

单词 optimise
释义 optimise 英ˈɔptimaiz美ˈɑptəˌmaɪz 高八COCA³¹⁵¹¹¹⁺BNC³²³¹²iWeb¹⁴⁸⁷⁸Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺

make optimal; get the most out of; use best;

optimize your resources

modify to achieve maximum efficiency in storage capacity or time or cost;

optimize a computer program

act as an optimist and take a sunny view of the worldoptim+ise使⇒使…尽可能优化近义词 optimize使完善
Looking ahead, our country is set to accelerate the transformation of its economic development model and optimise its economic structure.
国家今后发展的方向,是要加快转变经济发展模式,优化经济结构。 hjenglish

Optimise your efficiency and maximise savings by securing your seatbelt first.
通过保证先绑好安全带,你可以达到最佳的效率和节约。 hjenglish

Being able to understand, analyse and optimise customer processes creates added value.
可以理解的是,分析并优选顾客的过程能实现增值。 yeeyan

Each module is fitted with its own, personal electronic management system to optimise its charging and discharging rates.
每个模块有自己独特的电子管理系统以优化其充电和放电速率。 ecocn

Even the positioning of a window to optimise daylight can help save energy.
连充分利用日光的窗户都是节能的。 topsage

Furthermore, it is important to optimise its Security and Services activities across the Group.
此外,在整个集团内优化其安全与业务部具有重要意义。 www.etiri.com.cn

He highlighted the fact that many travel companies are yet to optimise their sites for mobile.
他还强调了一个事实,就是很多旅游企业正准备对其手机网站进行优化。 yeeyan

How can it manage them in a way that will optimise its performance?
组织如何才能利用它们优化绩效? ecocn

I have sometimes seen authors try to optimise the length of the paper at the expense of all other attributes, in the mistaken belief that brevity is equivalent to simplicity.
我曾看到过舍弃其他品质而专注于优化论文长度的人,但他们错误得把简短的篇幅当做简洁。 yeeyan

If you're using persistent events or actions, it's important to tune the MQ queue manager to optimise logging.
如果使用持久化事件或活动,一定要记得调优 MQ队列管理器来优化日志。 ibm

Now it will increasingly be used to automate and optimise interactions with the physical environment.
现在它也逐渐被用运用于自动化和优化并与物质环境配合使用。 ecocn

One of the principal problems the designer of a stove must solve is to optimise the thermodynamics.
炉具设计者必须解决的一个主要问题是优化热力学。 ecocn

Secondly, in today’s world, people need a certain degree of debt to optimise returns on capital.
第二个原因,在当今世界,企业需要一定的债务杠杆来优化资产的回报。 yeeyan

So far IT has been used to automate and optimise processes within firms and other organisations as well as the dealings between them.
到目前为止 IT已经被公司以及其他组织用来自动化以及优化过程,还有处理二者之间的问题。 yeeyan

The team is looking at using lithographic- based techniques to build up simple organic structures and gradually optimise them.
我们的团队正关注基于平版技术来制作简易器官结构的使用及其逐步优化。 yeeyan

This means using the knowledge gleaned from data to optimise and automate all kinds of processes.
这意味着利用从数据中点滴收集到的知识,对各类进程加以最优化和自动化。 ecocn

This step is the process where the sequence of activities, resources needed for the activities, and the duration of each activity is used to optimise the overall project schedule.
这一步是用活动顺序,活动所需资料,每个活动需时来优化整个项目时间表的过程。 yeeyan

Using computer- controlled valves, the system will optimise its energy efficiency by accurately matching the extracted bleed flow from the engine to the actual system requirements.
利用计算机控制的阀门,该系统根据实际需要,精确控制从引擎中分流的废气,从而优化能量转化效率。 yeeyan

When processing persistent messages it is recommended to run many instances of the application concurrently in order to optimise the efficiency of the queue manager log.
处理持久消息时,建议并行运行应用程序的多个实例,以优化队列管理器日志的效率。 ibm

Yet as any programmer knows, it would be a mistake to optimise prematurely.
正如任何程序员所知道的那样,过早地优化可能是一个错误。 ibm

You may be asked to Optimise the database.
可能会请求您优化数据库。 ibm




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