

单词 ophthalmic
释义 oph·thal·mic 英ɒfˈθælmɪk, ɒp-美ɑfˈθælmɪk, ɑp-AHDŏf-thălʹmĭk, ŏp- ☆☆☆☆☆高COCA⁷⁶⁹²⁰BNC³⁸²²²iWeb²¹⁷¹⁰

of or relating to the eye;

ophthalmic defect

of or relating to ophthalmology;

ophthalmic surgery

ophthalmo-,眼睛,-ic,形容词后缀。ophthalmic optician有眼科证书的光学…optician眼镜商ophthalmic lens镜片ophthalmic vesicle医 眼泡ophthalmic forceps眼用镊ophthalmic nerve眼神经ophthalmic scalpel眼用手术刀ophthalmic cup医 视杯ophthalmic scissors眼科剪刀,眼用手…ophthalmic chair检眼椅ophthalmic instruments眼科手术器械…ophthalmic artery眼动脉ophthalmic reaction眼反应ophthalmic diseases眼科疾病ophthalmic solution眼用溶液ophthalmic needle眼科缝合针ophthalmic vein眼静脉ophthalmic suture眼科用缝合线…ophthalmic segment眼节,眼柄节…
ophthalm-ic…的⇒adj.眼睛的¹⁷;眼科的³¹;眼炎的n.眼药²²adj.眼炎的³⁰;眼的;与眼睛有关的;治眼病的n.近义词 optic视觉的

用作形容词Cathy later went on to become anophthalmicsurgeon.凯茜后来成为一位眼科外科医生。
He wants to know which is the bestophthalmichospital in the country.他想知道国内最好的眼科医院是哪家。as in.ocular
同义词 eye,optic,sight,visualvisibleas in.sensory
同义词 audiovisual,auditory,aural,neural,neurological,olfactory,sensual,sonic,tactile,visualsensationalacoustic,afferent,audible,auricular,clear,discernible,distinct,gustative,gustatory,hearable,lingual,ocular,olfactive,optic,perceptible,phonic,plain,receptive,sensatory,sensible
ocularadjective with the eye
sensoryadjective affecting animate nerve organs
acoustic,afferent,audible,audiovisual,auditory,aural,auricular,clear,discernible,distinct,gustative,gustatory,hearable,lingual,neural,neurological,ocular,olfactive,olfactory,ophthalmic,optic,perceptible,phonic,plain,receptive,sensational,sensatory,sensible,sensual,sonic,tactile,visual A common problem with ophthalmic diseases is that patients fail to apply their eye drops as prescribed.
眼部疾病的普遍问题是患者不能按照医嘱使用滴眼液。 ecocn

A new body, an independent commissioning board, would be established to advise and monitor the consortia, and would itself purchase dentistry, pharmacy and ophthalmic services.
届时将会成立新的机构一个独立的资金支配委员会,对资金支配联合组织进行建议及监督,而新机构本身还将负责牙医、药房以及眼科治疗费用的支付。 ecocn

It has broad prospection in the field of ophthalmic medication.
在眼科用药等领域中具有广阔的前景。 lwgsw

The application of antisense technology in ophthalmology is introduced briefly in the review. This may be helpful to the studies in ophthalmic research field.
本文对反义技术的概念及其在眼科领域中的应用作了简要介绍,以期对眼科领域的研究有所帮助。 cnki

The implant was developed by a German company, Retinal Implant AG, alongside the Institute for Ophthalmic Research at the University of Tuebingen.
植入是由一家德国公司,视网膜植体与工业学院大学眼科研究 Tuebingen。 yeeyan

The Ophthalmology Innovation Summit OIS brings together leaders in the development of ophthalmic products, drugs, and devices.
眼科创新峰会 OIS汇集领导人在眼科产品,药品和设备的发展。 www.med365.com.cn

Clearly, ophthalmic imaging offers unique opportunities to examine neural, vascular and connective tissue components of the central nervous system.
显然地,眼睛成像为检查中枢神经系统的神经、血管和结缔组织等提供了独一无二的机会。 dxy

