

单词 orbitals
释义 orbitals ˈɔːrbɪtl̩z COCA¹⁰¹⁸⁰⁴BNC³⁰⁴¹⁶
a.轨道的;眼眶的化轨道原型orbital的复数 Another way to say states is to talk about different orbitals.
所谓不同的态也就是不同的轨道。 v.163.com

Pi orbitals are a molecular orbital that have a nodal plane through the bond axis.
轨道是沿着键轴,有节面的分子轨道。 v.163.com

So, if we have two atomic orbitals coming together from two different atoms and they combine, what we end up forming is a molecular orbital.
如果我们有两个,不同原子的原子轨道,而且它们组合到一起,我们最后就能得到一个分子轨道。 v.163.com

So, we'll start by taking a look at constructive interference, and another way to explain this is just to say again, molecular orbitals are a linear combination of atomic orbitals.
我们先来看一看相长干涉,另外一个解释它的方法就是说,分子轨道是原子轨道的组合。 v.163.com

So again you can see as we're filling up our molecular orbitals, we're using the exact same principle we used to fill up atomic orbitals.
当我们填充轨道的时候可以看到,我们用的是和,填充原子轨道一样的原则。 v.163.com

So it might look like here, if you don't understand about p orbitals, which I know all you do, but if someone else was just looking and seeing, it kind of looks like there's two bonds here.
这里看起来有点像,如果你们不知道 p轨道的话,我知道你们都知道,但如果另外有个人看到这个,这看起来有点像两个键。 v.163.com

Here is the atomic nitrogen, here is the atomic nitrogen and these are the orbitals of molecular nitrogen.
这是氮原子,这是氮原子,然后这是氮气的分子轨道。 v.163.com

How many different orbitals can you have that have those two quantum numbers in them?
有多少个轨道是,含有这两个量子数的? v.163.com

If we think about bringing in those last two carbons, what you can see is that for every carbon, two of its hybrid orbitals are being used to bond to other carbons.
如果我们考虑引入最后两个碳原子,你会看到的是对于每个碳原子,其中的两个杂化轨道,和另外的碳原子成键。 v.163.com

In this compound, the tightly bound orbitals act like wells into which free electrons can fall, allowing the material to capture them more easily.
在这个混合物里,结合紧密的轨道就像一口井,自由电子落入其中,使得物质更容易捕获电子。 ecocn

Our simplest case that we can look at would be if we had two1 s orbitals coming together.
最简答的例子是我们可以看一下,如果我们有两个1s轨道,组合起来会怎么样。 v.163.com

So if we go ahead and hybridize our p orbitals and our s orbitals, we'll switch from having these original orbitals to having something called hybrid orbitals.
如果我们,杂化 p轨道和 s轨道,我们会从原来的轨道,变成一个叫杂化轨道的东西。 v.163.com

So if you picture this as our s p 2 carbon atom where we have three hybrid orbitals, and then one p y orbital coming right out at us.
如果你把这想象成 sp2碳原子,这里有3个杂化轨道,然后一个 py轨道朝向我们。 v.163.com

So in molecular orbital theory, what we did was we named orbitals based on their symmetry.
在分子轨道理论中,我们基于轨道的对称性给它们命名。 v.163.com

So now let's look at an example where we talk about using these 2 p z orbitals, so let's look at oxygen.
现在让我们来看一个要,用到2pz轨道的例子,让我们来看一下氧。 v.163.com

So that's why we saw, for example, in the p orbitals we had one angular node in each p orbital, because l is equal to1 there.
这就是为什么在 p轨道中,每个轨道节点数都是1,因为这里 l等于1. v.163.com

So these are atomic orbitals.
这是原子轨道。 v.163.com

So we can go ahead and name our molecular orbital, just like we know how to name our atomic orbitals.
我们可以继续命名分子轨道,就想我们知道如何命名原子轨道一样。 v.163.com

So, bonding orbitals are down here.
所以成键轨道在下面。 v.163.com

So that means that if we have three orbitals, we can only have six electrons in those complete three orbitals.
所以那意味着如果我们有3个轨道,我们有且只能有6个电子,在这3个完整的轨道。 v.163.com

So we end up having2 orbitals here.
所以我们得到2个轨道。 v.163.com

So we'll see specifically why it is that the s orbitals are lower in energy.
所以我们会特别地看到,为什么 s轨道的能量是较低的。 v.163.com

This actually gives rise to a set of orbitals.
这包含了一系列的轨道。 v.163.com

We did it for the s orbitals, we can also do it for the p, we can do it for the d.
我们对 s轨道这样做了,我们也可以对 p轨道这样做,对 d轨道这样做。 v.163.com

What we're going to do in forming a molecule is just bring these two orbitals close together such that now we have their nucleus, the two nuclei, at a distance apart that's equal to the bond length.
我们在形成一个分子时要做的就是,把这两个轨道放到一起,这样我们有他们的原子核,两个原子核,它们之间的距离为键长。 v.163.com

What will we call that in terms of orbitals?
我们从轨道的角度,怎么命名它? v.163.com




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