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词汇 orchids
释义 orchids
And as the bees evolve new preferences for these chemical compounds, the orchids follow, evolving new compounds to lure back their bee pollinators.
兰蜂进化出对化学物质新的偏好后,兰花适应这种偏好,进化到能合成新的化合物以重新吸引兰蜂。 yeeyan

Is he collecting orchids?
他喜欢收集兰花么? yeeyan

The flowering plants include roses and waterlilies, grasses and oak trees, tulips and orchids.
开花植物包括玫瑰和睡莲,禾草和橡树,郁金香和兰花。 yeeyan

The IUCN notes that the site boasts more than400 species of orchids, begonias, trees and bushes and400 types of birds.

The scientists say the findings help explain how so many species of orchids developed, and can exist so close together.
科学家们说,这个发现有助于解释如此多种类的兰花是如何发展,并且一起生长能相安无事。 yeeyan

The scientists say orchids became successful by changing or sharing pollinators, but staying loyal to fungi. Here's one example.
科学家们说,兰花的成功在于不拘泥于甚至分享传粉媒介,但对共生真菌保持专一。 yeeyan

The orchids and begonias bloomed purple and crimson across the exhibition's three spacious floors; resplendent despite the different climates the plants usually require.
三层宽敞的展览厅里兰花和秋海棠姹紫嫣红,尽管这些植物对气候的要求不同。 yeeyan

With majestic trees festooned with orchids, bromeliads, ferns, vines, and mosses, it’s home to a multitude of rare animal and plant species.
雨林中宏伟的参天巨木被兰花、凤梨、蕨类、蔓藤以及苔藓类打扮得五颜六色,这片雨林同时也是为数众多的稀有动植物的家园。 yeeyan

With so many people interested in orchids, one may well ask what is so special about these plants.
很多人对兰花都很有兴趣,我们有足够的理由问自己为什么这些植物这么的特别呢。 ebigear

Although I did not see them I was told there were patches of wild orchids and to the eastern side of Daocao Tiankeng, there was a huge national wild orchid reserve.
虽然我并没有看到,但是我听说那里有许多野生兰花,在大槽天坑的东面,还有一个大型的国家野生兰花储备基地。 yeeyan

Artificial orchids can look very convincing, like this one from M& S, but real ones are even better.
人工兰花看上去很赏心悦目,这是 M和 S产品之一,但天然珍品甚至更好。 yeeyan

As soon as I saw these four little orchids together they remind me of a family and their similar looks yet different, having their own individuality.
当我看到这四支在一起的小兰花的时候,它们提醒了我,它们是属于一个家属,它们的形状看来有些不同,似乎各有各的个性。 yeeyan

Besides, it's lasted15 years, which is more than I can say for my real orchids.
此外,它持续生长了15年,可以说我的真品兰花比我更大。 yeeyan

If you lose one species of bee, you could lose three to four species of orchids.
如果某种兰蜂灭绝了,三到四种兰花也会灭绝。 yeeyan

In later years, Darwin further developed his ideas about evolution, publishing books on species ranging from orchids to humans to earthworms.
在以后的岁月中,达尔文进一步发展他关于进化的想法,出版各种论及从兰花到人类到蚯蚓等物种的著作。 yeeyan

In summertime there are sword lilies and wild orchids growing everywhere. At the distant island a couple of watchful war eagles nest.
在夏季,剑百合和野兰花竞相开放,漫山遍野,在不远处的岛上,总是警觉老鹰眷侣在那里筑建爱巢。 yeeyan

It’s an island of Jules Verne- like vistas, where giant eagles soar, rare seashells litter quiet beaches, and exotic orchids bloom in dark mahogany forests.
这是一个属于儒勒·凡尔纳的小岛,如同幻想中的景致,雄鹰翱翔、珍稀贝壳点亮宁静的海滩,还有异域兰花在黑暗的桃木森林中绽放。 yeeyan

Mosquitoes carry pollen for batches of orchids, and bats, with diverse muzzles and tongues adapted to tap differently shaped blossoms, move pollen for360 plants in the Americas alone.
蚊子会搬运某些兰花的花粉;口吻部和舌头形状各异的蝙蝠可以为不同形态的花朵传粉,仅在美国就有360种植物需要仰仗勤劳的蝙蝠。 yeeyan

Researchers spent10 years studying orchids in South Africa, where the flowers are particularly diverse.
研究人员花了10年的时间在南非研究兰花,在那里兰花种类繁多。 yeeyan

Some plants are expected to bloom at certain times of the year like hydrangeas and orchids. Some can be forced to bloom any time of the year like tulips and other bulbs.
有些植物只在一年中特定时间开放像绣球花和兰花,有些则可选择在任何时节开放像郁金香或其它球茎类植物。 yeeyan

The method has long been used by horticulturalists to propagate plants, particularly finicky flora like orchids.In the case of the redwoods, Mr.
这种方法长久以来为园艺家用来繁殖植物,尤其是像兰花这种非常挑剔的植物。 yeeyan

Orchids and orchid bees are a classic example of this relationship.
兰花和兰蜂就是这种关系的典型例子。 yeeyan

Orchids are among the most successful flowering plants, with more than 22, 000 species around the world.
兰花是最成功的花卉之一,有超过22,000种兰花分布于世界各地。 yeeyan

Orchids are the prime example of this plant diversity, and100 new orchid species from New Guinea were officially described between1998 and2008 alone.
兰花是其中之一。从1998年到2008年进官方宣布的信贷兰花品种就有100种之多。 yeeyan




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