

单词 opiate
释义 o·pi·ate 英ˈəʊpiːɪt, -ˌeɪt美ˈopiɪt, -ˌetAHDōʹpē-ĭt, -āt' ☆☆☆☆☆高四GMS宝COCA²⁹⁹³⁴BNC⁴⁵⁸²⁰iWeb¹⁵²⁴⁵

a narcotic drug that contains opium or an opium derivative来自opium,鸦片,-ate,表属性。引申词义鸦片制剂。GRE红宝书opi源于: option选择, ate吃-可以选择吃和不吃-鸦片
GRE难词记忆opiate→ pirate n.海盗→海盗私运鸦片制剂piraten.海盗⇒海盗私运鸦片制剂来自opiumn.鸦片近义词 sleepy欲睡的narcotic麻醉药depressant有镇静作用的…

用作名词Music is a beautifulopiate, if you don't take it too seriously.只要不过于沉醉于其中,音乐是一种美丽的麻醉剂。noun.drug
同义词 narcotic,opium,sedative,tranquilizeranodyne,depressant,dope,downer,hypnotic,soporificdormitive
anaestheticsnoun sleep-inducing or numbing drug
anestheticnoun sleep-inducer
analgesic,anodyne,dope,gas,general anesthetic,hypnosis,inhalant,local anesthetic,pain-killer,shot,soporific,spinal
anesthetic/anaestheticnoun sleep-inducer
analgesic,anodyne,dope,gas,general anesthetic,hypnotic,inhalant,local anesthetic,narcotic,opiate,pain-killer,shot,soporific,spinal
anestheticsnoun sleep-inducer
analgesics,anodynes,dopes,gases,general anesthetics,hypnoses,inhalants,local anesthetics,opiates,pain-killers,shots,soporifics,spinals
dopenoun drug
drugnoun medication
biologic,cure,depressant,dope,essence,medicament,medicinal,medicine,narcotic,opiate,pharmaceutic,pharmaceutical,physic,pill,poison,potion,prescription,remedy,sedative,stimulant,tonic An opiate vapor, dewy, dim, Exhales from out her golden rim.
看它露水一般微弱的朦朦雾气,从黄金轮廓中散发出来。 douban

Karl Marx was right when he said, “ Religion is the opiate of the people.”
卡尔·马克思的观点是对的:“宗教是人民的精神鸦片。” yeeyan

The hot weather of July had crept upon them unawares, and the atmosphere of the flat vale hung heavy as an opiate over the dairy- folk, the cows, and the trees.
七月的炎热天气在不知不觉中来到了人们身边,平坦山谷中的大气好像麻醉剂一样,既沉重又沉闷,笼罩着奶牛场的人们、奶牛和树木。 hjenglish

The shopping mall is now the opiate of the masses.
购物中心现在成了大众的镇痛剂。 yeeyan

Enkephalins are a type of opiate that the body produces to dull pain sensations, but in cases of chronic pain, these agents appear not to flow in sufficient quantities.
脑啡肽是机体产生的一种类型的缓解疼痛感觉的阿片受体,但在慢性疼痛的情况下,这些物质似乎流量不够。 www.1x1y.com.cn

It is important to clarify the mechanism of opiate inhibition on OT neurons in the SON and OT secretion.
这些问题的回答对阐明阿片抑制视上核OT阳性神经元及 OT释放的机制有重要意义。 cnki

It cites UN estimates that opiate use increased35% worldwide from1998 to2008, cocaine by 27%, and cannabis by 8.5%.
该报告引用了联合国发布的数据,估计1998年至2008年,全球鸦片使用增长35%,可卡因增长27%,大麻增长8.5%。 yeeyan

Nato and US forces are trying to promote the growth of agricultural crops in the country, instead of the opiate- producing plants.
他们正在努力推动该国的农作物生长,而不是鸦片工厂。 yeeyan

Objective To review the neurochemical substrates of opiate reinforcement.
目的综述阿片强化的神经化学机制。 iciba

Once pain has been registered for20-40 minutes, the body will begin to produce opiate- like chemicals to reduce pain sensation.
一旦疼痛记录保持20到40分钟时,身体就会开始产生沉迷依赖类的化学物质以减轻疼痛感。 yeeyan

Our experiments used acetaminophen for the obvious reason that it’s safer and simpler for people to take on a daily basis than an opiate.
我们的实验使用退热净来替代鸦片制剂的原因是它在每日服用的时候对人更加安全简单。 yeeyan

Religion isn't the opiate of masses, fashion is.
信仰不是群众的鸦片流行才是。 blog.sina.com.cn

Studies since the1980s have looked into its effect on opiate centers of the brain, hoping for a treatment for depression or alcoholism.
从1980年代开始的研究显示,咖啡因对大脑的麻痹中心具有作用,这可能用于治疗抑郁或者酗酒。 yeeyan

The effects of formaldehyde fixation on the binding capacity of opiate receptors were studied with radioreceptor assay and in vitro receptor autoradiography.
应用放射受体分析和体外受体放射自显影技术,研究了甲醛固定对阿片受体结合能力的影响。 cnki

The revolutionary ideology was the opiate of the Arab world, distracting citizens from the manifest failure of their rulers.
这种革命的意识形态是阿拉伯世界的精神鸦片,转移了公民对统治者执政无能的不满。 yeeyan

These natural pain killers may act somewhat like an opiate drug, drawing the mother again and again to contact with her pups.

They relate a dismal roll-call of anxiety, stress, depression, alcohol and opiate addictions, child abuse and suicides.
这些病人通常沾染上可怕的点名焦虑,压力,忧郁,酒精和毒瘾,儿童受到伤害并自杀。 ecocn

This could help them produce codeine and other opiate drugs more efficiently and economically in controlled bioprocessing facilities.
这样可以帮助他们更有效和经济地控制生物加工装置以生产可待因和其他镇痛类药物。 dxy

This is one of the world's highest rates of opiate addiction.
这个比例是全世界各高发地区的最高比例之一。 yeeyan

This legislation created a major paradigm shift by allowing access to opiate treatment in a medical setting rather than limiting it to specialized drug treatment clinics.
这项立法创造了一个重大的范例转换,允许在医疗背景下进入阿片类药物治疗,而不是局限在专门的药物治疗诊所。 cmesn

This suggests that this constituent of coffee may interact with the opiate system of the brain, which has been implicated in regulation of mood and well-being and in alcoholism and drug addiction.
这提示我们,咖啡的这种要素可能会与大脑的安眠系统相结合,而这与情绪调节相关,也与酒精中毒及毒瘾有关。 baristacn

To me, sports are the opiate of the people, as the Roman emperors discovered long ago.
在我看来,体育运动是人们的精神鸦片,这一点昔日罗马的君王很早也已经感觉到了。 yeeyan

To test whether YQRFSR worked via the body's natural opiate pathway, the team injected other animals with a compound known to cause spasms by tickling natural opiate receptors.
为了测试 YQRFSR是否是通过对身体本身的阿片起作用,研究者对其它的动物注射一种能接合本身阿片受体导致痉挛的化合物。 dxy

When a patient is given an opiate like morphine, pain signals are still transmitted from sensory nerves to the central nervous system.
当给一名患者使用鸦片制剂如吗啡时,痛觉信号仍然继续从感受器传递到中央神经系统。 dxy




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