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orc 基本例句 abbr. 运筹学中心 California大学=Operations Research Center A vast mound of Orc and Human skulls towers above the Orc camp, and with each battle it grows larger still. 一座兽人和人类头颅堆成的小山在兽人营地里高耸着,每一场战斗都让其变得更高更大。 odyguild In a recent report, ORC Worldwide, a consultancy, listed Lagos, with its violent crime, bad roads and wretched sanitation, as the world’s worst place for expatriates to live in. 美商全球人力资源咨询公司最近的一份报告将尼日利亚首都拉各斯——这个暴力犯罪横行、公路破烂、卫生条件恶劣之地——列为了世界上最不适宜侨民居住的地方。 ecocn Races allowed to become Hunters are the Night Elf, Dwarf, Orc, Tauren, and Troll races. 暗夜精灵、矮人、兽人、牛头和巨魔可以扮演这个职业。 iciba Shaman Orc; Spiritual Link, Binds your spirit to your pet for20 seconds, causing all damage to you or your pet to be split between you equally. 帝国兽人守护者:启动你与宠物的精神链接,持续20秒,对你或你宠物造成的伤害将由你与宠物平均分担。 blog.sina.com.cn The players will be stopped at a gate and will see some drama explaining that the arcs have gotten wise to their Orc Chief Guard disguises. 玩家会停在一个门口,看到有剧情说明兽人已经对兽人卫兵队长制服的伪装加强了警惕。178 A CNN/ ORC poll found that54% of people thought that the administration had deliberately misled the American people about whether Iraq had WMD. 一项 CNN/ ORC的民意调查发现,50%的人认为,在伊拉克是否拥有 WMD问题上,政府有意误导了美国民众。 ecocn Any given orc, for example, could work out which other fighters on the battlefield were in its line of sight, and hence whether it should flee or attack. 譬如说,任何一位半兽人都可以分辨战场上有哪些战士处于他的视线范围内,然后决定他该逃跑或攻击。 yeeyan As in most MMORPGs, there are classes of characters and creature types to choose from: human, dwarf, orc and troll avatars. 和大多数多人在线角色扮演游戏一样,这里可以选择角色的类别和生物种族:人族,矮人族,半兽人,巨魔战将。 yeeyan Can you walk us through the reasoning that led to the creation of the bonus RPG orc campaign in The Frozen Throne? 您可以讲述一下促成冰封王座中附加兽人 RPG战役的原因吗? iciba For four nights I have endured their Orc shrieks from the other side of the hotel wall; now all is silent. 四天夜里,我常常忍受他们从旅馆墙的另一边传来的兽人般的尖叫,现在一切安静了。 yeeyan He will call out orders to attack specific players and his Orc minions will follow those orders. 他会发布命令攻击特定的玩家,他的兽人仆从会按他的命令行事。178 If you encounter a few Orc's in the game, they will flee from your might. 如果你在游戏中又遇到几个兽人,他们因为你的威慑力而逃跑。 blog.sina.com.cn In the tale, an orc is something between a man and a monster. 在这则故事中,半兽人是介于人与兽之间的一种动物。 qingxiu Many of the orc tribes were wiped out during that war, including his own. 包括他自己部落在内的许多兽人部落都在那场战争中损失殆尽。 iciba Sunnyglade is sacked and destroyed. The mage tower there is taken under Orc control. 阳光湿地被攻陷并且摧毁。那里的法师塔落入了兽人的手中。 http://dj.iciba.com The Orc blacksmiths shown beneath Isengard are actually the WETA Workshop staff who made the weapons used in the film. 在艾辛格下面的半兽人铁匠实际上是维塔工作室的员工,他们正在制造影片中用到的武器。 moviepub.net To achieve this, the Orc actors had to swill a liquorice-based mouthwash prior to each of their scenes. 为了实现这一点,所有半兽人演员在拍摄每个镜头之前都要用一种甘草精漱口剂漱口。 moviepub Uther the Lightbringer: Ah, good timing, lad. I sent two of my best knights in to parley with the orc leader. They should be returning shortly. 乌瑟尔。光明使者:哈,来的正好,伙计。我派了我手下最好的两个骑士去和兽族的首领和谈。他们很快就会回来。 wow8 Uther the Lightbringer: Good. Meet me at the orc camp once you've saved the village. Be careful, Arthas. 乌瑟尔。光明使者:很好。当你救下这个镇之后就到兽人营地来和我会合。一切小心,阿尔塞斯。 wow8 Warsong Orc: Yes, Warchief. Hellscream sent our party to find you, but we were separated when the horse men attacked. 战歌部落兽人:正是,酋长。地狱咆哮派我们来找你,但被半人马攻击后我们和同伴们就失散了。 wow8.org Warsong Orc: You hear that? This place is haunted! I fear no living enemy, but my axe cannot cleave fleshless spirits! 战歌部落兽人:听到了吗?这儿闹鬼!我不害怕和鬼作战,但是我的斧头砍不到没有肉体的幽灵! wow8.org Orc Scout: Warchief, we scouted the peak as you ordered. The humans have entrenched their fortifications all the way up to the summit. 兽族侦察兵:首领,我们按您的指示侦察了这座山峰。人类在整个山峰都布置了防御工事。 wow8 Orc Warlock: The Legion has sent the dead to test us! Victory to the Blackrock clan! 兽族术士:军团将死亡降临到这里,来考验我们的心!黑石氏族必胜! wow8 |