

单词 optionally
释义 op·tion·al·ly 英'ɒpʃənəlɪ美'ɒpʃənəlɪ 高COCA¹¹¹³⁷⁸BNC⁵⁷⁰⁵¹iWeb¹²⁰¹⁴

in an optional manner;

this rule is applied optionally

近义词 or或者反义词 obligatorilyobligatory的副…

You canoptionallyfilter the list by extension and keyword contained inthe file name, and also choose to include sub-directories.你可以按照包含在文件名当中的扩展名和关键字有选择地过滤列表,并且还可以选择包括子目录。as in.unnecessarily
同义词 avoidably,unessentially,uselessly
反义词 indispensably,necessarilyunavoidablyas in.voluntarily
同义词 deliberately,freely,intentionally,spontaneously,willinglyat one's discretion,by choice,by preference,of one's own accord,on one's own,on one's own initiative,with all one's heart,without being asked,without prompting
反义词 unintentionallyforced,involuntarily,obligatory
unnecessarilyadverb needlessly
voluntarilyadverb of one's own free will
at one's discretion,by choice,by preference,deliberately,freely,intentionally,of one's own accord,on one's own,on one's own initiative,optionally,spontaneously,willingly,with all one's heart,without being asked,without prompting A topic is, simply, a chunk of information consisting of a heading and some text, optionally divided into sections.
简而言之,主题就是包括标题和一些文本的信息块,可能还分解成不同的章节。 ibm

The client will automatically attempt to reconnect to the server, until it succeeds or an optionally specified timeout expires.
客户端将自动试图重建连接直到成功,或在一个随意指定的超时到达。 infoq

The description can be edited in the rendering, and the new description can be optionally saved to the corresponding XML file automatically.
描述可以得到编辑以进行赋值,而新的描述可以有选择性地自动保存到相应的 XML文件中。 ibm

The JMS client can optionally control this transaction explicitly, such as to coordinate receiving a message from one queue with sending a message on another queue in the same messaging system.
JMS客户端可以任意的显式控制该事务,比如在同一个消息传递系统中,协同处理从一个队列接收消息和向另一个队列发送消息。 ibm

After updating the selector in the runtime, you can optionally export the changes back to the development workbench using the export function in the administrative console.
在运行时更新选择器之后,您可以有选择地使用管理控制台中的导出功能将更改导出到开发工作台。 ibm

An XML document has a recognizable structure: a series of elements that can optionally contain attributes and child elements.
一个 XML文档有一个可辨认的结构:一系列可以随意包含属性和子元素的元素。 ibm

Defining which parts of a business process are common among all customers, and which are implemented optionally, helps guide the prioritization of the product's features.
定义所有用户中哪部分业务过程是通用的,哪部分是可选择执行的,这些可以帮助指导产品特征的优先级划分。 ibm

Each operation is defined through an input and, optionally, an output message.
每个操作都是通过输入消息和可选的输出消息定义的。 ibm

If it is an invoke activity or human task activity, input data can be optionally provided.
如果是调用活动或人工任务活动,则可以有选择地提供输入数据。 ibm

If known, you can optionally specify an estimate for the execution frequency of each query.
如果知道的话,您可以选择指定每个查询的大致执行频率。 ibm

If you have multiple ports, define the default port and optionally a port selection mediation in this step.
如果有多个端口,则在这一步定义缺省端口和可选端口选择中介。 ibm

It reads entire files into its own buffer, makes the specified operations on that copy, and optionally writes the buffer to disk.
它将整个文件读入自己的缓冲区,对该副本执行指定的操作,并可选地将缓冲区写到磁盘。 ibm

It sets up encryption, integrity verification, and optionally compression and exposes to the upper layer an API for sending and receiving plain text packets.
它设置加密、完整性验证和可选压缩并向上层公开一个用于发送和接收纯文本数据包的 API。 ibm

It optionally takes a stack frame address as an argument.
它可以有选择地将堆栈帧地址作为参数。 ibm

Note also how numbers are optionally detected through a new rule.
还要注意,如何通过一条新规则,随意检测数字。 ibm

On the next pop-up, you can optionally have the system remember the password so that you do not need to type it each time.
在接下来弹出对话框中,您可以选择让系统记住密码,这样您不用每次都要输入密码。 ibm

The article explains characteristics of applications at this level, as well as what the program developer must, should, and can optionally do to achieve and exploit this level.
本文解释了这一级别应用程序的特征,同时也总结了程序开发人员必须、应该和可以做哪些工作来实现和利用这个级别。 ibm

This activity ends with a review of the resulting design, as documented in the Design Model, and optionally other supporting models like the Service Model.
此项活动以最终设计的评审作为结束,在设计模型中进行文档化,并且可以选择其它支持模型,如服务模型。 ibm

You can also optionally write code to sort the columns on plug-in ID like in the sample code.
我们也可以编写一些代码根据插件 ID列进行排序,就像是我们的样例代码一样。 ibm

You can optionally save it with a different name.
您可以随意地用不同的名称存储它。 ibm

Optionally, allow each community administrator to set up additional roles for the users in their organization, for example, to support an asset review or governance process.
可选地,允许每个社区管理员为用户在其组织中设置附加的角色,比如说,以便支持资产审查或治理流程。 ibm

Optionally, change the connection pool properties of the J2C connection factory.
可以随意地改变 J2C连接工厂的连接池属性。 ibm

Optionally, create a package for your application.
可选地,为应用程序创建一个包。 ibm

Optionally, it can apply one or more message properties to the message.
或者,也可将一个或多个消息属性应用于消息。 ibm

Optionally, you can leave this section empty during development and modify it in the administrative console after deployment.
此外,在开发过程中您可以将此部分留空,并在部署之后在管理控制台中修改它。 ibm

Optionally, you can list additional information for each URL, including its last modification date, its change frequency, an expiration date, and a priority value.
您可以选择性地为每个 URL列出额外的信息,包括 URL的最后修改时间、更改频率、终止日期和优先值。 ibm

Optionally, you can now define the initial data for your database tables.
现在,您可以为数据库表定义初始数据,这是可选的。 ibm

Optionally, you can specify attribute descriptions for each of these.
另外,您还可以为其中的每个属性指定属性描述。 ibm

Optionally, you can view the currently running instances.
此外,您可以查看当前运行的实例。 ibm

Optionally provide an alias or comment.
提供一个别名或注释可选。 ibm




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