Compared to methylcellulose, HPMC produces solutions of greater clarity, with fewer undispersed fibers present, and is therefore preferred in formulations for ophthalmic use.
与甲基纤维素比较, HPMC导致溶液更加的清晰, 只是回有较少未被分散的纤维,因此更是眼科使用方面的首选。 blog.sina.com.cn

Conclusion The highest morbidity of diabetic complication in Zhejiang province is cardiovascular disease, secondly, ophthalmic disease and nephropathy.
结论浙江省糖尿病患者并发症患病率最高的是心血管疾病,其次是眼科疾病和肾病。 cnki

Corneal Topography has become an indispensable assistant tool in the modern clinical ophthalmic operation.
在眼科临床手术中角膜地形图是不可缺少的辅助检查部分。 cnki

Indeed it seems likely that ophthalmic imaging has much more to offer in the study and clinical management of major systemic diseases.
事实上看起来,眼科成像在研究和临床治疗主要系统性疾病中,似乎能提供更多内容。 dxy

Methods The clinical features, diagnosis and microsurgery of15 patients with suprasellar meningiomas misdiagnosed as ophthalmic diseases were reviewed retrospectively.
方法报告15例被误诊为眼科疾病的鞍上脑膜瘤的临床表现、诊断及显微外科治疗。 cnki

Micro scalpel for ophthalmic surgery introduced.
眼科显微外科手术刀的系列。 pathology

OBJECTIVE To analyze risk factors of hospital acquired infectionHAI in ophthalmic clinic, and to plan to manage and prevent HAI.
目的分析眼科门诊医院感染的危险因素,提出对策,有效管理和预防医院感染。 cnki

Objective To study the clinical value of ultrasound imaging in ophthalmic emergency.
目的探讨眼科急诊超声的临床应用价值。 chemyq

Objective:To help to realize the basic principle and the latest developments of the ophthalmic optical- instruments that applied to clinical application.
目的:帮助了解眼科光学仪器适用于临床的基本光学原理和最新发展。 dictall

Other researchers are also working on similar technologies, including Eberhardt Zrenner, director of the Institute for Ophthalmic Research at the University of Tübingen in Germany.
其他科学家也在研究同样的技术,包括德国图宾根大学眼科研究中心的负责人艾伯哈特•茨伦纳。 ecocn

Product quality reliability of ophthalmic medical instrument is particularly important in all medical instruments.
在医疗器械中眼科医疗器械的产品质量可靠性尤为重要。 cnki

Retired ophthalmic nurse Michael Stringer from Westcliff-on- Sea in the UK won first prize in the2008 Nikon Small World competition with this 200x magnified image of diatomsa type of marine algae.
来自英国斯特克利夫海边的退休眼科护士 Michael Stringer,凭借放大了两百倍而拍摄的硅藻照片,赢得了2008年尼康微观摄影大赛的一等奖。 iciba

Since the reform and opening up, ophthalmic resources have rapidly developed in China.
改革开放以来,我国眼科资源取得较快增长。 cnki

The results are reported in a paper by Professor Eberhart Zrenner, Director of the Institute for Ophthalmic Research at the University Eye Hospital in Tuebingen, Germany.
研究结果已经由来自德国图宾根眼科医学院,眼科研究所主任 Eberhart Zrenner教授在文献中发表。 yeeyan

The study was published in the May issue of Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics.
该研究在五月出版的《眼科与生理光学》上发表。 ebigear

This result provided some new explanations about the effect and complications of ophthalmic cryotherapy related to RPE.
这一结果对探讨眼科冷冻治疗中涉及 RPE的治疗效应和并发症提供了某些新的解释。 cnki

Typical and unique in the images, ultrasonic diagnosis serves as a new important method in ophthalmic examination.
作者认为其图像典型,有特异性,是无创性眼科检查的新的重要方法。 cnki




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