

单词 opposing
释义 opposing 英ə'pəʊzɪŋ美ə'pozɪŋ ★☆☆☆☆高T牛COCA⁹³⁰⁹BNC¹²²⁸⁹iWeb⁷³²³Economist⁵⁸⁷⁸
characterized by active hostility;

opponent or opposing armies

oppose反对opposing coil反作用线圈series opposing线圈等的反向串联…opposing current逆流opposing reaction对抗反应,对峙反应…opposing needling巨刺opposing winding反作用绕组opposing value相反价值opposing torque反抗转矩opposing values相销价值opposing enzyme拮抗酶opposing connection对绕
蒋争熟词记忆oppose反对-ing…的⇒对面的;相对的;相反的oppose反对-ing…的⇒对面的;相对的;相反的近义词 rival竞争者opponent对手defiant挑衅的hostile敌对的opposed反对的negative否定的opposite相反的resistant抵抗的disparate不同的divergent分歧的competing竞争的competitive竞争的incoherent不连贯的contradictory矛盾的conflicting相冲突的antagonistic对抗性的contrasting动词contrast的现…differing动词differ的现在进…

用作形容词At our planning meeting we heard twoopposingopinions.在我们的计划会议上,我们听到两种相反的意见。
EXAMPLE: At our planning meeting we heard twoopposingopinions;在我们的计划会议上,我们听到两种相反的意见。
A countercharge of libel was made by theopposingcounsel.对方律师提出诽谤罪的反诉。adj.at variance
同义词 antagonistic,conflictingcontending,rivaladverse,anti,opposite
反义词 agreeableallied
adverseadjective unfavorable, antagonistic
allergic to,conflicting,contrary,detrimental,disadvantageous,down on,down side,have no use for,inimical,injurious,inopportune,negative,opposed,oppositeoppugningornery,reluctant,repugnant,stuffy,unfortunate,unfriendly,unlucky,unpropitious,unwilling
antipodeanadjective opposite
antonymicadjective opposite
antonymousadjective opposite
competitiveadjective willing to oppose
aggressive,ambitious,antagonistic,at odds,combative,competing,cutthroat,dog-eat-dog,emulous,killer,killer instinct,opposing,rival,streetwise,vying
conflicting adjective contradictory
adverse,antagonistic,antipathetic,at odds with,clashing,contrariant,contrary,disconsonant,discordant,discrepant,dissonant,incompatible,incongruent,incongruous,inconsistent,inconsonant,opposed,opposing,paradoxical,unfavorable,unmixable And in1979 he wrote an article opposing combat roles for women entitled, simply: “ Women Can't Fight”.
在1979年,他写过一篇反对女子参加战斗的文章,题目简单明了:“女人不能打仗”。 ecocn

The Republicans think they may be able to persuade one or two moderate Democrats to join them in opposing some legislation.
共和党员认为他们也许能够说服一两个较为温和的民主党员和他们一起反对一些立法。 ecocn

A skilful ball from John put out the opposing team's batsman.

But sleeping with the daughter of the leader of the opposing political faction is one indiscretion too many and Genji is forced into exile.
然而,与一个对立政治派别领袖女儿的鱼水之欢却是一件极为草率的行为,源氏也因此被迫流亡。 yeeyan

But if ends clash, the opposing group will favor maximum inefficiency in pursuit of the disliked goal.
但是,如果目的冲突,反对的群体憎恨这一目标,他们将赞成越没效率越好。 blog.sina.com.cn

He has nevertheless crafted a voting record suited to his district’s conservative bent, opposing the health-care bill because of its impact on TRICARE, a military health plan.
然而他精妙地创造出了适合该区保守倾向的投票记录,旨在反对推行医疗法案,因为该法案影响到了军方保健计划 TRICARE。 ecocn

He alternated between supporting me and opposing me.

It does create a process for opposing a patent afterwards, as in Europe, but some say it will still be too burdensome for the challenger.
这决议之后确实有一个允许反对专利的程序,就像欧洲那样,但有人说那个程序对挑战人来说太繁琐了。 ecocn

Many at the top of the party know that opposing government plans to expand choice in areas such as education and policing could make them look like enemies of the voters.
很多党内高层们明白,反对政府在一些领域比如教育和警察部门扩大选择面的计划,可能使他们看上去成了选民的敌人。 ecocn

No matter what side of the argument a person is on, you can be sure that at least one other person has an opposing view.
不管那人所持的是哪方面的反对意见,你可以肯定的是至少有另一个人持有反对观点。 eswnman

Regardless of one matter in two sides or two matters in two sides, they both determine that the world is of two sides, thereby explaining that the world is contradictory and opposing.
不管是一物两面还是两物两面,都从物理上决定了世界是两面的世界,于是我们看到的世界是矛盾的世界、是对立的世界也能得到解释。 yeeyan

Senate Republicans have said that they would object, but it is their own credibility that would be at risk in opposing so qualified a candidate.
参议院的共和党人曾表示他们会反对这一举措,但反对如此优秀的候选人会使他们自己的可信度受到威胁。 yeeyan

Some policemen found me and asked to meet me because they disliked points I was making opposing“ censorship”.
还有警察看到我反对审查制度的文章后会找我,因为他们不喜欢这样的观点。 yeeyan

The team's efforts to score were frustrated by the opposing goalkeeper.

The two economists’ opposing philosophies so frustrated him that he switched for a while to mathematics, and at that time had his first introduction to people who were teaching marketing.
这两位经济学家对立的思想观点让他很是迷茫,因此有段时间他转而学习数学。就是在那段时间里第一次接触了教授营销学的一批人。 ecocn

There is an opposing school of thought which holds that there is no difference between client and binding mode connections.
存在一个对立的学术流派,他们坚持认为客户端和绑定模式连接之间不存在任何差异。 ibm

These attitudes of indulging children and disrespect towards teachers should arouse more opposing voices.
这种宠爱孩子和不尊重教师的态度应该引起更多反对的呼声。 hxen

These men can very easily especially in adverse times seize the state, either by abandoning him or by opposing him.
这些人能非常容易地尤其在困难时期夺取政权,或者是抛弃他或是反对他。 yeeyan

They all want to keep questions of trade and climate change separate, opposing things like carbon duties.
他们都想把贸易问题和气候变化问题分开讨论,反对诸如”碳税“这样的产物。 ecocn

Those opposing action on climate change understand this well and frequently use images of electric light at night in their publicity as a metaphor for excitement, civilisation, and progress.
那些反对环保行动的人深知这一点,经常在他们的宣传中使用夜晚电灯的形象,作为兴奋、文明和进步的隐喻。 yeeyan

Tom was ordered off in the second half after another yellow card for fouling on the opposing player.




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