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词汇 Orban
释义 Orban ˈɔːrbən Economist⁵⁵⁶⁵
But if the Hungarian conservative leader, Viktor Orban, wins the election that is likely next year, Slovakia may find its needling meets a more vigorous response.
匈牙利保守党领导维克多•奥班 Viktor Orban很有可能赢得明年的大选。在这种情况下,斯洛伐克需要强有力的声援支持。 ecocn

Mr Orban’s people in particular think that their enemies at home have a hotline to foreign news desks, think-tanks and chancelleries.
欧尔班的支持者尤其认为,他们在国内的敌人能够用电话联系国的外新闻中心、智囊团和大使馆。 ecocn

The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban says there's a danger of another big spillage of toxic waste from a chemical reservoir.
匈牙利总理奥班 Viktor Orban表示,一个化学蓄水池可能存在再次泄露有毒废水的危险。 ebigear

With a two-thirds majority in parliament, the party’s leader, Viktor Orban, will be able to enact constitutional changes.
该党领导人维克托欧尔班将有望部署宪政改革。 ecocn

At least in the short term, time and events are not on Mr Orban’s side.
不过,至少从短期来看,时间和现实都不倾向于欧尔班。 ecocn

But many bankers are sceptical about the plan’s practicality and, especially, about the blithe talk from the prime minister, Viktor Orban, of creating1m new jobs.
但是很多银行家对此计划的实际作用,尤其是总理维克托·欧尔班创造一百万工作岗位的豪言,持怀疑态度。 ecocn

But Mr Orban’s government is not the only concern.
但是欧尔班•维克多的政府并非唯一一件令人担忧的事。 ecocn

But others worry about Mr Orban’s impulsive and headstrong habits.
但一些人担心奥尔班冲动且顽固的性格。 ecocn

Clinton confirmed the policy shift at a news conference Thursday with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban in Budapest.
克林顿星期四在布达佩斯和匈牙利总理欧尔班共同主持的记者会中,证实美国要推行的这项政策。 voanews

Even some Socialist and liberal voters hope for an Orban landslide to stop Jobbik’s rise.
甚至一些社会党人和无党派选民也希望欧尔本能在竞选中取得压倒性的胜利以阻止 Jobbik的上升。 ecocn

Having impressed voters with his toughness, Mr Orban may well reach a deal with outside lenders after local elections on October3rd.
在给了选民一个强硬的印象后,奥班可能会在10月3日的地方选举之后,与国外的贷款者达成一个协议。 ecocn

Hungary turned to the IMF for a precautionary credit line. The government of Viktor Orban had previously ruled out any such course.
匈牙利向国际货币基金组织递交申请请求预留信用额度。先前,维克多·奥班政府曾否认采取这类措施。 ecocn

Mr Orban has picked unnecessary fights, publicly demanding the sacking of the well-regarded and hawkish central- bank chief, Andras Simor.
欧尔班卷入了一场没必要的争斗:他公开要求解雇德高望重的鹰派中央银行主席,安德拉斯·希莫尔。 ecocn

Mr Orban has demanded an early election, calling the Socialists“ Hungary's disgrace”.
欧尔班要求早日举行选举,他将社会党称作“匈牙利的耻辱”。 ecocn

Mr Orban’s government has agreed to meet the promised deficit target this year of3.8% of GDPdown from4% last year.
奥班政府同意兑现将今年赤字降至 GDP的3.8%从去年的4%滑落的承诺。 ecocn

Mr Orban’s predecessors are not safe either: the new anti-corruption commissioner says two previous prime ministers committed perjury. Both deny the allegations.
就连奥班先生的前任们也不能幸免:新的反腐委员称,两位前总理都犯有伪证罪。 ecocn

Mr Orban walks into a house and sees a young boy with a litter of new born kittens.




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