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词汇 orchid
释义 or·chid 英ˈɔːkɪd美ˈɔrkɪdAHDôrʹkĭd ☆☆☆☆☆高四GST宝八COCA¹³³⁰⁹BNC¹⁷⁴⁸⁵iWeb¹⁰⁴⁰⁴Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

any of numerous plants of the orchid family usually having flowers of unusual shapes and beautiful colors来自拉丁语orchis,源自希腊语orkhis,本意是“睾丸”。因为兰花是孖根植物,根部与男子睾丸一样成双成对且形状相似,所以被称为orchis,后来被人在末尾加了一个字母d,变成orchid。butterfly orchidoncidiumorchid family兰科
GRE红宝书orchard 果园里头有兰花,orchard 是yard, garden;or 反 + chide 责骂→责骂的反意→赞扬GRE难词记忆orchid→or conj.还是+chide v.斥责→表扬还是斥责?联想记忆or + chid看作child儿童⇒儿童天真纯洁像兰花GRE难词记忆orchid→choir n.唱诗班→白兰花唱诗班近义词 purple紫色的

用作名词The smell of theorchidis pleasant.兰花的香味很宜人。
Many kinds of wildorchidare becoming rare.很多种野生兰越来越罕见了。
She wore a singleorchidon her evening dress.她在晚礼服上缀着一朵兰花。
The wallpaper in our bedroom has a pattern oforchids.我们卧室的壁纸是兰花图案的。
There are over 35 000 species oforchiddistributed throughout the world.有35,000 多种兰花分布在世界各地。as in.compliment
同义词 admiration,adulation,applause,blessing,commendation,courtesy,endorsement,homage,ovation,tributeacclaim,acclamation,appreciation,approval,bouquet,cajolery,comp,confirmation,congratulations,encomium,eulogy,favor,felicitation,honor,laud,laurels,notice,panegyric,posy,regard,respects,sanction,sentiment,venerationbuttering up,good word,kudo,laudation,pat on the back,warm fuzzy
反义词 blame,censure,criticism,disapproval,disregard,silence,condemnation,disfavor,dislike,disrespect,ignorance,neglect,opposition,refusal,vetocomplaint,denunciation,insult,libel,slanderas in.purple
同义词 color,lavender,lilac,mauve,periwinkle,plum,violetamethyst,heliotrope,magenta,mulberry,pomegranate,wineamaranthine,blue-violet,bluish red,perse,reddish blue,violaceous
complimentnoun praise, flattery
acclaim,acclamation,admiration,adulation,applause,appreciation,approval,blessing,bouquet,buttering up,cajolery,commendation,comp,confirmation,congratulations,courtesy,encomium,endorsement,eulogy,favor,felicitation,good word,homage,honor,kudo,laud,laudation,laurels,notice,ovation,panegyric,pat on the back,posy,regard,respects,sanction,sentiment,tribute,veneration,warm fuzzy
purpleadjective having a hue of blue and red colors mixed together
amaranthine,amethyst,blue-violet,bluish red,heliotrope,lavender,lilac,magenta,mauve,mulberry,orchid,periwinkle,perse,plum,pomegranate,reddish blue,violaceous,violet,wine
purplenoun blue and red colors mixed together
amaranthine,amethyst,blue-violet,bluish red,color,heliotrope,lavender,lilac,magenta,mauve,mulberry,orchid,periwinkle,perse,plum,pomegranate,reddish blue,violaceous,violet,wine A plant, such as a tropical orchid or a staghorn fern, that grows on another plant upon which it depends for mechanical support but not for nutrients.
附生植物一种生长于另一植物之上的植物,如热带兰或石松,依靠另一植物支持生长而不以其获得养料。 iciba

And one orchid species uses different fungi than a close orchid neighbor, to prevent competing for the same nutrients.
一个种类的兰花与其相邻的不同种类的兰花使用不同的共生真菌,以此来防止兰花间争夺相同的养分。 yeeyan

Side-by-side orchids can be pollinated by the same bee, which keeps the pollens distinct, but each orchid species will co-exist with a unique nutrient- supplying fungus.
紧挨着生长的兰花能被同一个蜜蜂传播花粉,而蜜蜂不会混淆它们的花粉。但是每一种兰花只会跟唯一一种提供养分的真菌形成共生关系。 yeeyan

