

单词 oratorio
释义 or·a·to·ri·o 英ˌɔːrəˈtɔːriːˌəʊ, -ˈtəʊr-, ˌɒr-美ˌɔrəˈtɔriˌo, -ˈtor-, ˌɑr-AHDôr'ə-tôrʹē-ō', -tōrʹ-, ŏr'- ☆☆☆☆☆高四GT宝COCA⁴⁹⁹⁵²BNC⁵⁵⁹⁰²iWeb³⁵⁴⁷⁰

a musical composition for voices and orchestra based on a religious text来自意大利oratorio,清唱剧,神剧,来自拉丁语orare,祈祷,祷告,词源同oral,oration.GRE红宝书orate演讲+orio表示音乐类→配以音乐的演讲→清唱剧
oration + orio 表音乐
词根记忆orat演讲+ orio表示音乐类→ 配以音乐的演讲 ⇒清唱剧GRE难词记忆oratorio→orator n.演说者+io→清唱剧词根记忆orator用嘴说近义词 cantata音康塔塔

用作名词Its peaks are the symphony and theoratorio.其顶峰为交响乐和清唱剧。
Haydn wrote hisoratorioThe Creation and another equally splendid work for voices, The Seasons.海顿写了清唱剧《创世纪》和另一首也同样很出色的声乐作品《四季》。as in.hymn
同义词 chant,ditty,paean,psalmaria,canticle,carol,choral,chorale,descant,evensong,hallelujah,hosanna,laud,lay,lied,ode,shoutalleluia,littany,song of praise,worship song
hymnnoun religious song
alleluia,aria,canticle,carol,chant,choral,chorale,descant,ditty,evensong,hallelujah,hosanna,laud,lay,lied,littany,ode,paean,psalm,shout,song of praise,worship song
hymnsnoun religious song
alleluias,arias,canticles,carols,chants,chorales,chorals,descants,ditties,evensongs,hallelujahs,hosannas,lauds,lays,lieds,littanies,odes,oratorios,paeans,psalms,shouts,song of praises,worship songs Aria, a song that is sung by one person in an oratorio.
清唱剧中的一曲独唱,仿佛清澈江洋中那一波激流。 hyrw.com

The oratorio is being prepared. At this juncture Bach appears, and creates cantatas that endure.
清唱剧产生在即的当口,巴赫带着他的康塔塔出现了。 bbs.gxsd.com.cn

The oratorio is not staged like an opera, but oratorios, even sacred ones like Messiah, have been heavily influenced by opera.
清唱剧并不像歌剧一样,但是,像神圣的《弥赛亚》一样的清唱剧,深受歌剧的影响。 flamesky

A declamatory style used in opera and oratorio, similar to recitative but having greater melodic variation.
一种用在歌剧和宗教清唱剧中的朗诵风格,类似于背诵,但在旋律上大不相同。 kekenet

And built his set of chimes, The Cambridge Quarters, around it. The musical phrase is easily recognisable to anyone who knows handel's famous oratorio.
并以此为基础创作了自己的一组钟乐——剑桥时刻。任何人,只要知道亨德尔著名的圣乐,都会很容易地辩认出这一音乐片段。 tdict

Discordance Axis. Oratorio In Grey.
不一致轴。清唱剧中的灰色。 scorser

In an oratorio, soloists take the roles of characters in a loosely constructed story while the chorus adds detail and responds to the action.
在清唱剧中,独奏者们在松散的构建故事中扮演了角色并对此做了反应。 flamesky

Its creation works widely have symphony, composition for instrument, sound music, oratorio and so on.
其创作作品广泛有交响乐、器乐曲、声乐曲、清唱剧等等。 fabiao

Several developments of that time brought music close to its modern forms actually: They are the birth of the opera and the oratorio.
本时期几个重大发展将音乐往现代方向大大推进了一步。这些发展是歌剧和清唱剧的诞生。 dictall

The Song of the Forests, oratorio, for tenor, bass, childrens chorus, chorus& orchestra.
为男高音,男低音,儿童合唱队和管弦乐队而作的清唱剧森林之歌。 blog.sina.com.cn




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