

单词 opponents
释义 opponents 英ə'pəʊnənts美ə'pəʊnənts COCA⁴¹⁷⁶BNC⁴⁴¹¹Economist²⁰⁵²
名词 opponent:
a contestant that you are matched againstsomeone who offers oppositionOur clever tactics confounded ouropponents.我们的巧妙战术弄得对手不知所措。
He blackens hisopponentsby giving them names.他用起各种外号来诽谤他的对手。noun.person with whom one competes
同义词 adversary,aspirant,candidate,challenger,competitor,enemy,foe,opposition,player,rivalantagonist,anti,assailant,bandit,bidder,con,contestant,disputant,entrant,litigant,match,opposercounteragent,dark horse,dissentient,oppugnant
反义词 ally,assistant,friend,helperassociate,colleague Have you been impressed by the civility of the discussion and the intellectual honesty of reform opponents?
你是否已经对医改反对者那客套的讨论和理智的诚实留下了深刻印象? yeeyan

Mr Chávez may not—yet—be a dictator, as some of his opponents aver, but he is an autocrat.
查韦斯先生可能并不是他一些对手所称的独裁者,但他是一个独断专行的人。 ecocn

The Grand Senoussi was one of the first authentic Arab national rulers and opponents of European colonialism of the modern era.
伟大的赛努西部族是第一个真正的阿拉伯国家的统治者和近代欧洲殖民主义对手之一。 yeeyan

What does, ironically, veer more towards sensationalism, are the attempts by opponents of climate action to lambast such discussions as opportunistic, to try to shut down the dialogue.
但是讽刺的是那些气候行动的对手试图谴责这样的讨论,正如投机取巧的试图关闭对话,这些才是更加的哗众取宠。 yeeyan

While history is rewritten by its winners, it is at times sullied by its opponents too.
然而,历史是由胜利者改写的,它有时也会遭到它的反对者的玷污。 yeeyan

And since our opponents in this presidential election seem to look down on that experience, let me explain to them what the job involves.
由于我们的对手似乎看轻我这项经验,让我向他们解释这项工作包括了什么。 iciba

But Martelly says despite being opponents for the presidency, he and Jean are friends.
马特里表示尽管两人在竞选中是对手,但他和金还是朋友。 yeeyan

Collect shields to plow through your opponents with.
收集盾牌可以自由通过你的对手。 yeeyan

Even the staunchest opponents of spelling reform should feel dismayed at seeing the list in the title of this essay.
即使是对拼写改革最忠实的反对者,看到这篇文章标题里的一串单词时也会觉得沮丧。 yeeyan

Giving in to intimidation subverts your ability to lead and negotiate while giving your opponents leverage to use against you.
向恐吓低头只能削弱你领导和谈判的能力,同时也给了对手攻击你的绝好理由。 yeeyan

He appears to have persuaded some white and middle- class voters that he is not the left-wing firebrand his opponents made him out to be during the election campaign.
他看似说服了一些白人选民和中产阶级选民,让他们相信自己不是那个在竞选活动中被对手捏造出的左翼煽动者。 yeeyan

He defeated his opponents in this election.

He keeps his opponents guessing what he would do next.

In many cities, both opponents and supporters of Muslim construction projects have realised that this issue engages voters far more than drains or libraries do.
在许多城市,支持和反对修建穆斯林建筑计划的双方都已经认识到这一议题远比水渠或者图书馆更吸引选民。 ecocn

She frowned down all her opponents.

That way, the junta would not only eliminate its political opponents; it would steal their children.
就这样,军政权不仅要消灭他们的政治对手,还偷走了他们的孩子。 yeeyan

They exhibit all the virtues of the first team, with the vanquished opponents barely touching the ball.
他们展示了一队的所有品质,仅仅是不让对手碰到皮球,便征服了他们。 yeeyan

They may also feel they have a right to the jobs and the perks their opponents enjoyed.
他们也可能感觉他们有工作的权利和他们的对手所享受到的特权。 yeeyan

They see it as their call. A campaign would give your opponents an opportunity to mount their own campaign against you.
他们把它看成是向自己发出的召唤,而举行竞选将让对手有机会组织自己的力量来反对你。 yeeyan

This shift can be complex, expensive and there is no shortage of opponents to the change.
这种转变是复杂的、昂贵的,而且从来不缺少这种变革的反对者。 ibm

We should accept the fact that not all people will praise the authorities, and we do not need to show that there are no opponents in China.
我们要接受这样一个事实,不是所有的人都会赞扬政府,我们没有必要向外界展示中国没有反对者。 yeeyan

Yet both allies and opponents alike believe he has neither the gumption nor the authority forcefully to push for these goals.
然而盟友和反对者都认为,福田既没有魄力也没有威信能强有力地推动目标的实现。 ecocn

Opponents of the bill claim it discriminates against black and poor voters.
该法案的反对者宣称这是对黑人和穷人选民的歧视。 ecocn




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