
第二,运用这些特性计算传感器和挡风玻璃的操作范围,以此评估它们的兼容性。 ibm

That means it might be possible to assess the effects of appearance on the outcome.
这就意味着评估人的外表对借贷交易的结果的影响是可能的。 ecocn

The first hired an outside consulting firm, at some expense, to assess the efficiency of their development process.
第一个以一些代价,雇用了外部的顾问公司来评估他们开发过程的效率。 ibm

Therefore, if we look at software development practices, we always have to assess their suitability for SOA.
因此,如果我们了解软件开发实践,则我们必须始终评估它们是否适合 SOA。 ibm

These patterns represent a few“ abstract gauges” that help the steering process to assess scope management, process control, progress, and quality control.
这些模式表现了一些“抽象规格”,对指导评估、范围管理、过程控制、进展和质量控制有所帮助。 ibm

They assess his house at15000 yuan.

This plan is used along with the software development plan and the risk management plan to assess the project feasibility.
这个计划与软件开发计划和风险管理计划共同作为评估项目可行性的依据。 ibm

Unlike similar passages in other books, it enumerates not only the value of requirements, but also how to measure return on investment ROI and assess requirement risks.
不同于其它的书籍,本书中不仅列举了需求的价值,而且也说明了如何衡量投资的回报 ROI以及评估需求的风险。 ibm

We must study the maps, and assess the risks and potential of each region.

When you step back to assess the health of software development efforts in your organization, what do you see?
当你回过头来评估你的组织中的软件开发工作的全面状况时,你看到了什么? ibm

You need to assess all project risks to determine if the projects are within acceptable levels of risk.
您需要评估所有项目的风险来决定项目是否在可接受的风险范围之内。 ibm

You should consider this when you assess what your users are doing.
您在评估用户行为时应当考虑到这一点。 ibm




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