

单词 oppresses
释义 op·press·es 英ə'pres美ə'pres COCA⁷⁶²⁹⁷BNC⁹¹⁵¹⁷⁺
vt. 使烦恼

make sb feel uncomfortable, worried or unhappy

vt. 压迫,压制

rule or treat sb with continual injustice or cruelty

come down on or keep down by unjust use of one's authority;

The government oppresses political activists

cause to suffer;

Jews were persecuted in the former Soviet Union

oppress, depress, weigh


1.weigh在结果或降低的程度上比depress弱,但更侧重困难或负重,常和down, on或upon连用。


The little girl depressed the button.这个小女孩按下按钮。
Bad weather depresses me.坏天气使我感到郁闷。
His defeat in the last cross-country race depressed him.他在上一次越野赛中的失败使他感到沮丧。

3.oppress即像weigh一样强调重负,也像 depress一样强调结果。

oppress, repress, suppress


1.suppress和repress均可表示压制某种感情、欲望等,还可表示平息或镇压叛乱、反叛等, suppress还可指“禁止”“扣留”等; oppress指反动阶级压迫工人、农民、知识分子等,还可表示“使某人沮丧”。

2.suppress和repress指用武力或军事手段平息叛乱; oppress指通过政权控制,用苛捐杂税、酷刑等高压政治手段压迫。

3.suppress和repress是中性词,其对象可以是叛军、黑社会、土匪、流氓等,也可以是人民、工人、农民、知识分子等; oppress的对象则是人民、工人、农民、知识分子等。





用作动词 v.
~+名词oppress the conquered people压迫被征服的民族oppress the poor压迫穷人oppress sb's spirits使某人精神沮丧~+副词oppress cruelly残忍地压迫oppress rigidly顽固地压制oppress ruthlessly无情地压迫oppress sorely非常烦扰oppress sternly苛刻地压制~+介词be oppressed by worry因忧虑而烦扰be oppressed with anxiety因焦虑而烦扰be oppressed with poverty因贫困而烦扰
近义词 tax税press按cloud云saddle鞍task任务wear磨损load负荷pain痛苦dash猛冲down向下worry撕咬weigh衡量crush压碎break打碎hound猎狗gripe抱怨burden负担coerce强制cumber拖累hamper妨碍compel强迫occupy占用prey牺牲者darken变暗repress抑制torment苦痛weary疲倦的smother窒息wrong错误的dominate支配harass使疲乏distress不幸suppress镇压grieve使伤心overbear威压stifle使窒息subdue使服从persecute迫害harry不断骚扰depress使沮丧subjugate征服keep down抑制afflict使苦恼overwhelm打击overload使超载sadden使黯淡dispirit使沮丧discourage阻碍overmaster压倒embitter使受苦fag尤英)苦工…surcharge额外费overwork过度操劳dishearten使沮丧tyrannize施行虐政exhaust使筋疲力尽deject垂头丧气的…squelch发出嘎吱声overcharge讨价过高aggrieve 使 … 受屈overdrive汽车超速档weigh down使 … 负重担…
S+~+ n./pron.Many troubles oppressed my father.我父亲因各种困扰而意志消沉。
The unhappy marriage oppressed him.不美满的婚姻使他如同背上沉重的包袱。
A sense of trouble ahead oppressed my spirits.前途困难重重的感觉使我精神沮丧。
It seemed that the realization of his life's dream oppressed him with overjoy.夙愿得偿似乎使他欣喜若狂。
She was oppressed by her many woes.她的许多烦恼使她受到压抑。
Women are often oppressed by men.女人经常受男人压迫。
He felt oppressed with the heat.他热得难受。



用作动词Caresoppressedhis spirits.忧虑使他心情抑郁。
The kingoppressedhis people with terrible taxes and punishments.国王以苛捐杂税和严刑来压迫人民。
Free governments do notoppresstheir people or attack other free nations.自由政府不会压迫其人民或者攻击其他自由国家。 A ruler who oppresses the poor is a beating rain that leaves no food.
穷人欺压贫民,好像暴雨冲没粮食。 blog.sina.com.cn

The volcano is there, but it is held in place by the heavy mountain of the Arab state, which oppresses its people very well and has learned how to play the game of elections.
火山虽已出现,但奈何仍被阿拉伯国家这座大山牢牢压住,这些国家很成功地压制了民众,并且学会了选举游戏的玩法。 ecocn

Because of the T. viride universality, oppresses diversity and parasites universality, it is one kind that has the very potential bio prevention fungus.
由于绿色木霉的广泛适应性、拮抗多样性和寄生广谱性,因此它是一种很有潜力的生防菌。 fabiao

Condemnation does not liberate, it oppresses.
谴责不会解放而只会压迫。 blog.sina.com.cn

Don't look this advantage small, does not believe you surf the Net and see the news, it is ap test to happen in the small place that common right bullies and oppresses the thing of common people.
不要小觑这一点优势,不信你上彀看看新闻,公权逼迫苍生地工作最轻易发作在小中央。 www.35cai.com

He huffed: “ We don’t need to read Western newspapers. All say the same: ‘ Qaddafi a dictator, oppresses his people.’”
他生气了:“我们不需要看西方报纸,说的都是同一套:‘卡扎菲是独裁者,他镇压他的人民。’” yeeyan

He intends to quarrel with the guard but he oppresses his anger coming back to the car.
杰克想跟那个保安员讲讲理,可是他压住火,回到车里。 blog.sina.com.cn

He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.
欺压贫寒的,是辱没造他的主;怜悯穷乏的,乃是尊敬主。 ebigear

That which oppresses me, is it my soul trying to come out in the open, or the soul of the world knocking at my heart for its entrance?
压迫着我的到底是我想要走出的灵魂呢?还是那世界的灵魂,敲着我的心门,想要进来呢? blog.sina.com.cn

That which oppresses me, is it my soul trying to come out in the open, or.
压迫着我的,到底是我的想要外出的灵魂呢,还是那世界的灵魂,敲着我心的门。 newbupt

That is where we are at, we most of us disagree with the way their govt oppresses their people.
这也正是我们坚持的,我们我们中的大多数不同意他们政府镇压他们人民的方式。 chnmilitary

The government oppresses political activists.
政府压制政治活动家。 nciku

The people will react against the political system that oppresses them.
人民会反抗压迫他们的政治制度。 jukuu

To all those who have died in the struggle against foreign and local oppresses.
献给那些在反抗外国和本地的压迫者而牺牲的人们。 sciencenet

What is more, it oppresses and exploits the workers.
他们又是压迫和剥削工人的。 jukuu




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