The island's rain forests burst with some of the world's highest plant diversity— a hundred new orchid species were officially described between1998 and2008 alone.
该岛上的热带雨林中有着世上最丰富的植物多样性——仅仅在1998年至2008年间,就有100种兰花新品种正式载入书中。 yeeyan

“ It's very hard to kill an orchid!” said a spokeswoman from the Flowers and Plants Association, making me out to be some sort of orchid murderer.
“杀死兰花是非常困难的!”花卉和植物协会的女发言人说,她让我说出是什么原因杀死了兰花。 yeeyan

According to wise men, there had fertile orchid here. The mountain could be called the hometown of orchid, or it could not have this name.
据智者说,这儿本有丰郁的兰花,这儿简直就是兰花的故乡,否则得不了这个名。 yeeyan

Although I did not see them I was told there were patches of wild orchids and to the eastern side of Daocao Tiankeng, there was a huge national wild orchid reserve.
虽然我并没有看到,但是我听说那里有许多野生兰花,在大槽天坑的东面,还有一个大型的国家野生兰花储备基地。 yeeyan

An orchid, some raw cookie dough, a perfume I had been coveting. At the end he was waiting for me.
兰花,刚出炉的曲奇饼,还有我渴望已久的香水,而他则在最后一条线索之后等着我。 yeeyan

Before the flight home, we went to Bourke's new hotel, the Fiji Orchid.
回家之前,我去了布瑞克的新开张的酒店,斐济兰花酒店。 yeeyan

But when it comes to fungi— which supply the orchid with nutrients—the flowers are much more faithful.
但是当轮到真菌时,真菌为兰花提供养分,兰花则变得极为专一。 yeeyan

He did indeed import flowers and sell them to other orchid- lovers.
他确实进口过兰花并卖给其他兰花爱好者。 ecocn

It is one of the four favorite plants along with Chinese plum, orchid and chrysanthemum, the so-called Four Men of Honor, the characters of which are highly admired by the Chinese people.
竹子以其备受推崇的品性,与梅、兰、菊并称为“四君子”,是最深受中国人喜爱的四种植物。 hjenglish

One orchid deposits its pollen on a particular bee’s front legs. The other leaves pollen only on the bee’s abdomen.
一种兰花把它的花粉放在一个蜜蜂的前腿上,另外一种兰花把花粉置于这个蜜蜂的腹部。 yeeyan

Orchids and orchid bees are a classic example of this relationship.
兰花和兰蜂就是这种关系的典型例子。 yeeyan

Orchids are the prime example of this plant diversity, and100 new orchid species from New Guinea were officially described between1998 and2008 alone.
兰花是其中之一。从1998年到2008年进官方宣布的信贷兰花品种就有100种之多。 yeeyan

Parrots, toucans, jaguars, and tapirs share the surrounding orchid- dotted national park.
在这片被兰花点缀的国家公园里,生活着鹦鹉,犀鸟,美洲虎和貘。 yeeyan

Sweat was forming on her body like dew on an orchid.
汗滴正从她的体内渗出,看起来好似一朵兰花上的露珠。 yeeyan

The organization’s board of directors had a40- orchid lei flown in from Hawaii— the first fresh flowers the woman had ever had in the house, she told them.
该组织的董事会带来了从夏威夷空运过来、用40朵兰花编成的花环——她告诉他们,这是她从住进这间房以来收到的第一束新鲜的花。 yeeyan

There is simply no such thing as a typical orchid. The Orchidacae is probably the largest flowering plant family.
根本没有一般的花能像兰花这么典型.兰花科可能是花科植物中最大的科系了. kekenet

These extraordinary flowers look like an orchid, but belong to the ginger family.
这类别致的花看着像兰花,却是姜科植物。 yeeyan

You feel like you're in a Mediterranean country as you walk along, with almost every step in some places potentially crushing another orchid unless you're on tip toes.
你向前走时,感觉自己身在地中海国家,除非用脚尖走路,否则每一步都可能踩踏到一簇兰花。 yeeyan




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