

单词 orchestral
释义 or·ches·tral 英ɔ:ˈkestrəl美ˈɔrkɪstrəl, -ˌkɛstrəl ★☆☆☆☆高COCA²⁷⁰⁸⁸BNC¹²⁸⁶⁶iWeb¹³²³⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹

relating to or composed for an orchestra;

orchestral score

orchestra管弦乐-al…的形容词后缀⇒管弦乐的。近义词 musical音乐的classical古典的symphonic交响乐的instrumental仪器的

用作形容词This piece oforchestralmusic was written by Wagner.这支管弦乐曲是由瓦格纳写成的。
Can you pick out the operatic arias quoted in thisorchestralpassage?你能听出这段管弦乐曲里有歌剧式的咏叹调吗?
Theorchestralpalette was very broad.供给管弦乐队演奏的乐谱很的长。
I watched anorchestralperformance in Vienna.我在维也纳看过一场管弦乐队的表演。adj.symphonic
同义词 concert,instrumental,musical,operatic,philharmonic,symphonious
lyricaladjective musical
musicaladjective harmonic, lyrical
agreeable,blending,chiming,choral,consonant,dulcet,euphonious,harmonious,lilting,mellow,melodic,melodious,operatic,orchestral,pleasing,rhythmic,silvery,songful,sweet,sweet-sounding,symphonic,symphonious,tuned,tuneful,vocal She made her orchestral debut with a Mozart concerto in Madrid when she was11.
11岁在马德里有了自己的交响乐处子秀,献上了一曲莫扎特协奏曲。 ecocn

The individual rock band The Verse first founded in 1999 and had reach to a stable lineup in2004. In this year, they expanded their band to12 people, including Orchestral Music and vocal.
独立摇滚乐队 the verse的最初于成立于99年,04年形成稳定阵容,今年扩充为12人 Funk阵容,包括管乐和人声的丰富层次,多次在大型舞台上展现了Funk音乐的动感魅力。 cri

The mix of traditional Christmas songs with high- energy R&B, orchestral arrangements, and even gospel keeps the CD feeling fresh and diverse.
传统圣诞歌曲和充满力量的 R&B歌曲的结合,管弦乐的编排,甚至赞美诗都让这张CD给人们带来新鲜感和多元感。 yeeyan

The movie was heavy on verdant hillsides, ballroom gowns, and surging orchestral music.
电影里镜头到处都是青草翠绿的山坡,宽大的舞会礼服,热情奔放的交响乐曲。 yeeyan

When the breeze blows, the wind speaks like old orchestral strings.
微风轻吹,风声像那古老的弦乐。 yeeyan

“ At college, I studied orchestral composition, but then I slowly learned that the things I removed myself from are the most precious,” Guo says.
上大学的时候,我学的是管弦乐,但是随后的经历使我渐渐意识到,我所摒弃的正是我最弥足珍贵的东西。 yeeyan

Bohm recorded much of Strauss's music: both orchestral here and opera, for DG, Decca, and other labels later on in his career.
玻姆记录了施特劳斯的音乐多:既管弦乐在这里和歌剧,危险品,达艺,和其他标签后来在他的职业生涯。 tubebbs

Bond are still at the forefront but we have this massive orchestral sound.
尽管邦德乐队是在最显著的位置,但是我们又加上了巨大的管弦乐声音。 edu.sina.com.cn

But in a symbolic act of defiance, the Russians decide to hold an orchestral concert.
但在一个象征性的挑衅行为里,俄国人决定举行一场交响乐音乐会。 yeeyan

During orchestral interludes between scenes, evocative Depression- era murals by Thomas Hart Benton are projected on to a screen.
在管弦乐队幕间休息时,托马斯·哈特·本顿创作的引人回忆的大萧条时代的壁画按计划出现在银幕上。 ecocn

Gamelan is Indonesia's traditional folk music, its striking feature is using percussion instrument as the main part, orchestral musical instrument just being in additional position.
甘美兰是印度尼西亚传统的民间音乐,其突出的特点是以打击乐器为主体进行合奏,管弦乐器仅处于辅助地位。 cnki

He began to compose in these years, mostly instrumental or orchestral compositions but also a few songs.
在这几年当中,他开始作曲,主要是器乐曲,即管弦乐作品,但也创作了几首歌曲。 iciba

I often like drawing parallels between software, web, or game development to orchestral music where the designer is the composer and the developer is the ensemble’s maestro or conductor.
我常常喜欢把软件,网络或是游戏开发想成是管弦乐,而设计师是作曲家,开发者是乐团的指挥家。 yeeyan

In an interview in 2005 with Jeremy Paxman on the BBC, Pavarotti rejected the allegation that he could not read music, although acknowledging he sometimes had difficulty following orchestral parts.
在2005年,接受 BBC Jeremy Paxman采访时,帕瓦罗蒂否认了他不能理解音乐并承认他配合管弦乐队有一些苦难。 putclub

It was said the earliest musical instrument is a bone in China Jiahu Bone Flute, and orchestral instrument had the ancestor finally.
据说最早的乐器,是根中国的骨头,贾湖骨笛,管弦乐器终于有了先祖。 pyfyw

It mixes a reading of victims' names with orchestral music and the voices of children and adults.
该首乐曲将宣读死者名单、管弦乐以及成人和儿童的声音有机地融合在一起。 jukuu

Over850 Stunning New Factory Presets, many of which use10-20 layers, featuring samples from the PC2 Base Sound ROM, the Orchestral, Classic Keys, General MIDI set, PLUS new String Section ROM Bank.
超过850预置令人惊叹的新厂,其中许多层使用10月20日,包括样品的 PC2基地声光盘,在管弦乐,古典钥匙,通用 MIDI设置,加上新的字符串科光盘银行。 cnkeyboard

Sir Edward Elgar 1857-1934 is known for his choral and orchestral works, some of which have been made more widely known by the famous violinist Yehudi Menuhin.
爱德华·艾尔加爵士1857-1934因合唱和管弦乐曲目而知名,其中一些作品因著名的小提琴家耶胡迪·梅纽因而更广为人知。 ebigear

The centre is home to the New World SymphonyNWS, an orchestral academy for young musicians founded by Mr Thomas in 1987, which used to be housed in a disused theatre.
这一中心是新大陆交响乐团的所在地。这一乐团1987年由托马斯建立,是一所为年轻音乐人开设的管弦乐学院,之前一直在一个废弃的剧场中安家。 ecocn

The idea is that the families join with pride and joy in the activities of the orchestral and the choirs their children belong to.
我们的想法是,一家人会满怀自豪和喜悦地参与孩子所在的管弦乐团或合唱团的各种活动。 joyen

There is nothing in China to match the Venezuelan orchestral revolution.
中国也没法和委内瑞拉革命相提并论。 yeeyan

To be sure, he performs an impressive variety of interesting compositions, but it is not necessary for me to visit Avery Fisher Hall, or anywhere else, to hear interesting orchestral music.
但是我能确定的是,他能表现出很多有趣的乐章,但是我却应该不会去 Avery Fisher Hall或者其他地方去听一场有趣的交响乐演出。 eol




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