

单词 opportunists
释义 opportunists ˌɔpəˈtu:nɪsts COCA⁴⁸⁹⁴⁹BNC⁴⁰²⁰³Economist²⁹⁹⁰¹⁺
n.贬机会主义者opportunist的名词复数原型opportunist的复数 A number of people said cloud computing presents difficult security problems and further exposes private information to governments, corporations, thieves, opportunists, and human and machine error.
多数人指出云计算会产生一些严重的安全问题,个人的信息会更多地暴露给政府、公司,小偷,投机者,人类以及机器错误。 yeeyan

It includes some opportunists but at its core are ferocious fighters linked to al- Qaeda who are intent on creating a caliphate of Greater Somalia, including chunks of Ethiopia and Kenya.
组织中不乏一些机会主义者,但是核心力量则是与基地组织有关联的斗士。他们目的在建立一个更大的索马里哈里发辖地,囊括埃塞俄比亚和肯尼亚的大块领土。 ecocn

It is wrong lightly to label people“ opportunists” or lightly to begin “ waging struggles” against them.
轻易地给人们戴上“机会主义”的大帽子,轻易地采用“开展斗争”的方法,是不对的。 dictall

The “ Left” opportunists who dominated our Party at the time opposed his proposal, asserting that it was not a correct class line.
当时在我们党内“左”倾机会主义占统治地位,他们反对这个主张,说这不是阶级路线。 iciba

The perception of raw aridity is belied by a surprising amount of life: insects and lizards, the colorful opportunists.
原始干旱的观念被数量惊人的生物证明是错误的:昆虫和蜥蜴,还有五颜六色的机会主义者。 yeeyan

“ But certain countries have rushed to judgment and have supported the illegal gatherings and the disturbances that a number of opportunists had created, ” the ministry said.
该部长声称,“但某些国家却急于妄下论断并支持一些非法集会和由一小撮机会主义分子制造的混乱”。 yeeyan

During such times, there would inevitably be opportunists as well as other external parties who may have different agendas and motives.

I'm a gold-digger, burrowing in from the land of opportunists.
我是个掘金者,在机会主义的土地上挖掘。 neworldedu

If defense cost is small enough, reciprocators and opportunists will coexist even if part reciprocators take defense measure.
若防范成本足够小,则即使只有部分个体采取防范措施,机会主义者也不能主宰系统。 cnki

In countries such as the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam, such offspring were seen as negative reminders of Western male colonizers and Eastern female war victims and opportunists.
在菲律宾、泰国、越南等国家,混血后裔勾起人痛苦的回忆,使人们想起当年的西方男性殖民者和东方女性战争受害者,以及投机分子。 ebigear

It is a convenient doctrine for reformists and opportunists in the revolutionary ranks.
这也正是改良派和革命队伍内机会主义者的理论。 hotdic

Most credit thieves are opportunists, not well-organized gangs.
第一段介绍了最大的一起信用卡窃盗案; xue

Narcissists can give the illusion of closeness, having empathy, and warmth yet they also are relational opportunists.
自恋者能给人容易接近,有同情心,温暖亲切的幻觉,但是他们也是关系的机会主义者。 yeeyan

Of course not. The opportunists just have to admit defeat.
当然不能,机会主义者只有认输一法。 jukuu

On the videos, the thieves often seem more like opportunists than hardened criminals.
在录像里,这些偷车贼通常看上去更像机会主义者,而不是惯犯。 hjenglish

Others assert that thieves, opportunists, or political opponents murdered him.
还有其他的猜测是盗贼、偶然事故或者政敌谋杀。 yeeyan

Politicians who change their minds on matters of policy tend to be stigmatised as opportunists devoid of principle. This was as true in the19th century as it is today.
顺政策而动的政治家往往被视为不讲原则的机会主义者,19世纪如此,今天也不例外。 ecocn

Stimulated by holding many shares, institutional shareholders are more effective in dealing with agency problems in the corporation, but also behave as opportunists sometimes.
受持股较多的内在激励,机构投资股东在解决公司内部的代理问题时比较有效,但也会滋生机会主义行为。 cnki

To this group of rogue military types, armchair revolutionaries and opportunists, the endgame is not elections, but regime change.
对这帮流氓军人以及不切实际的革命和机会主义来说,最后的阶段不是选举,而是政权的改变。 ecocn

Warren Buffett believes where most are being paralyzed by imagined fear, opportunists are born.
沃伦巴菲特认为大多数人被想象的恐惧所瘫痪时,机会此时产生。 yeeyan

Opportunists pounce on undervalued mortgage paper and bank shares.
投机者追捧超值的抵押贷款和银行类股。 ecocn

Opportunists who seek to gain political advantage by blaming the shootings on words would do America better service if they focused on bullets.
试图获取政治优势的机会主义者们,将枪击事件归咎于极端的政治言论。 事实上如果他们的着眼点放在枪支上的话,对美国更有利。 ecocn




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